
外媒:高房價讓男友們變成了單身漢http://www.sina.com.cn2010年06月23日 14:34環球時報

  Mike Zhang considered himself serious boyfriend material. He knewwhat to order at an Italian restaurant. He could mix a tasty margaritaand always volunteered to carry his girlfriend"s handbag. Then came thedeal breaker。

  Zhang, a 28-year-old language tutor and interpreter, couldn"tafford an apartment in the capital"s scorching property market. Ratherthan waste any more time, his girlfriend of more than two years dumpedhim. Zhang"s misfortune is not uncommon. China"s housing boom hascreated a woefully frustrated class of bachelors。

  Unlike in the United States, where home buying traditionally takesplace after marriage, owning a place in China has recently become aprerequisite for tying the knot. Experts said securing an apartment inthis market signals that a man is successful, family-oriented and ableto weather challenging financial circumstances. Put succinctly,homeownership has become the ultimate symbol of virility in today"sChina。

  Chen Xiaomin, director of the Women"s Studies Center at theShanghai University of Political Science and Law, said:"Marriage isbecoming more and more materialistic. No matter how confident a womanis, she will lose face if her boyfriend or husband doesn"t have ahouse."

  Dating websites are now awash with women stipulating that hopefulsmust come with a residence in tow. "I"m 25 years old, looking for aboyfriend. I want you to have an apartment and a car. The apartment hasto be built after 2000 and the car has to be better than a minivan,"read one post on a popular Chinese Web portal。

  Material matters weren"t quite so important when previousgenerations courted. Most Chinese were poor. Property was controlled bythe state. But economic reform and mass urbanization in the last 30years have upended these norms. Young Chinese are coming of age at atime of exploding wealth and rising expectations for material success.In a survey last year, 73% of respondents said homeownership was anecessity for marriage. An almost equal percentage said they haddifficulty buying an apartment。

  Though more women are becoming career oriented, China remainsstubbornly traditional. Males are expected to be breadwinners. WangHaijun, a real estate agent on Beijing"s east side, said he can alwaystell when a desperate bachelor walks into his office. "They"re alwaysthe least rational buyers. They don"t care how little money they have.They just want an apartment as soon as possible. They take on a mortgagewith the longest terms and highest interest rates. But they have nochoice. They have to get married. I feel sorry for them," said Wang。

  美國《洛杉磯時報》6月21日文章:房產熱潮成單身漢煩惱來源。 邁克?張(音)認為自己是塊做男朋友的料,他知道在義大利餐廳點什麼菜,懂得如何調出一杯好酒,主動幫女朋友拎包。但不容通融的問題還是來了。








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