

Subtle Tactics That Help Job Seekers Stand Out幫助求職者脫穎而出的聰明小戰術

Every job candidate wants to stand out from the crowd, especially in today"s competitive employment market.每個求職者都想在求職大軍中脫穎而出,尤其是在求職市場競爭激烈的今天。

According to a recent report from the U.S. Department of Labor"s Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are about 6 unemployed workers competing, on average, for each job opening. That"s the highest level since the bureau started tracking these figures nine years ago.根據美國勞工統計局的最近一份報告顯示,每個招聘職位平均會有6名失業的求職者競爭。這是自該統計局9年前開始追蹤調查這些數據以來,產生的史上最高值。

If you"ve been searching for a new position and haven"t seen much success, you may be tempted to try more creative ways to get noticed. But beware: You can attract a prospective employer"s attention in the wrong way.如果你正開始找一份新工作,但是成功的希望不大,你可能就需要想一些更加創造新的方法來讓自己引起僱主的注意。但是要注意:你的方法也可能是錯誤的。

When Robert Half International asked executives to describe the most unusual thing they had seen or heard an applicant do to distinguish him- or herself on the job hunt, examples included a candidate who sang during the interview and another who brought a 10-page binder detailing his work history.當國際羅伯海夫公司要求招聘人員描述他們在招聘過程中碰到的,候選人為了讓自己脫穎而出所做過的最不尋常的事情時,他們列舉了一位候選人曾經在面試過程中唱歌,另外還有一位候選人則拿出了一份裝訂好的10頁工作歷史的詳細說明。

Instead of these types of over-the-top tactics, try the following ones, which made positive impressions on the executives we surveyed:與其使用這些誇張的做法,不如參考以下建議,根據我們的調查,這能夠給僱主留下積極而深刻的印象:

Ask Questions 問問題

Most job seekers research a firm before being interviewed there, but many stop digging once they show up for the meeting. When speaking with the hiring manager, ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of the position and company. One executive in the survey noted that a job seeker "turned the table and wanted to know all about me. The tactic worked."很多求職者在去面試之前會先對公司進行一番調查,但是很多人一旦去面試了也就停止了調查。在和招聘經理面談的時候,向他提問以便更進一步地了解公司和該職位。參加我們調查的一位執行主管警告求職者說「掌握主動權,並想了解我的一切,這種方法對我來說是奏效的。」

Some questions will come up naturally, but you also can prepare some for the hiring manager beforehand, such as "How did you start with the company, and what has your career progression been?" Or you might ask about the firm itself: "I recently read about the company"s new location in Europe. Does the firm have plans to continue expanding internationally?"有些問題自然會提到,但是你也可以提前準備一些問題來詢問招聘經理,比如「您是如何從貴公司開始的呢?您的職業是如何發展的呢?」或者你可以就公司的事情提問「我最近聽聞了貴公司在歐洲建立了分公司,請問貴公司是否還在計劃向海外市場擴張呢?」

Dress Up 打扮得體

What you wear to the job interview can significantly influence an employer"s impression of you. If you show up to the interview dressed sloppily, even if the firm is known for its laid-back atmosphere , the hiring manager may question your professionalism or interest in the opportunity.去參加面試的著裝會嚴重影響僱主對你的印象。如果你穿得拖拖拉拉的去面試,即使這家公司是以悠閑的工作環境而出名,招聘經理也會質疑你的專業性,或質疑你對這份工作的興趣。

It may seem old-school, but it"s typically best to wear a clean, well-pressed suit whenever you meet with a potential employer. Keep accessories to a minimum and choose neutral colors so you"re not remembered as the candidate who wore bright pink.這看起來像是老生常談,但是不管你是什麼時候去見未來的僱主,都最好是要穿一身乾淨、熨燙平整的西裝。將衣服上的裝飾減少到最小量,並且要穿自然色,這樣你就不會因為穿了一身大紅色而給僱主留下深刻的壞印象了。

Say Thanks 說出你的感謝

Following up an interview with a well-thought-out thank-you note can distinguish you from other applicants because many job candidates forget this step. Reiterate your interest in the position and remind the hiring manager of one or two of your best selling points.在面試之後送出一封精心製作的感謝信可以讓你與眾不同,因為很多求職者都忘記了這一步。在感謝信中再次強調你對這份工作的興趣,然後在心中再次向僱主提及你的一到兩個閃光點。

Customize your note by referencing something from your conversation with the potential employer, such as your mutual love of Thai food. One way to truly stick out, according to an executive we polled: Send a handwritten thank-you note as opposed to email.你可以定製你的感謝信,在信中提及一些你和僱主在談話中曾經聊到的有意義的事情,比如你們對泰國食物的共同熱愛。根據我們調查的招聘人員揭示,最有效的脫穎而出的方法就是:不要用郵件而是發送一封手寫的感謝信。

With fierce competition in the job market, you need to distinguish yourself from others who may seem similar to you on paper. By following the above advice, you can leave hiring managers with a lasting, positive impression, improving your chances of moving on in the interview process and ultimately securing the job.在如今競爭激烈的求職市場上,你需要讓自己從那些與你在書面形式上差不多的候選人中脫穎而出。參考以上建議,你就可以給招聘經理留下積極而長久的深刻印象,能夠幫助你提高你面試的機會,從而使你得到這份工作。



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