
MATLAB 車道線識別

MATLAB 車道線識別

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function imgout = lanemarker(img) global top bot persistent tform if isempty(tform) movingPoints = [203 720; 585 460; 695 460 ; 1127 720]; fixedPoints = [320 720; 320 0; 960 0; 960 720]; tform = fitgeotrans(movingPoints,fixedPoints,projective); top = 220; bot = 12; end topview = view2top(img,tform); [flanel,flaner] = lanefinder(topview); hpic = size(topview,1); y = 1:hpic; y = y; xl = polyval(flanel,y); xr = polyval(flaner,y); dim = size(topview); dim = [dim,3]; imref = imref2d(size(topview)); lanel = reshape([xl;y],1,[]); laner = [xr;y]; laner = fliplr(laner); laner = reshape(laner,1,[]); xpic = zeros(dim,uint8); xpic = insertShape(xpic,FilledPolygon,[lanel,laner],Color,[0,255,0],Opacity,0.3); xpic = imwarp(xpic,tform.invert,OutputView,imref); img = imlincomb(1,img,1,xpic); xpic = zeros(dim,uint8); xpic = insertShape(xpic,Line,lanel,LineWidth,20,Color,[255,0,0],Opacity,1); xpic = insertShape(xpic,Line,laner,LineWidth,20,Color,[255,0,0],Opacity,1); xpic = imwarp(xpic,tform.invert,OutputView,imref); imgout = imlincomb(1,img,1,xpic);end


function topview = view2top(img,tform) global top bot th_sobelx = [35, 100]; th_sobely= [30, 255]; th_mag = [30, 255]; th_dir = [0.7, 1.3]; th_h = [10, 100]; th_s = [85, 255]; th_l = [0, 60]; gradient_comb = gradient_combine(img, th_sobelx, th_sobely, th_mag, th_dir); hsl_comb = hsl_combine(img, th_h, th_s, th_l); dim = size(img); combined_result = zeros(dim(1:2)); combined_result = uint8(combined_result); combined_result(top:end-bot,:,:) = comb_result(gradient_comb, hsl_comb); % figure(1) % imshow(combined_result) imref = imref2d(size(combined_result)); topview = imwarp(combined_result,tform,OutputView,imref);% topview = topview(top:end-bot,:,:);end



function gradient_comb = gradient_combine(img, th_x, th_y, th_mag, th_dir) global top bot R = img(top:end-bot,:,:); R = R(:,:,1); dim = size(R); sobelx = sobel_xy(R, x, th_x); sobely = sobel_xy(R, y, th_y); mag_img = mag_thresh(R, th_mag); dir_img = dir_thresh(R, th_dir); gradient_comb = zeros(dim,uint8); gradient_comb(((sobelx > 0) & (mag_img > 0) & (dir_img > 0)) ... | ((sobelx > 0) & (sobely > 0))) = uint8(255);end

上述函數實現了梯度閾值的過程,sobelx 給出水平閾值後的結果,sobely求出垂直梯度


function hsl_comb = hsl_combine(img, th_h, th_s, th_l) global top bot hsl = img(top:end-bot,:,:); hsl = rgb2hsl(hsl); h = hsl(:,:,1); s = hsl(:,:,2); l = hsl(:,:,3); dim = size(h); h_th = ch_thresh(h, th_h); s_th = ch_thresh(s, th_s); l_th = ch_thresh(l, th_l); hsl_comb = zeros(dim,uint8); hsl_comb(((s_th > 0) & (l_th == 0)) ... | ((s_th == 0) & (h_th > 0) & (l_th >0))) = uint8(255);end



function result = comb_result(grad, hsl) dim = size(grad); result = zeros(dim,uint8); result(grad>0) = uint8(100); result(hsl>0) = uint8(255);end



function [flanel,flaner] = lanefinder(topview) persistent imgcounter avelanel avelaner flag hpic = size(topview,1); wpic = size(topview,2); if isempty(imgcounter) imgcounter = 0; flag = 0; avelanel = zeros(hpic,10); avelaner = zeros(hpic,10); end hist = sum(topview); midx = floor(wpic/2); [~,leftx] = max(hist(1:midx)); [~,rightx] = max(hist(midx+1:end)); rightx = rightx+midx; num = 9; hwin = floor(hpic/num); wwinhalf = 56; minpix = 50; [rowy,colx] = find(topview); leftlane = []; rightlane = []; for i = num:-1:1 win_high = hwin*i; win_low = hwin*(i-1); vcount = rowy <= win_high & rowy > win_low; lcount = vcount & (colx <= leftx+wwinhalf & colx > leftx-wwinhalf); lpix = sum(lcount); rcount = vcount & (colx <= rightx+wwinhalf & colx > rightx-wwinhalf); rpix = sum(rcount); if lpix > minpix leftx = mean(colx(lcount)); leftx = round(leftx); end if rpix > minpix rightx = mean(colx(rcount)); rightx = round(rightx); end leftlane = [leftlane; colx(lcount),rowy(lcount)]; rightlane = [rightlane; colx(rcount),rowy(rcount)]; end flanel = polyfit(leftlane(:,2),leftlane(:,1),2); flaner = polyfit(rightlane(:,2),rightlane(:,1),2); t = 1:hpic; t = t; if flag == 0 imgcounter = imgcounter+1; avelanel(:,imgcounter) = polyval(flanel,t); avelaner(:,imgcounter) = polyval(flaner,t); if imgcounter == 10 flag = 1; end else avelanel = [avelanel(:,2:end),polyval(flanel,t)]; avelaner = [avelaner(:,2:end),polyval(flaner,t)]; flanel = polyfit(t,mean(avelanel,2),2); flaner = polyfit(t,mean(avelaner,2),2); end % y = 1:hpic; % xl = flanel(y); % xr = flaner(y); % imshow(topview) % hold on % plot(xl,y); % plot(xr,y); % hold offend




function hsl = rgb2hsl(rgb) dim = size(rgb); drgb = reshape(double(rgb)/255,[],3);%change range to 0-1 mx = max(drgb,[],2);%max of the 3 colors mn = min(drgb,[],2);%min of the 3 colors L = (mx+mn)/2;%luminance is half of max value + min value S = zeros(size(L)); % this set of matrix operations can probably be done as an addition... zeroidx = (mx==mn); S(zeroidx) = 0; lowlidx=L <= 0.5; calc = (mx-mn)./(mx+mn); idx = lowlidx & (~ zeroidx); S(idx) = calc(idx); hilidx = L > 0.5; calc = (mx-mn)./(2-(mx+mn)); idx = hilidx & (~ zeroidx); S(idx) = calc(idx); hsv = rgb2hsv(rgb); hsv = reshape(hsv,[],3); H = hsv(:,1); hsl = reshape([H, S, L],dim); hsl = uint8(hsl*255);end% Sobel運算元在Matlab默認為 $leftlbrack egin{array}{ccc}1 & 2 & 1\0 & 0 & 0\-1 % & -2 & -1end{array}
brack$,強調水平方向的邊緣function binary_output = sobel_xy(img, orient, thresh) h = fspecial(sobel); % 垂直方向sobel運算元,強調水平邊 dim = size(img); timg = double(img); if orient == x abs_sobel = abs(imfilter(timg,fliplr(h))); else abs_sobel = abs(imfilter(timg,h)); end scale_factor = max(abs_sobel(:)) / 255; timg = reshape(abs_sobel(:) / scale_factor,dim); scaled_sobel = uint8(timg); binary_output = zeros(dim,uint8); binary_output((scaled_sobel > thresh(1)) & (scaled_sobel <= thresh(2))) = uint8(255);endfunction binary_output = mag_thresh(img, thresh) timg = double(img); dim = size(img); h = fspecial(sobel); sobelx = imfilter(timg,fliplr(h)); sobely = imfilter(timg,h); gradmag = sqrt(sobelx.^2 + sobely.^2); scale_factor = max(gradmag(:)) / 255; scaled_mag = reshape(gradmag(:) / scale_factor,dim); binary_output = zeros(dim,uint8); binary_output((scaled_mag > thresh(1)) & (scaled_mag <= thresh(2))) = uint8(255);endfunction kernel = sobel_kernel(dim) half = floor(dim/2); t = [half:1:dim-2, dim-1, dim-2:-1:half]; sobel = zeros(dim); for i = 1:half sobel(i,:) = t-i+1; end kernel = sobel-flipud(sobel);endfunction binary_output = dir_thresh(img, thresh) timg = double(img); dim = size(img); h = sobel_kernel(15); sobelx = imfilter(timg,h); sobely = imfilter(timg,h); absgraddir = atan(abs(sobely) ./ abs(sobelx)); binary_output = zeros(dim,uint8); binary_output((absgraddir > thresh(1)) & (absgraddir <= thresh(2))) = uint8(255);endfunction binary_output = ch_thresh(ch, thresh) dim = size(ch); binary_output = zeros(dim,uint8); binary_output((ch > thresh(1)) & (ch <= thresh(2))) = uint8(255);endfunction result = comb_result(grad, hsl) dim = size(grad); result = zeros(dim,uint8); result(grad>0) = uint8(100); result(hsl>0) = uint8(255);end

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【Matlab基礎】04. 自定義函數
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