

來自專欄計算機論文精選4 人贊了文章

  1. The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System [TOCS 1992]

2. Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of a Distributed System 【TOCS 1985】

3. A NonStop Kernel 【SOSP 1981】

4. Exploiting Virtual Synchrony in Distributed Systems 【SOSP 1987】

5. The Click Modular Router 【SOSP 1999】

6. A virtual machine time-sharing system 【IBM Systems Journal 1970】

7. Tenex, A Paged Time Sharing System for the PDP-10 【SOSP 1971】

8. On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules 【CACM 1972】

9. On optimistic methods for concurrency control 【TODS 1981】

10. Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems【TOCS 1989】

11. The Part Time Parliament【TOCS 1998】

12. A fast file system for UNIX【TOCS 1984】

13. Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System【TOCS 1992】

14. Transactional Memory: Architectural Support for Lock-Free Data Structures【ISCA 1993】

15. Efficient Software-Based Fault Isolation【SOSP 1993】

16. ReVirt: Enabling Intrusion Analysis through Virtual-Machine Logging and Replay【OSDI 2002】

17. The Google File System【SOSP 2003】

18. MapReduce : Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters【OSDI 2004】

19. Bigtable : A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data【OSDI 2006】

20. The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems【OSDI 2006】

21. Dynamo: Amazon』s Highly Available Key-value Store【SOSP 2007】

22. Abstracting the Geniuses Away from Failure Testing【CACM 2018】

23.OLTP Through the Looking Glass, and What We Found There【SIGMOD 08】

24. Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules For High-Performance Image Processing【PLDI 13】

25. Efficient Observation-Point Insertion for Diagnosability Enhancement in Digital Circuits【ITC 15

26. OctopusFS A Distributed File System with Tiered Storage 【SIGMOD 2017】

27. Scaling a file system to many cores using an operation log【SOSP 2017】

28. Monkey: Optimal Navigable Key-Value Store【SIGMOD 17】

29. JSON: Data model, Query languages and Schema specification【SIGMOD 2017】

30. BatchDB: Efficient Isolated Execution of Hybrid OLTP+OLAP Workloads for Interactive Applications【SIGMOD 17】

31. A Memory Bandwidth-Efficient Hybrid Radix Sort on GPUs【SIGMOD 17】

32. KV-Direct: High-Performance In-Memory Key-Value Store with Programmable NIC [SOSP 17]

33. Canopy: An End-to-End Performance Tracing And Analysis System [SOSP 17]

34. Eris Coordination-Free Consistent Transactions Using In-Network Concurrency Control [SOSP 17]

35. Resource Central: Understanding and Predicting Workloads for Improved Resource Management in Large Cloud Platforms【SOSP17】

36. Split/Merge: System Support for Elastic Execution in Virtual Middleboxes【NSDI 13】

37. ResQ: Enabling SLOs in Network Function Virtualization【NSDI 18】

38. DianNao: A Small-Footprint High-Throughput Accelerator for Ubiquitous Machine-Learning【ASPLOS 14】

39. Ambry: LinkedIn』s Scalable Geo-Distributed Object Store【SIGMOD 16】

40. Efficient Computation of Top-k Frequent Terms over Spatio-temporal Ranges【SIGMOD 』17】

41. My VM is lighter and safer than your container【SOSP 17】

42. NFP: Enabling Network Function Parallelism in NFV【SIGCOMM 17】

43. mOS : A Reusable Networking Stack for Flow Monitoring Middleboxes【NSDI 17】

44. Deep Compression: Compression Deep Neural Networks With Pruning, Trained Quantization And Huffman Coding 【ICLR 16】

45. How Fast can a Distributed Transaction Commit?【SIGMOD 17】

46. Heracles: Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale【ISCA 2015】

47. Exploiting Common Patterns for Tree-Structured Data【SIGMOD』17】

48. ZygOS: Achieving Low Tail Latency for Microsecond-scale Networked Tasks【SOSP17】

49. NetVM: High Performance and Flexible Networking using Virtualization on Commodity Platforms【NSDI 14】

50. mTCP: a Highly Scalable User-level TCP Stack for Multicore Systems【NSDI14】

51. EIE: Efficient Inference Engine on Compressed Deep Neural Network【ISCA 16】

52. Repair Pipelining for Erasure-Coded Storage【ATC 17】

53. Graphene: Packing and Dependency-aware Scheduling for Data-Parallel Clusters【OSDI 2016】

54. Foofah: Transforming Data By Example【SIGMOD』17】

55. Quantum Technology Forgoes Unconditional Security to Extend its Reach【CACM 18】

56. Titus: Introducing Containers to the Netflix Cloud【CACM 18】

57. IX: A Protected Dataplane Operating System for High Throughput and Low Latency【OSDI 14】

58. ApproxANN: An Approximate Computing Framework for Artificial Neural Network【DATE 15】

59. ACIDRain: Concurrency-Related Attacks on Database-Backed Web Applications 【SIGMOD』17】

60. Sparrow:Distributed, Low Latency Scheduling【SOSP13】

61. Risks of Trusting the Physics of Sensors【CACM 18】

62. In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm【ATC 14】




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