Stomach cramps and diarrhea are common symptoms of foodborne illness.胃痙攣和腹瀉,食源性疾病的常見癥狀。
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 76 million illnesses and 5000 deaths per year occur in the United States because of foodborne illnesses. ,據疾病控制和預防,高達76萬的疾病和每年5000人死亡中心在美國發生由於食源性疾病。 Salmonella, listeria and toxoplasma are the most serious of these and cause up to 75 percent of the fatalities.沙門氏菌,李斯特菌和弓形蟲病是其中最嚴重的,並導致死亡人數的75%。 Symptoms such as diarrhea, cramps, vomiting and fever are common indicators of a foodborne illness that is caused when bacteria is transferred first onto food and then into humans.如腹瀉,痙攣,嘔吐和發燒的癥狀,是食源性疾病是造成細菌轉移到食品,然後到人類首次的共同指標。 Avoid the unpleasant and sometimes dangerous effects of foodborne illnesses by killing bacteria and preventing their spread.通過殺死細菌,並防止其蔓延,避免不愉快的,有時甚至是危險的食源性疾病的影響。
Instructions 說明
Clean your kitchen.清潔你的廚房。 Wash all cutting boards in hot, soapy water or in the dishwasher.在熱肥皂水或洗碗機清洗砧板。 Wipe surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes.具有抗菌濕巾擦拭表面。
Wash your hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap and hot water after handling raw food, using the toilet or changing diapers.處理生的食物後,上廁所或換尿布洗凈抗菌肥皂和熱水徹底洗手。 This will prevent the spread of bacteria and kill any that remain on your hands.這將防止細菌的傳播,並殺死任何留在你的手中。
Rinse fresh fruit and vegetables under running water and scrub tough skins, such as potatoes, with a brush.新鮮水果和蔬菜在流水下沖洗和擦洗,如土豆,硬朗的外觀,用刷子刷。
Separate meat, poultry, seafood and eggs in your refrigerator.獨立的肉類,家禽,海鮮和雞蛋在冰箱。 To avoid cross-contamination, ensure they cannot touch one another.為了避免交叉污染,確保他們不能碰一個。 Cover food well with kitchen film or foil, or use sealable containers or bags.包括食品與廚房薄膜或金屬箔,或使用密封的容器或塑料袋。 Bacteria multiply quickly when different food types mix.細菌迅速繁殖時,不同的食物類型的混合。
Ensure that food is cooked to the correct temperature.確保食品烹調到正確的溫度。 Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature.使用一個肉類溫度計,以檢查內部溫度。 This is especially important with large cuts of meat or poultry because, although the outside may appear cooked, the internal temperature may be significantly lower.這是大幅削減的肉類或家禽,尤其是重要的,因為雖然外界可能會出現熟,內部溫度可顯著降低。 Meat and egg dishes should have an internal temperature of 160 degrees F and poultry of 165 degrees F. Bacteria are killed by the high temperatures.肉蛋菜應該有一個內部溫度160華氏度和165度高溫殺死樓細菌家禽。
Ensure reheated food is served at the correct temperature.在適當的溫度,確保加熱食物供應。 Use the meat thermometer to check it is 165 degrees F.使用肉類溫度計來檢查它是165華氏度。
Refrigerate fresh food as soon as possible.儘快冷藏生鮮食品。 Never leave fresh or cooked food at room temperature for longer than two hours.新鮮或煮熟的食物不要留在室溫下超過兩小時。 Always defrost food in the refrigerator.始終在冰箱里的食物解凍。 Bacteria cannot multiply when food is kept chilled.是保持冷凍食品時細菌不能繁殖。
Check the temperature of your fridge and freezer.檢查你的冰箱和冰櫃的溫度。 A refrigerator should be no more than 40 degrees F and a freezer less than 0 degrees F.冰箱應不超過40攝氏度,冷凍小於0華氏度
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