
求職助手:提防個人簡歷的四大殺手http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月19日 13:53 滬江英語


  With the economic meltdown forcing companies across the country to rethink their future hiring plans, your current resume and the way you use it may no longer be serving your needs。


  If you"re making any of these four mistakes, it might be time to sharpen your resume or your approach。


  1. Lack of Focus


  The first step in a successful job search begins with identifying your goals. Clarify specifically what you want in your next job or career including your next job title. I"ve heard countless job seekers say, "I"ll take anything" or "I"m open," when asked what kind of job they"re seeking. The candidate who"ll take anything, ends up with nothing。


  Look at your resume. What is your objective? Avoid either failing to state your objective or listing several objectives. Either extreme can work against you as you"ll appear unfocused, uncommitted or unqualified. While many of us wear many hats throughout our careers, it"s best to focus on only one hat, or specific job title, for the resume. Employers today tend to look more for talented players who understand and specialize in a niche rather than those who are more general in nature。


  So ask the questions, "What"s my niche, specialty?" "What special problem do I solve?" This might be one specific job title. If so, then highlight that and drop the laundry list of "qualifications."


  2. Ignoring the Most Important Question


  Most resumes fail to answer the employer"s question, "What"s in it for me?" Employers have a problem, not a job. That problem almost always revolves around money in some way. So, look for ways that you can show them a return on their investment. Since most resumes only receive about 20 seconds of actual read time, you have to answer this question quickly. A good way to accomplish this is by including a concise Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that distinguishes you from your competitors. This USP is a single sentence that describes three important things:


  * Who you are

  * Your biggest strength

  * Your primary benefit, which should be measurable

  * 你是誰

  * 你最強的地方

  * 你為公司帶來什麼可量化的初步效益

  Your USP describes what you bring to the employer. Every employee either makes money or saves money for an employer. Determine how you bring value in either or both of these ways. The best branding statements usually incorporate figures in dollars or percentages of money, or time that was gained or saved over a certain period。

  你的USP描述了你能為僱主帶來什麼。員工對僱主來說要麼能賺錢要麼會省錢。你要決定你為公司帶來的價值屬於哪一類。最好的陳述通常混合了美元數目或者是個百分比,再或者是在一個確定的時期能能夠節省多少時間。3. Selling Skills, Length of Service

  3. 銷售技巧、服務年限

  Skills are just a commodity. Leave behind that old mindset that your job-related skills or length of service are selling factors. The new mindset is to view yourself as a mini profit-and-loss center rather than just an employee. Employers today buy results and are less impressed when a candidate promotes a laundry list of skills. Instead, define the many ways your past and present job performances are assets to your next employer。


  How are you an asset to a company"s balance sheet? Once again, focus on how your work either helps a company make or save money. Think beyond your skill sets and job duties and list every possible example of how you accomplish this。


  For example, you"re a video photographer recording and editing weddings and special events. You take the extra step of performing all of your post-production work before submitting your final results. Your extra effort has saved your employer several hundred hours of additional work。


  This translates into potentially thousands of dollars that you saved the employer. This is just the sort of achievement that must be on your resume. When you can, try to monetize, or put a dollar value on your achievements。


  By including several specific achievements where you"ve helped your employer make or save money (or time), you separate yourself from your competitors and quickly gain the attention of your reader。


  4. Sending Resumes Indiscriminately


  4. 無差別的投遞簡歷

  Once you have a great resume, it"s just as important how you use it. Most job seekers blast their resume to job boards and websites" posted openings. In fact, there are some services that exist to do just that for a fee. But is this the best way to approach it?


  Referencing the current economic crisis, Neil McNulty, principal recruiter of McNulty Management Group, states, "Now, more than ever, job seekers need to change their mindset from looking for "openings" to looking for "opportunities" ... and opportunities are borne out of crisis and chaos, and exist even in the worst economy."

  談到現在的金融危機,招聘高管Neil McNulty說,「現在比以往任何時期都需要求職者轉變觀點,從滿天撒網轉變到尋找『機會』,危機和混亂不會影響機會,即使是經濟最壞的時候機會也依然存在。」

  This means that you, as a job seeker, must look beyond job postings and move into marketing yourself to the managers of the companies and organizations who are experiencing problems that you can solve. This can be tough at first because it means doing extra research and actually calling people who you don"t know and developing conversations with them. It"s those conversations, though, that will win the referrals, the interviews, and the next job for you, especially when you have a great resume to back that conversation up。




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