雅思口語答案 5-8月——安靜的地方

雅思口語答案 5-8月——安靜的地方

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Describe a quite place that you found雅思口語答案 5-8月2018年

You should say:

Where it is

When you found it

How you found it

How often you go there

What it is like

How you felt about the place

這個話題屬於place類,是我們六大雅思口語第二部分很重要的一個分類,所以我們在準備的時候特別注意這一類話題。這個話題的兩個關鍵詞是:a quite place 和 you found。對於回答 a quite place 這個我們也很好找素材的,比如學校的圖書館,比如學校裡面的一個花園,或者小山等等。這個我們也要結合當季的相關的話題,比如 Describe a building you like, 我們可以選擇相同的素材,然後進行串詞。比如我們可以說學校裡面的圖書館,這個是一個安靜的地方,也一般是一棟建築,後面只需要對應回答其他的關鍵詞就可以了。這個話題的地方部分是由 quite place引申出來的。學員多看看高分的素材,積累核心的辭彙,短語,表達和更好的素材,然後在專業外教老師幫助下形成自己的素材和答案,加上模擬,最後流利和有效地輸出自己所積累的,會很快掌握雅思口語各個部分的題目,也會取得滿意的分數。下面是啟利教育雅思高分老師和英國雅思著名老師原創的素材,沒有啟利教育的授權,不得轉載。全套雅思口語素材請登錄啟利教育網站查看,也可聯繫網站客服安排雅思口語外教模擬體驗,我們的老師也會幫助學員準備好雅思考試。


Waking up daily to a nine-to-five job and dealing with all kinds of irksome issues everyday will surely drive you insane unless you have a healthy way to relieve stress and boredom. Luckily, I have my own therapy – a retreat to Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Lake, a series of sand dunes located along the silk road of the Gobi Desert in Northwest China where I can』t see not many tourists there – which I have taken every once in a while whenever life is giving me a hard time.

The first time that I visited the place was just on February last year, after I finished submitting the tons of reports that my boss asked me to. I have known this wonderful spectacle and that』s thanks to my dear friend who happened to visit it once when he went on a solo retreat as well. The mountain is five kilometers or about three miles away from the city of Dunhuang, the city where I work and live in. Since it』s quite far from my city, I only get the chance to go there for about twice a month.

The huge dunes stretch for more than 25 miles long and 12 miles wide, reaching 800 feet at their peak. And aside from their interesting shapes, the dunes are also known for the haunting echoing sound they produce when strong winds blow over the sands. The dunes surround the Crescent Lake, which is a half-mooned shaped lake that offers a pleasing contrast to the sand with the gardens blooming on its shores. It』s my favorite place whenever I look for a tranquil place to get away from my tight schedule.

I always feel calm and relaxed whenever I go there. To make the picture clearer, seen from afar, the mountain is just like a golden dragon winding its way over the horizon. As you approach the picturesque landscape you become aware that the sand has many colors ranging from red to yellow, green, black and white. On days when a strong wind blows, the fast shifting sand roars; but when the wind is little more than a light breeze, the sand produces gentle, dulcet sounds akin to music. It is the same when you are sliding down the mountainside. At first, the sand under your feet just whispers; but the further you slide, the louder the sound until it reaches a crescendo like thunder or a drum beat. I love listening to the variety of melodious sounds that the sand offers. And those are the reasons why I consider that place my sanctuary.


  1. Jiuzhaigou』s

This enormous lake is filled with water that changes color throughout the day and year. The color is caused by a combination of algae and calcified rocks found at the bottom of the lake, as well as the reflection of the surrounding landscape. Autumn is the best time of year to visit the lake, when it takes on a rainbow of different hues.

2. Zhangye Danxia Landform

Nicknamed the 『painted mountains』 of Danxia, this incredible landscape is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. In this section of the Gobi Desert, the folding of layered oceanic crust created exposed rock layers of different colors and textures. Their unusual shapes, which resemble strange cones and towers, evolved over centuries of exposure to wind and rain and the colorful sedimentation layers add unique striped patterns.

3. Guanyin Statue

This massive statue dedicated to Guanyin, the Chinese Buddhist goddess of mercy, is part of the Nanshan Temple Complex. At 354 feet, the statue towers over the surrounding area. It』s said to be the world』s tallest statue of Guanyin, as well as the fourth tallest statue on the planet. The statue has three faces, one of which looks towards the land, and the other two which point towards the South China Sea.

4. Dongchuan Red Land

The Dongchuan Red Land is a 77,000-square mile area located about 25 miles southwest of Kunming City. The region』s subtropical climate causes iron to oxidize and deposit in the soil, which gives it a deep red color. The red soil color is emphasized by the other colors of the surrounding landscape, contrasting against green barley, golden buckwheat, white oil flowers, and the blue sky. Often described as a 『palette』 of colors, the area is best visited from either May to June or September to November, when various crops are ripe and the colors are most distinct.

5. Yuanyang Rice Terraces

The Yuanyang Rice Terraces have been dug into the rolling landscape of the southern Ailao Mountains by the Hani people over many centuries. Covering more than 12,500 hectares, these shallow-sloped terraces reach height of up to 6500 feet above sea level. Depending on the season, the terraces are richly green or filled with water which reflects the colors and cloud shapes of the sky. Adding to the beauty of the terraces are the fascinating Hani people who farm the lands and still largely live according to the traditions of their ancestors.


  1. Nine-to-five job - describing or relating to work that begins at nine oclock in the morning and finishes at five, the hours worked in many offices from Monday to Friday
  2. Irksome - annoying
  3. Therapy - a treatment that helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness
  4. Retreat - a period of time used to pray and study quietly, or to think carefully, away from normal activities and duties
  5. Sand dunes - a hill of sand made by the wind on the coast or in a desert
  6. Spectacle - an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest, or disapproval
  7. Haunting - beautiful, but in a sad way and often in a way that cannot be forgotten; staying in the mind
  8. Echoing - a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff
  9. Half-mooned - (something shaped like) the moon when only half of the surface facing the earth is lit by light from the sun
  10. Contrast - an obvious difference between two or more things
  11. Tranquil - calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry, etc.
  12. Get away - to leave or escape from a person or place, often when it is difficult to do this; to go somewhere to have a holiday, often because you need to rest
  13. Tight schedule - a busy or full schedule
  14. Winding - a current of air moving approximately horizontally, especially one strong enough to be felt
  15. Horizon - the line at the farthest place that you can see, where the sky seems to touch the land or sea
  16. Picturesque - (especially of a place) attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way
  17. Dulcet - dulcet sounds are soft and pleasant to listen to
  18. Akin - having some of the same qualities
  19. Crescendo - a gradual increase in loudness, or the moment when a noise or piece of music is at its loudest
  20. Melodious - very pleasant to listen to
  21. Sanctuary - protection or a safe place, especially for someone or something being chased or hunted


Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue cards as well:

  1. Describe a perfect vacation away from home you would like to have in the future
  2. Describe a place in your city or town that you like to visit with your friends
  3. Describe a country or city where you want to live or work in the future
  4. Describe a public place that you think need improvements


Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

Without doubt, it is really hard to find serene places in cities. This is mainly because living in the city means living among its hustle and bustle and dealing with the busy life. Well, people in my city escape their frenetic works and activities by means of going to places of interest such as shopping malls and shopping centers wherein they can chill out and reduce their stress. Some also like to get around and go to lively bars and restaurants as well as pavement cafes whenever they have their free time. As for me, I just go to a near book cafés and read books while plugging in my earphones whenever I want to enjoy a serene mood.


  1. Hustle and bustle - noise and activity
  2. Frenetic - involving a lot of excited movement or activity
  3. Places of interest - buildings that have a particular interest for visitors
  4. Shopping malls - large indoor shopping centers
  5. Shopping centers - an area consisting of multiple shops
  6. Chill out - to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you
  7. Get around - to travel to a lot of places
  8. Lively bars and restaurants - bars or restaurants with a good atmosphere
  9. Pavement cafes - cafes with tables outside on the pavement
  10. Book cafés - is a book-themed café that offers a relaxed ambience and casual dining on an extensive cosmopolitan menu that reflects modern dietary trends

Why is it quieter in the countryside?

Well, aside from the fact that there are not many high-rise buildings in the countryside, I think it is quieter because compared to the city; there is not much nightlife there. At night, you can only hear the whispering birds and the humming cold breeze but in the city, you can hear deafening music from lively bars and people making loud voices as they have a whale of time. Similarly, houses in the countryside are placed not too close to one another; that is why there is still enough privacy. On the other hand, houses in the suburbs are too close to each other to the extent that oftentimes, you have to deal with noisy neighbors.


  1. High-rise buildings - any structure where the height can have a serious impact on evacuation
  2. Nightlife - entertainment and social activities that happen in the evening in bars and clubs
  3. Humming - making a continuous low sound; singing without opening your mouth
  4. Deafening - extremely loud
  5. Have a whale of time - to enjoy yourself very much

How would you deal with noisy neighbors?

The answer to this question actually depends upon the person who needs to deal with this kind of situation. However, if you are asking for my opinion towards this matter, I would happily suggest some do』s and don』ts because I, myself have experienced this scenario countless times already. So here it goes. Firstly, you have to pick your battles and do so wisely because not all battles are worth the fight. Secondly, if you want to get a good response from them, then it』s better to meet them in person. Lastly, don』t ever write letters of complaint or even try to report them to others because it will seem that you are snarky than amiable.


  1. Do』s and don』ts - rules about how people should and should not behave
  2. Scenario - a description of possible actions or events in the future
  3. Countless - very many, or too many to be counted
  4. Pick your battles - to choose not to participate in minor, unimportant, or overly difficult arguments, contests, or confrontations, saving ones strength instead for those that will be of greater importance or where one has a greater chance of success
  5. Complaint - a statement that something is wrong or not satisfactory
  6. Snarky - criticizing someone in an annoyed way and trying to hurt their feelings

Do you think cities are much noisier than before?

To be honest, cities nowadays have noisier environment than they were in the past. This is for the reason that the pursuit of night life is rampant nowadays. In the past, people are not that fond of spending time outside when it is already dusk. These days, people are working under a lot of pressure that is why they will most probably engage in night activities such as shopping and clubbing, to be able to let loose their stress and pressure. Therefore, shop owners will definitely try to extend the trade hours to attract more customers. As a result, streets today are always full of noisy and busy people even though it is already late at night.


  1. Pursuit - an activity that you spend time doing, usually when you are not working
  2. Night life - entertainment and social activities that happen in the evening in bars and clubs
  3. Rampant - (of something bad) getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way
  4. Clubbing - to go out dancing in clubs
  5. Let loose - to allow (someone or something) to move or go freely
  6. Trade - the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries

Compared with young people, do old people tend to live in quiet places?

As a matter of fact, yes. Since old people like to spend time in a tranquil and soothing environment, they also prefer to live in quiet places where there is not much noise. On the other hand, young people are used to a full of life and vibrant atmosphere that is why they prefer to live in the city wherein there is much night life and partying. While old people prefer to spend time with nature and enjoy the hushed mood in the air, young people especially the teenagers like the outgoing and lively surroundings better and for this reason, I believe they can』t stand living in the countryside for a long time.


Tranquil - calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry, etc.

Soothing - making you feel calm

Full of life - full of spirit

Vibrant - energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm


P1 Letters 雅思口語答案 5-8月 2018年

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