楊寶芝 崔薇1 李靜1
(山東省濟南市第二人民醫院婦科,濟南250001; 1山東中醫藥大學第二附屬醫院生殖醫學科,濟南250001)
【摘 要】目的:觀察電針對多囊卵巢綜合征(PCOS)患者卵子質量、幹細胞因子(SCF)及妊娠結局的影響,並探討其作用機制。方法:將接受體外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)的PCOS患者200例按照隨機數字表法分為電針組(102例)、對照組(98例),電針組在超促排卵過程中加電針干預,取腎俞、氣海、足三里、三陰交、內關、子宮穴,每次30 min,每日1次。比較兩組患者血清、卵泡液SCF水平,獲卵數,受精率,卵裂率,優質胚胎率(優胚率),臨床妊娠率,卵巢過度刺激綜合徵發生率,周期取消率,早期流產率,促性腺激素(Gn)用藥量及時間,SCF與優胚率的相關性。結果:①電針干預可顯著提高PCOS患者的優胚率(P<0.05),並將臨床妊娠率提高8.36%;②電針干預可顯著提高血清及卵泡液SCF水平(P<0.01);③妊娠患者血清、卵泡液SCF水平均高於非妊娠患者(P<0.05);④電針組Gn用量及用藥時間明顯少於對照組(P<0.05);⑤血清及卵泡液SCF水平與優胚率呈顯著正相關性(P<0.01)。結論:電針能夠改善PCOS患者卵子質量,提高IVF-ET的臨床妊娠率,其機制可能與SCF水平有關。
【關鍵詞】 多囊卵巢綜合征電針 控制性超促排卵 幹細胞因子 優質胚胎率
【中圖分類號】 R245.9+7 【文獻標誌碼】 A 【DOI】 10.13702/j.1000-0607.2015.02.013
Effects of Electroacupuncture Interventionon Changes of Quality of Ovum and Pregnancy Outcome in Patients with PolycysticOvarian Syndrome
YANG Bao-zhi, CUI Wei1, LI Jing1 (Department of Gynaecology, Jinan Municipal Second People』s Hospital, Jinan 250001, China;1Department of Reproductive Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250001)
【ABSTRACT】 Objective To observe the effect of electroacupuncture(EA) treatment on the quality of ovum, stem cell factor(SCF) and the pregnancy outcome in patients with polycystic ovariansyndrome (PCOS), so as to explore its mechanism underlying improving pregnancyrate. Methods A total of 200 PCOSpatients undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transplantation (IVF-ET) wererandomly divided into control (medication) group (n=98) and EA group (n=102).For patients of the EA group who were undergoing controlled ovarianhyperstimulation, EA stimulation (5 Hz/20 Hz, 15-20 V) was applied to bilateralShenshu (BL 23), Qihai (CV 6), bilateral Zusanli (ST 36)-Sanyinjiao (SP 6), andbilateral Neiguan (PC 6)-Zigong (EX-CA 1) for 30 min, once daily till acceptingembryo transplant. Patients of the medication group were treated withcontrolled ovarian hyperstimulation using Diane-35, Decepepty, Gonadotrophin,human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, etc. Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH),testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), and progesterone (P) contents were detectedusing chemiluminescent method. SCFcontents in the serum and follicular fluid were assayed by ELISA. The number ofretrieved oocytes, fertilization rate, cleavage rate, high quality embryo rate,ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) incidence rate, cycle cancellationrate, cli-nical pregnancy rate, early abortion rate, Gn dosage andadministration duration, and the correlation between the high quality embryorate and SCF level were determined. Results Comparison between the two groups showed that the high quality embryorate, and serum and follicular fluid SCF contents were significantly higher inthe EA group than in the medication group (P<0.05,P<0.01), while thedosage and administration duration of Gn were significantly lower in the EAgroup than in the medication group (P<0.05). A positive correlation wasfound between the high quality embryo rate and the SCF level in both follicularfluid and serum (P<0.01). No significant differences were found between thetwo groups in the number of retrieved oocytes, fertilization rate,cleavagerate, clinical pregnancy rate, OHSS incidence rate, cycle cancellation rate,early abortion rate, serum LH, E2 and P contents (P>0.05). Conclusion EA can improve the high quality embryo rate, which may be related to itseffect in increasing serum and follicular fluid SCF levels.
【KEY WORDS】 Polycystic ovary syndrome;Electroacupuncture; Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation; Stem cell factor;High quality embryo rate
1 資料與方法
1.1 一般資料
表1 兩組多囊卵巢綜合征患者一般資料比較
Table1 Comparison of baseline data between the medication and EA groups inpolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients
項目(Items) |
對照組(Medication) |
電針(EA) |
例數(Cases) |
98 |
102 |
年齡(歲,x±s) Age(years) |
30.99±4.99 |
31.24±4.72 |
不孕年限(年,x±s) Duration of infertility(IF,years) |
4.69±3.41 |
4.36±3.16 |
體質量指數(kg/m2, x±s) Body mass index |
23.33±3.58 |
23.36±6.40 |
原發不孕(例) Primary IF(cases) |
46 |
50 |
繼發不孕(例) Secondary IF(cases) |
52 |
52 |
FSH(IU/L, x±s) |
6.66±2.16 |
6.43±2.02 |
LH(IU/L, x±s) |
4.76±2.96 |
4.65±2.96 |
E2(pmol/L, x±s) |
157.86±67.05 |
150.76±49.52 |
T(nmol/L, x±s) |
1.54±2.36 |
1.47±1.95 |
FSH:促卵泡激素(follicle-stimulating hormone); LH:促黃體生成素(luteinizinghormone); E2:雌二醇(estradiol); T:睾酮(testosterone).
1.2 診斷標準
參照2003年鹿特丹標準[3]:(1)偶發排卵和/或無排卵;(2)臨床和/或生化指標提示高雄激素血症,並排除其它可能致病的因素,如先天腎上腺增生、分泌雄激素腫瘤、庫欣綜合征等;(3)卵巢多囊性改變,B超檢查示每個切面有≥12個直徑2~9 mm的卵泡和/或卵巢體積增大>10 mL。符合其中兩項者即可診斷PCOS。
1.3 納入標準
1.4 排除標準
1.5 治療方法
1.5.1 長方案超促排卵
兩組患者均採用長方案超促排卵。於月經第3天開始給予達英-35(Diane-35,拜耳醫藥保健有限公司,21片/盒),每日1片,連用21 d;於月經第18天開始應用達必佳(Decepepty,德國Ferring公司產品,0.1 mg/支),每日0.1 mg皮下注射,連用10 d,改為每日0.05 mg,使用4 d;達到本中心降調節標準(E2<150 pmol/L,FSH、LH<5 IU/L,卵泡直徑<5 mm,子宮內膜厚度<5 mm)後,根據患者年齡、竇卵泡數給予Gn 150~225 IU/d啟動,並根據患者激素水平及卵泡生長情況調控Gn用量。當B超監測≥18 mm的卵泡占≥14 mm卵泡60%左右時,停用Gn及達必佳,當晚8:30時注射注射用人絨毛膜促性腺激素(hCG,中國麗珠集團)5 000~10 000 IU,36 h後在陰道B超引導下經陰道穿刺取卵,同時予黃體酮60 mg/d進行黃體支持,直至移植後14 d,若妊娠則繼續用藥至孕80d。取卵後72 h選擇優質胚胎移植,移植後14 d測尿hCG確定生化妊娠,移植後5周B超檢查宮腔內顯示孕囊及原始心管搏動確定為臨床妊娠,在妊娠12周前終止者確定為早期流產。
優質胚胎評定標準:卵子受精24~30 h後觀察胚胎髮育情況,根據卵裂球大小、數目、形態、對稱性、胞質的形態及分布將胚胎分為4級。 Ⅰ級胚胎:卵裂球大小均勻,外形規整,折光正常,透明帶完整,沒有或極少碎片(<10%);Ⅱ級胚胎:卵裂球大小不均勻或外形不規整,折光稍差,透明帶完整,碎片<10%;Ⅲ級胚胎:胚胎碎片<50%,剩餘卵裂球至少達Ⅱ級標準,具有活細胞折光度,透明帶完整;Ⅳ級胚胎:胚胎碎片≥50%,剩餘卵裂球仍具有活力。其中Ⅰ級、Ⅱ級胚胎為優質胚胎。
1.5.2 電針干預方案
電針組在應用達英-35 1個月經周期經凈後,開始加用電針干預,直至取卵日(月經期除外)。
取穴:腎俞(雙側)、氣海、足三里(雙側)、三陰交(雙側)、內關(雙側)、子宮(雙側)。進針前75%乙醇棉球消毒穴位區,採用華佗牌無菌針灸針,捻轉進針,行針,出現酸、麻、脹等得氣感覺後,用電針儀(G 6805-1脈衝治療電針儀,中國青島鑫升實業有限公司生產)接針灸針,採用疏密波,頻率5 Hz/20 Hz,電流強度15~30 V,以病人感覺舒適為度。接電極線穴位:子宮-內關,足三里-三陰交。每天1次,每次30 min,電針5 d,休息1~2 d,直至取卵日。
1.6 檢測指標
(1)血激素水平:用藥前月經第3天、hCG日抽取肘靜脈血3 mL,採用德國拜耳公司ACS-180全自動化學發光免疫分析系統檢測基礎FSH、LH、E2、T水平及hCG日E2、LH、黃體酮(P)水平。
(2)取卵日抽取肘靜脈血3 mL,3 000 r/min離心10 min,取上清於-80 ℃冰箱保存待檢。在陰道B超引導下穿刺取卵,保留直徑≥18 mm成熟的、清亮、無血染、含有卵母細胞的卵泡液,於常溫下3 000r/min離心10 min,取上清於-80 ℃冰箱保存待檢。檢測血清及卵泡液的幹細胞因子(SCF)水平,採用酶聯免疫吸附(ELISA)法,試劑為美國ADL公司產品。
1.7 統計學處理
採用SPSS 17.0軟體包進行統計學分析。計量資料用均數±標準差(x±s)表示,採用兩樣本t檢驗;計數資料採用χ2檢驗;兩變數間的相關分析採用Spearman』s相關分析。P<0.05為差異有統計學意義的標準。
2 結 果
2.1 電針對IVF-ET卵子質量和妊娠率的影響
2.2 電針對PCOS患者SCF水平的影響
表2 兩組多囊卵巢綜合征患者治療後卵子質量、妊娠率和血激素水平的比較
Table 2 Comparison between the two groupsin the quality of ovum,pregnancy rate and serum hormone
觀察指標 Observed indices |
對照組(98例) Medication(n=98) |
電針組(102例) EA(n=102) |
P值 P value |
獲卵數(Numbers of retrieved oocytes,x±s) |
16.45±6.49 |
15.72±5.23 |
>0.05 |
受精率(Fertilization rate,%) |
76.85 |
79.12 |
>0.05 |
卵裂率(Cleavage rate,%) |
95.89 |
97.36 |
>0.05 |
優質胚胎率(High quality embryo rate,%) |
42.33 |
50.81 |
<0.05 |
臨床妊娠率(Clinical pregnancy rate,%) |
44.83(39/87) |
53.19(50/94) |
>0.05 |
OHSS發生率(OHSS incidence rate,%) |
11.22(11/98) |
7.84(8/102) |
>0.05 |
周期取消率(Cycle cancellation rate,%) |
11.22(11/98) |
7.84(8/102) |
>0.05 |
早期流產率(Early abortion rate,%) |
5.13(2/39) |
4.00(2/50) |
>0.05 |
LH(IU/L,x±s) |
1.78±1.88 |
1.64±1.83 |
>0.05 |
E2(pmol/L, x±s) |
14608.99±5866.29 |
14576.07±6664.16 |
>0.05 |
P(nmol/L,x±s) |
3.55±2.24 |
3.86±1.90 |
>0.05 |
取消周期包括因OHSS、胚胎質量差或其它原因中途取消周期者。本研究中只有OHSS取消周期者,沒有其它原因取消周期者,故本結果顯示取消周期與OHSS發生率相同。LH:促黃體生成素(luteinizing hormone);E2:雌二醇(estradiol);P:黃體酮(progesterone).
圖1 兩組多囊卵巢綜合征患者血清、卵泡液中幹細胞因子水平比較(x±s)
Fig 1 Comparison of stem cell factor (SCF)contents in the serum and follicular fluid between the medication group (n=98)and EA group (n=102) in PCOS patients (x±s)
**P<0.01,與對照組相比(vs the control group).
2.3 妊娠與非妊娠患者SCF水平對比
2.4 電針組與對照組Gn用量及用藥時間對比
2.5 SCF水平與優胚率的相關性
圖2 妊娠(89例)與非妊娠(111例)多囊卵巢綜合征患者血清、卵泡液幹細胞因子水平比較(x±s)
Fig 2 Comparison of SCF in the serum andfollicular fluid between pregnancy(n=89) and non-pregnancy(n=111) patients(x±s)
*P<0.05,與非妊娠相比(vs the non-pregnancy).
3 討 論
圖 3 兩組多囊卵巢綜合征患者促性腺激素(Gn)用量、用藥時間比較(x±s)
Fig 3 Comparison of dosage andduration of gonadotrophin (Gn)administration between the medication group (n=98) and EA group (n=102) in PCOSpatients(x±s)
△P<0.05,與對照組相比(vs the control group).
圖 4 多囊卵巢綜合征患者優胚率與卵泡液/血清幹細胞因子(SCF)水平的相關性
Fig 4 Associativity between the highquality embryo rate and the SCF levels of follicular fluid or serum in PCOSpatients(follicularfluid P=0.00; serum P=0.002)
SCF主要由肥大細胞產生,其它多種組織和細胞液也可產生。 SCF具有促進細胞增殖與分化的作用,是一種重要的多功能細胞因子[22]。Juengel[23]和Tanikawa[24-25]等採用RT-PCR方法發現人類卵巢內顆粒細胞、卵泡膜細胞及間質細胞都有SCF的表達。有研究報道[26]卵泡液中SCF可能來自於卵泡本身,而非血漿滲透。SCF是反映卵巢微環境的重要細胞因子,可反映卵細胞自身質量。趙海波等人[27-28]的研究發現成熟卵母細胞的卵泡液SCF水平明顯高於未成熟者,受精卵的SCF水平高於未受精卵,優質胚胎的SCF水平高於劣質胚胎,說明卵泡液SCF可以促進卵母細胞發育,提高受精卵發育潛能。本研究證實電針可有效提高IVF-ET患者的優質胚胎率,並進而提高其臨床妊娠率。電針組SCF水平要顯著高於對照組,提示電針可以上調SCF水平,而SCF作為針刺效應的中介物質,影響卵巢自分泌及旁分泌系統,從而影響卵子質量及妊娠結局。
PCOS患者在行IVF-ET時存在諸多問題,包括: Gn用量大、Gn用藥時間長等,本研究發現,電針組加入電針干預後,較對照組明顯降低Gn用量,縮短Gn用藥時間,但兩者用藥時間從數據上看相差很小,故在臨床方面沒有明顯實際意義,可能與樣本量較少有關。
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