Les Notes dans lAcquisition de la Langue Fran?aise
來自專欄 Caballarii Calculi Labdae4 人贊了文章
Twitter 上收到了一條法語推,看了一眼發現基本能看懂,所以就把不會的詞查了然後放上翻譯。
? Lévolution de lidéologie scolaire correspond à celle de la société. Il y a vingt ans, les sujets danglais au BAC portaient beaucoup sur Martin Luther King et la ségrégation raciale aux états-Unis. Cette année, llun des sujets consistait à se prendre pour Elon Musk. Navrant. ?
"The evolution of the scholastic ideology corresponds to that of the society. Twenty years ago, the subjects of English at the BAC were very much concerning Martin Luther King and the racial regregation at the United States. This year, that of the subjects involved of *getting something for* Elon Musk. Sad."
- (+sur qqch.) porter [intransitive infinitive] "to be about sth.; to concern sth." -> portaient [third-person plural imperfect active indicative] "(they) concerned/were concerning sth."
- (+à qqch.) consister [intransitive infinitive] "to entail sth.; to involve sth." -> consistait [third-person plural imperfect active indicative] "(they) involved/were involving sth."
- (adj.) Navrant,e,s,es "distressing, harrowing; pathetic, heartbreaking"
- (+pour qqn.) se prendre [transitive reflexive infinitive] "to get [direct subject] for sb."
※Day46 | 走遍法語—假期 #365#
※Day88 | 走遍法語—祝福 #365#
※Day87 | 走遍法語—關係從句 #365#
※Day36 | 走遍法語—結婚賀詞 #365#