
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:魔山 轉載請註明出處論壇地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-474860-1-1.htmlTamagoChinese Game of Throne中國版的《權力的遊戲》Indira Poitierwow. but is it beautiful women or careless men?哇,但是這要怪美麗的女人還是粗心的男人呢?Gordan GiovannaI wish that I was soo beautiful that everyone prize me but not in that way lol我希望我美得人人都來誇我,但不是以這種方式。哈哈ダイノサー京china, wtf with the wine lakes?我去,中國的「酒池」是搞什麼?zeiitgeistuseless things to display wealth.炫耀財富的無用之物唄。dnguyen253If I had money and power I would like to swim in a pool of wine too.如果我有錢有權,我也會想要在灌滿美酒的池子里游泳的。ayanada06Did some of these women actually destroy these ancient dynasties or did the ruling men in question just have really poor judgement and sketchy priorities?這些女人真的有誰摧毀了古代中國嘛?還是那時的男性統治者缺乏判斷力、輕重不分呢?jasonc_tutorialshistory repeats itself.歷史在自行重演。Remy N.So were all Chinese emperors hideous, I notice the women are beautiful but the men look like super angry hairy Buddhas? Were there any good looking one?所以,中國所有的皇帝都很醜陋嗎?我注意到女人很漂亮,但是男人看起來就像是超級憤怒又長滿毛的佛陀。有好看的皇帝嗎?iman cries over yoongiI"ve been reading a lot of translated Chinese webnovels, and the phrase "Mountain-toppling and city-destroying beauty" was commonly used to describe a beautiful woman.我看過很多翻譯過來的中文網路小說。通常他們會用「能傾倒山體、毀掉城池的美人」(譯者:傾國傾城?)來形容一個美麗的女人。Trisna Eko Wiyatni Kawaiihelen from troy, cleopatra from egyp.. those all beautiful women that cause of war of their flawless beauty特洛伊的海倫、埃及的克利奧帕特拉(埃及豔后)等等,所有這些美人都因為她們無暇的美貌招致了戰爭。Thannia 2278some of these women sounded like demon in disguise這其中有一些女人聽起來就像是偽裝起來的惡魔。PRINCE KRAZIExi shi did not bring down an empire, it was a kingdom.西施沒有讓一個帝國垮台,只是一個王國。Sherry WangAs an Asian growing up in Taiwan, I learned all these stories back in elementary school, and I really do have a problem with you making the video title as" 8 "women" who destroyed china". I understand you are trying to make the video title more appealing but the majority of the reasons why all the dynasties were eventually overturned contributing to the incompetence of the king/emperors instead of women. I think we all know that in ancient asian society, there is a strong masculine dominance and it usually pushes all the blemishes to women for all the blames. Besides, I think it would be great if you mentioned that Muo Xi (the first one) daji, and baosi are not the real historical figures (in question) because the real chinese history (中國史) started from qin (秦) dynasty; even they are, the stories you mentioned about all the women are 90% "anecdotals", instead of history. I think there is a line between history and anecdotals that needs to be cleared.作為一個在台灣長大的亞洲人,我在小學時候就讀過這些故事了。我理解視頻博主想要讓視頻標題更具吸引力的做法,但是所有朝代最終被推翻的原因主要在於國王或者皇帝的無能,而不是那些美人。我想我們都知道,在古代的亞洲社會中,男性佔據強勢的主導地位,而且通常會把所有的污點都推到女人身上。我覺得如果你有提到妹喜(中國歷史上第一個紅顏禍水)、妲己和褒姒都不是真實的歷史人物,這樣會更好一些。因為真正的中國史是從秦朝開始的,而你提到的美人有90%是來自傳聞軼事,而非歷史。我認為歷史人物和傳說人物的區別還是有必要澄清一下的。Kalo KahThe flowers turned away in shame because of her beauty?Wth!花兒因為她的美貌羞愧地轉了頭?(閉月羞花中的「羞花」)什麼鬼!Patatas OriginsThe only time that I"m happy for not being beautiful XD唯一一次我很開心自己不是一個美女。哈哈哈Mao MaoWhen the man are useless ,always women "s fault當男人沒用的時候,女人做什麼都是錯的。luojihenchaWomen never destroy China, they don"t have any power. Women were just accessories to men in the history. It was incapable men who destroy China and blaming everything on a women is just too easy.女人從來就沒有毀滅過中國,她們沒有任何權利。在中國歷史上,女人只是男人的附屬品。是無能的男人毀滅了中國,而且把一切都歸咎在一個女人身上,這太容易了。Stephanie DuchesneIt"s always amazing to me how people find ways to blame the "beautiful" women. The men had choices, they could have made their own decisions, had their own wills, therefore this is more a case of "it takes two to tango" than it is solely the fault of the ladies.人們想方設法把錯誤歸咎於「漂亮」女人,這總是讓我很吃驚。男人們有選擇權,他們可以自己做決定,可以有自己的意願,所以這更像是「一個巴掌拍不響」,而不僅僅是女人們的過錯。

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