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知乎日報每日提供高質量新聞資訊新手如何學香水?圖片:Vetiver Aromatics / CC BY




  • 濃香水(parfums ?或? extraits):20%-40% 的芳香化合物
  • 香水(Eau de parfum(EdP)):10%-20% 的芳香化合物
  • 淡香水:Eau de Toilette 5%-10% 的芳香化合物
  • 古龍水(Eau de Cologne(EdC)):2%-3% 的芳香化合物
  • 2.濃度和留香所帶來的價格變化:


    3. 香水的三調:




    這個表已經總結的非常好了,因為其實各種香調幾乎都有一定的結合,所以這個 Fragrance Wheel 從一定程度上表達出來了香水非常細節性的香調分類:








    The traditional classification which emerged around 1900 comprised the following categories:

  • Single Floral(單一花香調): Fragrances that are dominated by a scent from one particular flower; in French called a soliflore. (e.g., Serge Lutens" Sa Majeste La Rose, which is dominated by rose.)
  • Floral Bouquet(複合花香調): Is a combination of fragrance of several flowers in a perfume compound. Examples include Quelques Fleurs by Houbigant and Joy byJean Patou.
  • Amber or "Oriental"(琥珀或「東方調「): A large fragrance class featuring the sweet slightly animalic scents of ambergris or labdanum, often combined with vanilla,tonka bean, flowers and woods. Can be enhanced by camphorous oils and incense resins, which bring to mind Victorian era imagery of the Middle East and Far East. Traditional examples include Guerlain"s Shalimar, Yves Saint Laurent"s Opium and Coco Mademoiselle from Chanel.
  • Woody(木質調): Fragrances that are dominated by woody scents, typically of agarwood, sandalwood and cedarwood(沉香木、檀木、雪松). Patchouli, with its camphoraceous smell, is commonly found in these perfumes. A traditional example here would be Myrurgia"s Maderas De Oriente or ChanelBois-des-?les. A modern example would be BalenciagaRumba.
  • Leather(皮革調): A family of fragrances which features the scents of honey, tobacco, wood and wood tars in its middle or base notes and a scent that alludes to leather. Traditional examples include Robert Piguet"s Bandit and Balmain"s Jolie Madame.
  • Chypre (西普調)(IPA: [?ip?]): Meaning Cyprus in French, this includes fragrances built on a similar accord consisting of bergamot, oakmoss, and labdanum(佛手柑、橡苔、勞丹脂等). This family of fragrances is named after the eponymous 1917 perfume by Fran?ois Coty, and one of the most famous extant examples is Guerlain"sMitsouko.
  • Fougère(馥奇調) (IPA: [fu.???]): Meaning Fern in French, built on a base of lavender, coumarin and oakmoss(薰衣草、香豆素、橡苔等). Houbigant"s Fougère Royale pioneered the use of this base. Many men"s fragrances belong to this family of fragrances, which is characterized by its sharp herbaceous and woody scent. Some well-known modern fougères are FabergéBrut and Guy LarocheDrakkar Noir.
  • 現代分類:

  • Bright Floral(將傳統的單一花香與複合花香合併): combining the traditional Single Floral & Floral Bouquet categories. A good example would be Estée Lauder"s Beautiful.
  • Green(綠調): a lighter and more modern interpretation of the Chypre type, with pronounced cut grass, crushed green leaf and cucumber-like scents. Examples include Estée Lauder"s Aliage, Sisley"s Eau de Campagne, and Calvin Klein"s Eternity.
  • Aquatic, Oceanic, or Ozonic(水生調): the newest category in perfume history, first appearing in 1988 Davidoff Cool Water (1988), Christian Dior"s Dune(1991), and many others. A clean smell reminiscent of the ocean, leading to many of the modern androgynous perfumes. Generally contains calone, a synthetic scent discovered in 1966, or other more recent synthetics. Also used to accent floral, oriental, and woody fragrances.
  • Citrus(柑橘調): An old fragrance family that until recently consisted mainly of "freshening" eau de colognes, due to the low tenacity of citrus scents. Development of newer fragrance compounds has allowed for the creation of primarily citrus fragrances. A good example here would be Faberge Brut.
  • Fruity(果香調): featuring the aromas of fruits other than citrus, such as peach, cassis (black currant), mango, passion fruit, and others. A modern example here would be Ginestet Botrytis.
  • Gourmand(美食調) (French: [ɡu?mɑ?]): scents with "edible" or "dessert"-like qualities. These often contain notes like vanilla, tonka bean and coumarin, as well as synthetic components designed to resemble food flavors. A sweet example is Thierry Mugler"s Angel.
  • 【筆者註:美食調的概念有點複雜= =其實現在香水中的美食調僅僅限於甜點類,所以大家不要想到什麼鬼培根啊肉類的東西,目前唯一跟鹹的東西有關的香調只有孜然啊什麼的,再就是芝士。另外,就像我之前在答案裡面提到的,酒類和飲料類是可以在香水中模仿的!:D】


  • 麝香 首先,麝香。麝香是雄麝腹部香腺的分泌物。當香囊乾燥後,割開香囊就可以得到暗褐色粒狀物,品質較優的會有白色晶體析出。其傳統採集方法就是殺麝取香,切下香囊再進行乾燥所得。但這是一種非常殘忍的方法,目前四川等地活取麝香已經取得成功。
  • 靈貓香 所謂靈貓香,顧名思義是從靈貓分泌物中所得。靈貓主要分為大靈貓和小靈貓兩種。不同於麝香的是,雌雄靈貓均具有香腺分泌物,通常稱為靈貓香膏。傳統的方法也是殺貓取香,而如今已經逐漸被活貓定期刮香的方法取代。
  • 海狸香 海狸香的主要產地則是產自海狸生殖器附近地兩個梨狀腺囊,囊內的白色乳狀粘稠液即為海狸香。採取海狸香時,將海狸捕殺,切取香囊,經乾燥後取出封存於瓶中即可。海狸香是四種動物香料中嘴廉價的一種,用處較小,但可以用於清新類香型或東方香型。
  • 龍涎香 龍涎香由於其具有輕靈而文雅的香味,其香之品質最為高尚,是配製高級香水香精的佳品,優良的定香劑。其來源於抹香鯨的腸內,一般認為是抹香鯨吞食多輛海中動物而形成的一種結石,由鯨魚體內排除,漂浮在海面上或者衝上海岸所得。主要產地是中國南部、印度、南美和非洲等地的熱帶海岸。
  • 好了,接下來我們講講之前我要說的,一般香水的前中後調組成


    Perfume is described in a musical metaphor as having three sets of notes, making the harmonious scent accord. The notes unfold over time, with the immediate impression of the top note leading to the deeper middle notes, and the base notes gradually appearing as the final stage. These notes are created carefully with knowledge of the evaporation process of the perfume.


  • Top notes: The scents that are perceived immediately on application of a perfume. Top notes consist of small, light molecules that evaporate quickly. They form a person"s initial impression of a perfume and thus are very important in the selling of a perfume. Also called the head notes.
  • Middle notes: The scent of a perfume that emerges just prior to the dissipation of the top note. The middle note compounds form the "heart" or main body of a perfume and act to mask the often unpleasant initial impression of base notes, which become more pleasant with time. They are also called the heart notes.
  • Base notes: The scent of a perfume that appears close to the departure of the middle notes. The base and middle notes together are the main theme of a perfume. Base notes bring depth and solidity to a perfume. Compounds of this class of scents are typically rich and "deep" and are usually not perceived until 30 minutes after application.
  • The scents in the top and middle notes are influenced by the base notes, as well the scents of the base notes will be altered by the type of fragrance materials used as middle notes. Manufacturers of perfumes usually publish perfume notes and typically they present it as fragrance pyramid, with the components listed in imaginative and abstract terms.









    為什麼有時昂貴香水的味道反而得不到欣賞? - 摸摸謝的回答

    在香水行業裡面,香水一般分三種 level,也是比較通用的:niche,premium market,mass market,除了 niche 有嚴格的限定之外,premium 和 mass 之分通常是由產品鋪貨渠道和價格決定的,不是簡單一個 600 塊來區分的。

    Chanel Burberry Dior 等品牌,屬於 premium market。中國市場常見的雅芳玫琳凱,以及美國市場常見的 Victoria"s Secret、Bath & Body Works,這種被定為 mass market。題主的同學說的 40 塊錢香水,我推測連 mass market 都算不上,低端產品吧。

    所以說呢,premium market 裡面其實基本上都是我們所說的奢侈品牌,也就是大家能在 Sephora 看到的那些,諸如愛馬仕香奈兒迪奧古奇紀梵希范思哲卡地亞菲拉格慕巴寶莉寶格麗 XXXXXX……


    niche market 就是所謂的沙龍香了,我自己懶得說了,因為這個系統實在太龐大了,我給大家找幾篇文章看吧。





    比如 Creed 為二戰時期的英國首相邱吉爾調製的 Tabarome,相當辛辣,混合了煙草、姜、皮革、鐵盔、油墨味,才能」鎮」得住軍營里的硝煙炮火汗臭味,如今出售的,是比較薄透的改良版本。摩登的 Demeter 更是玩味十足,從日常生活中取才,有童真的爽身粉、蔬果味的荔枝、番茄,還有「不是味道」的雪、雨、聖水(Holy Water),甚至床笫間(Between the Sheets)味道。通常並不難聞,但絕對意外,因為沒有人想過要把它們「穿」上身,但是 Demeter 的目的,就是勾起你的回憶,是喜是悲是對是錯,都是你自己的。


    1. 大部分留香比較短。香水越貴,並不代表「留香度」越高。沙龍香水,在肌膚上的留香度,通常並不高,它的矜貴,除了特別,也在於所用香料的考究(捨得用最貴的花花草草)、調配手法的特別(或古法,或先進,或刁鑽)。

    2. 香水瓶比較簡約。長方或圓錐形,瓶口密封度較好,但外觀的花哨程度遠不及時裝屋和化妝品牌名下的香水古靈精怪。沙龍香水的賣點一般都是「香味」而不是瓶子。沙龍香水一般不會出一款香水就換個瓶子,有時候會換下顏色,總的來說大同小異。這可說是沙龍香水的高傲之處。

    3. 歷史悠久。儘管不是大牌,但至少不是小牌。很多沙龍香水都是歷史悠久的品牌,而且是 perfume house,不是 fashion house。它們專註於研究香味的品質,而不是將注意力分散了去出時裝。服裝品牌的創建者很多都是服裝設計師,而沙龍品牌創建者,很多都是「鼻子」。

    4. 價格昂貴。歷史悠久的沙龍香水,50ml 的價位通常都定在 100 美金左右,是香水家族中的貴族。

    5. 製作傳統,概念先進。有別於大量生產的現代主流香水,老字號沙龍香水,仍然保留古法蒸餾提煉香薰精華,選料十分奢侈,也很挑剔。敢於嘗新,是沙龍香水長期在香水界處於領先地位的原因,也在近年越來越受到香水迷們的重視。

    不過呢,由於在國內沙龍香水並沒有普及,人們對於沙龍香水的知識也有限,有關沙龍香水的定義方面,中文的文章還是有一定欠缺的。尤其是在品牌推薦方面,在這篇文章中,只提到了 Creed 和 Demeter,但這兩個牌子對於資深沙龍香水愛好者來說並不是常提起的品牌。我個人來看,Creed 雖被歸作沙龍,但有不少作品與目前商業香的風格異曲同工;而 Demeter 定位較低端,更多是重於噱頭。



    Perfumery, or the art of making perfumes, began in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, and was further refined by the Romans and Persians..



    某些沙龍香品牌相對其他品牌來說更熱門,所以對他們來說,他們無需在藝術和利益之間尋找平衡。他們中的有些是:Annick Goutal(安霓克古特爾),L『Artisan Parfumeur(阿蒂仙之香),Serge Lutens(盧丹氏),Jo Malone(祖馬龍)以及 Acqua di Parma(帕爾馬之水)等等。而另外有一些沙龍品牌則更加突出,他們在這些特點上與其他品牌區別開來:

  • Using exclusively natural essences(運用獨特的自然原料), including alcohol (Atelier, Ayala Moriel,JoAnne Bassett, Florascent)
  • Fragrances of particular places(以某些特定地區為主題)—cities (the New York fragrances of Bond No 9, Aqaba), islands (Profumi di Pantelleria), countries (Eau d"Italie) or empires no longer in existence(或已經不復存在的帝國)Parfum d"Empire)
  • Using synthetic materials(運用特殊的合成材料) (Escentric Molecules, Comme des Garcons)
  • Focusing on a single note, such as Rose scents(專精於某一種成分,諸如玫瑰) (Les Parfums de Rosine) orVanilla scents(或是香草) (La Maison de la Vanille)
  • Capturing the scents of exotic locales(描述某些特殊場景的氣味) (Comptoir Sud Pacifique).
  • Niche houses are so diverse and it is very hard to categorize them and sometimes even to define the olfactive groups of their creations. However, there are several basic principles that the niche houses adhere to in order to resist mass (luxury) perfumery:

    Niche houses tend to have their own perfumer in charge of the fragrances of the house, just like it was in former days.【沙龍品牌有自己的調香師來管理其香氛,以往也是一樣】

    Niche houses have a selective approach to the distribution of their products. The fragrances of niche houses can almost never be seen in shops that sell mass fragrance production products, or in big department store chains.【沙龍品牌對於銷售地點是有選擇的,它幾乎從不出現在售賣商業品牌香氛的地點,或是在大型的百貨商場中】【筆者註:Bergdorf Goodman 和 Saks 已經徹底把這條給打破了,By Kilian、Penhaligons 和香奈兒迪奧在一起是鬧哪樣?】

    Niche houses do not recognize advertising, apart from, perhaps, magazine articles and interviews in prominent media. For them, the best ad is their good reputation.【沙龍品牌一般不做廣告,也不在雜誌或著名媒體上出現,對它們來說,好名聲就是它們最好的廣告。】




















    3.同樣的香,噴在紙上和噴在皮膚上的氣味是會有區別的。很多香都會出現這種情況,諸如我喜歡的 Memoir Man 在我皮膚上會呈現出一種類似墨水的奇怪味道。

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