雅思口語答案 5-8月——有趣的工作

雅思口語答案 5-8月——有趣的工作

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Describe a happy experience you had before 雅思口語答案 5-8月2018年

You should say:

What it is

How can you find this job

What qualities it requires

And explain why it is an interesting job

這個話題屬於其它類,對於這一類的題目我們單獨準備就好了。這個話題的關鍵詞是 an interesting job 和 you want to have in the future。第一個關鍵詞 an interesting job按照自己的想法選擇就可以,比如你畢業了想做老闆,想做工程師,想做一名律師,或者想做美食家等等。然後表達你是有能力去勝任這個工作的和這個工作是有趣的。對於第二個關鍵詞 You want to have in future 幾句話帶過去就可以了。這個話題的第三部分是由 interesting job引申出來的。學員多看看高分的素材,積累核心的辭彙,短語,表達和更好的素材,然後在專業外教老師幫助下形成自己的素材和答案,加上模擬,最後流利和有效地輸出自己所積累的,會很快掌握雅思口語各個部分的題目,也會取得滿意的分數。下面是啟利教育雅思高分老師和英國雅思著名老師原創的素材。全套雅思口語素材請登錄啟利教育網站查看,也可聯繫網站客服安排雅思口語外教模擬體驗。我們創立五年來,為成千上萬名學員達成學習目標。


An interesting job that I wanted to have in the near future is being a media practitioner. Since I was a child, I』ve been fostering the dream to be a news anchor on the national TV. I couldn』t help to presume that I am in front of a camera delivering some important news. Back then, I already knew the hazards a journalist faces; starting from gathering reliable news and information up to the broadcast shows. I』ve been mulling on the possibilities this kind of career might brought me in the near future. I would admit that I am quite scared but somehow thrilled and challenged. I guess the passion runs in my blood the more I ponder about it. Being a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting, I had already glimpsed on how it operates. I can even describe it as a one of a kind and full of surprises job. Flexibility, wit, and communication, are just some essential characteristics it requires. A journalist also needs to be bold as he faces many challenges in work. Right now, I』ve been preparing myself a lot I as I enter the world of media. After all, being aware of what is happening in my surroundings is not just enough preparation to take this kind of work. Public service, truth, and credibility are somehow the important factors to consider. Base on the qualities this kind of job requires, I can say that indeed, this is a very remarkable job to clinch. However, I would be honored doing and practicing this kind of job. After all, I have the opportunity of leave a legacy to my countrymen. Aside from that, this kind of work is the job I』ve been dreaming of right from the start. Whatever it takes, I will be steadfast towards this job.


1. Blogger

Whether youd like to share your knowledge, experiences or the latest news, you can create a unique and beautiful blog for it. And that what makes blogging interesting. If you are the kind of person who likes to travel and document things that happened, well you can find blogging convenient and lovely job for you. Point out the insights you would like to share on your blog and the difference you want to make through blogging. You can also tackle the uniqueness this kind of work has.

2. Engineer

Engineers are people who invent, design, analyze, build, and test machines, systems, structures and materials to fulfill objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost. Stating the work description of an Engineer we can say that to practice this field is really a big thing. Challenges might come along the way but this makes the job sounds thrilling.

3. Lawyer

Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services. The role of the lawyer varies greatly across legal jurisdictions. So to work as a lawyer will really test the capacity of your mind and your liability.


  1. Media practitioner - a person engaged in the writing, editing or, transmitting of news and information to the public, and includes a broadcaster under the Broadcasting Act, a journalist, editor or publisher of a publication and the manager or proprietor of a broadcasting company
  2. Foster - encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings
  3. Presume - believe something to be true because it is likely, although not certain
  4. Hazards - something dangerous and likely to cause damage
  5. Reliable - deserving trust; dependable
  6. Mulling - think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length
  7. Thrilled - cause (someone) to have a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure
  8. Ponder - to think carefully about something, especially for a noticeable length of time
  9. Glimpse - a brief look at someone or something
  10. Wit - the ability to use words in an amusing and intelligent way, or a person who has this ability
  11. Bold - brave, or without fear
  12. Credible - able to be believed or trusted
  13. Clinch - confirms or settles (a contract or bargain)
  14. Legacy - a situation that has developed as a result of past actions and decisions
  15. Steadfast - staying the same for a long time; not changing or losing purpose


Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue cards as well:

  1. Describe a fascinating job that you heard about
  2. Describe a job or work you have worked or know about
  3. Describe a challenging job you know about
  4. Describe a career or job you want to have
  5. Describe your dream job
  6. Describe a job you think is interesting


Is it hard to find an interesting job?

For me no, it will never be tough to find interesting jobs if right from the start, you already know the things you are obsessed with. It might be right to say that an interesting job depends on a person』s perspective. There could be a job that I find fascinating but for others not, because they don』t like doing it or maybe outlying on their personality or field of expertise. Also, if you are flexible enough to embrace challenges, that could be an avenue for you to grow as an individual. In general, I guess being optimistic and adaptable is the key to avoid facing difficulty in looking for an exciting job.


  1. Obsess - something or someone obsesses you, or if you obsess about something or someone, you think about it, him, or her all the time
  2. Fascinating - to have someone』s complete interest and attention
  3. Outlying - away from the centre or main area
  4. Optimistic - the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen

What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?

Well, I had already experienced both; to be interviewed and to give an interview. Both are needed to be practised. You can hear awe-inspiring stories sometimes to most of the applicants. But somehow I』d like to point out that people should not focus on impressing the interviewee with their life story, instead the applicant』s focal point must always be about the things he or she can contribute for the company. But before anything else the applicants must prepare how they』re going to present themselves. Being prim and proper is essential during job interviews. At the same time a good resume and communication skills will apprehend the interviewer.


  1. Awe-inspiring - arousing awe through being impressive, formidable, or magnificent
  2. Focal point - the centre of interest or activity
  3. Prim and proper - precise and formal person
  4. Apprehend - capture; get someone

Why do some people keep changing their jobs?

Base on what I have observed, people change their job for different reasons. Some were left with no choice; others were not satisfied with their jobs, and some wanted to experience new things. Given these reasons, we cannot deny that people face different challenges that somehow lead them to decision of changing their job. After all, changing jobs is not quite bad to hear specially if the person wanted to gain new learning』s. But, to change job frequently staying just for a short span of time in a company is somehow a gauche, and this is what people should avoid doing.


  1. Frequently - happening often; common
  2. Span - the length of something
  3. Gauche - behaving in a way that is offensive to other people, especially because of not knowing what is correct or not caring about the feelings of others

What should a good employer do?

A good employer should keep his employees by treating them right. Firstly, he should make his people feel that they are part of the team, or, even better, they are family. Second, he should initiate to encourage open communication, informing his people of new developments and encouraging them to give feedback, suggestions and complaints. Last is promotion, this means giving his people the opportunity to progress on their career front. I guess doing these things will formulate a harmonious relationship towards one another. Furthermore, the company will surely grow and experience the good benefits of having a good employer and employee relationship.


  1. Initiate - to cause something to begin
  2. Encourage - help someone to feel confident and able to do something, or to give advice to someone to do something
  3. Feedback - reaction to a process or activity, or the information obtained from such a reaction
  4. Formulate - to develop all the details of something
  5. Harmonious - friendly and peaceful

How would you define an interesting job?

For me, every job is appealing; it just depends on how you appreciate it. You』re going to realize that a specific job is interesting when you are able to find your heart on it. It is an interesting job if you are fascinated with all the ways it is being done. Furthermore, if you find the job as challenging that is helping you to become a better version of yourself; I can say that you never get wrong of choosing that kind of job. In general, no one can say that there is a boring job; instead a job just feels boring because you do not love what you are doing.


  1. Appealing - interesting and attractive
  2. Fascinated - extremely interested
  3. Version - a particular form of something that is slightly different from other forms of the same thing


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