In at least one respect, I"m not a typical expatriate teacher ofEnglish. Many-perhaps most-of us make our careers teachingoverseas. I came out here after many years of teaching and teachertraining in England only three years ago, so I"m still relatively anewcomer. And of course I make comparisons. Of course formercolleagues ask me what it is like to teach Chinese students? Inwhat ways do they differ from native speakers of English? How dothey compare with the students in English schools who are of Asianparentage, but who hardly remember a home elsewhere than in anEnglish city? To these questioners my answer is that Chinesestudents differ from one another just as do those of any othernationality. The longer I stay, the less I am willing togeneralize.
When students ask me similar soundingquestions, I find that I want to give a rather different answer.There is, I think, more to their questions than friendly curiosity.They want to know (even if they do not put it like this) where theystand, and how they rate, as users of English as an internationallanguage. They know, as I do, that for all the hard work that hasgone into their learning of the language, their attainments stillfall short of their hopes. They want to know if that English isgood enough, and indeed what 「 good enough」 means. They wouldlike to know if there are ways in which their bilingualism, andtheir biliteracy, gives them and appreciable advantage, andwhether, especially, their limitations and weaknesses in Englishare identifiable and can be remedied. 要是學生問我類似的熱門問題,我就很想以不同的方式來答覆。我認為在回答時,不應是滿足善意的好奇心理,而就針對他們的問題,多作闡釋與發揮。他們很想知道(即使不明講),自己目前的程度,以及在使用國際語言的能力方面,如何給予自己確切的評估。他們也和我一樣明白,儘管為了學好英語,下過功夫苦讀,但成效依然不能令人滿意。他們也想知道,自己的英語是否夠好,而「夠好」的真正定義又是什麼?他們更想了解,是否可利用某些捷徑,得以有效提升自己的雙語溝通與讀寫的能力;此外,尤其想知道,是否可以找到自己學習英語的先天限制與種種缺失,以及補救之道。
These are some of the answers I think aretrue, and that I hope are useful. Learning any foreign languagetakes a long time and a great deal of effort, but learning one thatbelongs to a different language family from your mother tongue isespecially hard. I knew in England experienced teachers of Englishto speakers of Asian languages belonging (as do the languages ofEurope) to the Indo-European language family. When these teachersmet primary students from Hong Kong they perceived them as diligentbut slow. Those teachers simply failed to recognize that ifCantonese is your mother tongue you simply have more to do than(say) a Punjabi speaker, so of course you need longer to do it. Itis easy to get discouraged and, in effect, to give up. Some peopledo—even if among those who go on attending classesconscientiously! Many more fail to recognize how much they haveactually learnt and to respect their own achievements.
Realistic Targets It is important to set yourself realistictargets. For all but a small, exceptionally gifted minority, nativeproficiency is not a realistic target. A Chinese user of Englishshould not feel that because he sounds and seems Chinese when heuses English that he has been less than successful in acquiring it.To have learned English well is to be fully intelligible to anotheruser of standard English and to understand him, in ordinarycircumstances.」 Of course 「ordinary circumstances」 differbetween users. Highly technical vocabulary is entirely ordinary inthe context of air traffic control or information technology or anyone of the many scientific and technical contexts for which Englishis the language of international communication. Advanced studentsof English need to consider what are the range of purposes forwhich they are likely to use their international language, and toselect courses where those purposes are recognized and understoodby their teachers.
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