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P2 P3 Describe a happy experience you had before 雅思口語答案 5-8月2018年

Describe a happy experience you had before

You should say:

Where you were

When it happened

Who you were with

And explain why you felt happy

這個話題屬於experience類,當考鴨遇到這個話題就應該偷笑,因為在第二部分話題里屬於很簡單的題目。注意兩個核心短語:A happy experience 和 you had before,說快樂的事情不能說欺負同學這樣的不正當的行為,可能你是覺得快樂,但是不是社會所提倡的。另外限制條件是說以前發生的,所以不能說你將要經歷什麼快樂或者正在經歷什麼快樂的事情。在看這個話題的時候,我們要注意當季的幾個題目都可以用同樣素材去描述 what it is, where you were, when it happen。比如:Describe a time you were shopping in a street market, Describe a special day that you went out but didn』t spend much money。這個話題的P3 是由happy 引申出來的。學員多看看高分的素材,積累核心的辭彙,短語,表達和更好的素材,然後在專業外教老師幫助下形成自己的素材和答案,加上模擬,最後流利和有效地輸出自己所積累的,會很快掌握雅思口語各個部分的題目,也會取得滿意的分數。下面是啟利教育雅思高分老師和英國雅思著名老師原創的素材。全套雅思口語素材請登錄啟利教育網站查看,也可聯繫網站客服安排雅思口語外教模擬體驗。


I had a lot of happy experiences before, and out of those, I would like to talk about the experience that I can still recall vividly regarding my triumph in the college entrance exam, which is widely known as Gaokao. I got the result by the end of June. The result was delivered to our province from the national level then it was released in our school. My friends as well as classmates and even our teachers were together in browsing the National College Entrance Examination Results. I felt so nervous and anxious at the same time because I』m thinking if I passed it or not. I was already contemplating what would I do and feel if I wouldn』t see my name there. Also, my parents were waiting for the result and I don』t know what I would tell them if I didn』t make it. Fortunately, I got the result that I』ve been waiting in my entire school life. All my efforts paid off when I learned that I passed the exam and I would be admitted to one of the prestigious universities that I』ve been wishing to enter since I was young, which is the Tsinghua University located in Beijing. I guess this is one of the best moments of my life because it brought me a lot of emotions and yet left me just being in a cloud nine during the rest of that day and the day followed. Nothing could make us happy if we had reaped good seeds out of tons of efforts we have sowed. My parents were really proud of me on this great achievement because they witnessed how hard I studied; waking up so early to go to school and going to bed so late. I know at that time, conquering this exam is just the beginning. But I』m happy because I have proved that I』m capable of doing something I really want and I just have to enjoy what I』m doing and success will follow.


  1. A birthday surprise for you

You can also talk about an experience when your family and friends arranged a birthday surprise for you several years ago. This event is undoubtedly considered as a happy experience. You can share that you can never forget about this because most of the people whom are very important to are on that day.

  1. The first time you ride a roller coaster (or other forms of rides in an amusement park

You can say that you are a type of person who』s really afraid of heights but you want to overcome this somehow. You can share an experience about the time you tried to ride a roller coaster and that it brought you a lot of emotions as you ride it. Even though you』re still afraid of it, you realized that it is good to be on it at all. This experience brought you so much happiness because you have already conquered your fear of heights.

  1. Then when your group won a school competition

Share an experience you had when you were in high school which was you were going to present a play about one of the events in your country』s history. You may converse that during the preparation time, your group didn』t have a good teamwork because most of the members of your group are arguing how the play should be done. However, when the day of the competition has arrived, your group performed well and you won the 1st place. You have realized that this moment is one of the happiest time of your life because out of arguments and misunderstandings, your group still made it to the top.


  1. Triumph - a complete victory or success achieved esp. after great difficulties, making the result particularly satisfying
  2. Nervous - worried or slightly frightened
  3. Anxious - wanting very much for something to happen; eager
  4. Contemplate - to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious way
  5. Paid off - resulted in success
  6. Prestigious - having a good reputation because of high quality, success or social influence
  7. Reap - to obtain or receive something as a result of your own actions
  8. Conquer - to deal with or successfully fight against a problem or an unreasonable fear


Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue cards as well:

  1. Describe a happy event of your life
  2. Describe the best holiday you ever had
  3. Describe a special occasion in your life
  4. Describe a success in your life


What』s the relationship between money and happiness?

Happiness can be taken from a lot of sources and I think one of which is money. A person will be happy when he』s able to buy the things he needs and wants or just simply knowing that he has a lot of money to spend in his everyday life. Take my own experience as an example, I feel upset when I have trouble allocating budget for my daily expenses in school. So, I seek help from my parents for me to meet the budget I need in school and to buy the necessities. Hence, when I got some money again, I felt relieved and happy because I won』t have to deal with this financial problem anymore.


  1. Upset - worried or unhappy
  2. Allocate - to decide where to put a particular cost or amount
  3. Necessity - something that is needed
  4. Expense - an amount of money needed or used to do or buy something

Do you think money is important?

Yes, absolutely. I believe most of the time money makes the world go round nowadays. I mean everyday money is involved in everything that we do such as buying the food we eat, the clothes we wear, our fare in public transportation or the money we pay to buy for cars』 fuel. Also, we need money in getting a good quality of education and medical care. This is vital to our lives, even though in some situations we may think we got all what we need but we can』t deny the fact that we still can』t live without spending money in order to survive and satisfy our necessities.


  1. Makes the world go round - to be extremely important, so that many ordinary events could not happen without it
  2. Survive - to continue to live or to exist
  3. Satisfy - to have or provide something that is needed or wanted
  4. Vital - necessary or extremely important for the success or continued existence of something

Do most Chinese people think that money is important?

As what I』ve mentioned about how important the money is, I think for us Chinese, we do consider money as one of the important things in our lives. Since, our country is continuously developing and somehow the expenses everyday is getting higher, we have this belief that money is imperative. The importance of money in human life is similar to the importance of food for the body. Just like you can』t live even for a few days without food, you can』t survive without money.


  1. Imperative - extremely important or urgent
  2. Belief - the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true

What do you do to make yourself happy?

Well, there are several things that make me happy. But when it comes to the things I do to cheer myself up, I guess, listening to my favorite songs, reading my favorite novels and spending some time alone helps me a lot improve my mood. Moreover, buying shoes can also make me happy, in fact I feel relieved from the stress I have in school when I got myself a new pair of kicks. I usually content myself with these simple pleasures in order to be happy. It』s like, you can be happy when you learn to appreciate the small things in life.


  1. Cheer up - if someone cheers up, or something cheers someone up, they start to feel happier
  2. Content - to make someone feel happy and satisfied
  3. Pleasure - a feeling of enjoyment or satisfaction
  4. Appreciate - to be aware of something, or to understand that something is valuable

Why are children generally happier than adults?

For me, happiness depends on you and what you do to achieve it. A child』s idea of happiness is simple, it』s playing in the mud, biking, and splashing in rain puddles or climbing the trees. They are not as self-aware of the bad things happening in the world around them. Also, they have far less responsibility and things to worry about unlike adults. Adults have a more specific and often harder to reach path to happiness. Most of them get their satisfaction through material things. They make life too complicated. They go for instant gratification and they keep comparing themselves to others. Even if they usually know that they have things to be grateful for, they let it get buried under resentful thoughts about how unfair it is that other people have advantages over them.


  1. Self-aware - good knowledge and judgment about yourself
  2. Complicated - a way that is difficult to understand
  3. Gratification - to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need
  4. Resentful - feeling angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like


雅思IELTS寫作小作文TASK ONE這些道理你知道不

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