
72%的印度人害怕中印戰爭:看看印度網民的驚人評論 2014-07-15 14:05閱讀: 72%的印度人害怕中印戰爭:看看印度網民的驚人評論 [ 2014-7-15 13:09:00 | By: chinalj]0推薦據一份新調查,72%的印度人認為與中國的邊界糾紛可能導致軍事衝突。占多數的印度人(62%)把巴基斯坦視為重大威脅,把中國和基地組織視為威脅的人數幾乎相同,比例分別為30%和28%。皮尤中心針對44個國家的民眾展開一項有關他們對鄰國的態度和力量對比的調查,調查發現幾乎一半的印度人把美國視為最大的盟友,接著是俄羅斯(29%)和讓人意想不到的日本(26%)。對那些把美國視為衰落大國的人來說,顯然印度年輕人並不這樣看待當今的超級大國。在18-29歲的年齡群體中,接近60%的印度人對美國持高度認可,而50歲以上人群的這一比例為47%。這種現象在亞洲被複制。89%的越南年輕人認可美國,而老一輩的這一比例為64%。事實上,認為中國將取代美國成為超級大國的印度人人數與持相反觀點的人數大體相當。India generally enjoys a favourable opinion, except in Pakistan.About 70 per cent of Bangladeshis polled approve of India, ascompared to 30 per cent Chinese and 13 per cent Pakistanis. Othercountries with favourable approval rating for India are Japan(63%), Vietnam (57%) and the US (55%).But in the past five years, world opinion of India plummetedsharply. Chinese negative views on India rose from 43% to 65%, inPakistan from 50 to 71% and in the US from 14% to 30%.除了在巴基斯坦,印度普遍收穫正面評價。大約70%受調查的孟加拉國人認可印度,而中國人和巴基斯坦人的這一比例分

載入中...內容載入失敗,點擊此處重試載入全文 別為30%和13%。其他支持印度的比例較為可觀的國家有日本(63%)、越南(57%)和美國(55%)。但是在過去5年里,世界對印度的輿論大幅下降。對印度持負面看法的中國人比例從43%上升到65%,在巴基斯坦則從50%上升到71%,在美國從14%上升到30%。The survey says China is listed as the greatest threat in threecountries that have major territorial grievances with Beijing:Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam. In contrast, Pakistanis,Chinese and Malaysians name the US as the biggest threat to theircountry. While China"s increasing power generates concerns amongsome in Asia and around the globe, its economic growth alsopresents opportunities for many.Across the nations surveyed, an average of 53% say that China"sgrowing economy is a good thing for their own country; just 27%describe this as a bad thing. Almost 46% of Indians believe China"sgrowing economy is good for India.調查稱,中國在三個國家被列為最大威脅,這些國家與北京存在重大領土糾紛,分別是日本、菲律賓和越南。比較起來,巴基斯坦人、中國人和馬來西亞人把美國列為他們國家的最大威脅。中國日益增強的實力在亞洲某些國家引發擔憂的同時,她的經濟增長也給許多國家帶來了機會。在受調查的國家中,平均53%的受訪者稱中國迅速成長的經濟對他們國家是一件好事,只有27%的受訪者將其形容為壞事。接近46%的印度人認為中國不斷發展的經濟對印度有利。以下是《印度時報》讀者的評論:tn now (Unknown)After Xi took on reins surely some things have changed. In anycase, today China is far better placed than India. That by itselfmeans, India can never hope to win if it went to war withChina.習上台後,有些情況已經改觀。總之,當今中國所處位置要遠好於印度。這意味著,要是中印開戰,印度壓根就沒有勝算。popat (())China is the biggest threat to the region and the world. The US iscapitalizing on the situation by trying to sell weapons to India,Taiwan and Japan.中國是該地區乃至世界的最大威脅。美國利用了這一狀況,努力向印度、台灣和日本兜售武器Karna (Aryavart)How did China grow? They started investing more in research,education and manufacturing. Result is that China has achieved selfsufficiency. Whereas we are still dependent on imports. It seemsneither Congress nor BJP has time in developing manufacturing andeducation sector.中國如何取得發展的?他們在研發、教育和製造上大力投入,結果實現了自給自足。而我們仍然依賴進口。似乎不僅國大黨,而且人民黨也沒有閑工夫發展製造業和推動教育領域的進步。Pak Star (Islamabad, Pakistan)Hate seem to me such a humble word but hate is baggage, What wefeel about india is much much worse than a just hate. If i have achance i would definitely turn your bharat mata into a nuclearwasteland. You blackies claim that you won "all wars with Pakistan"And yet we are provoking and insulting you on daily basis since1971, Why dont you just come with your "soormas" and wipe us out?You cannot. But i swear to God, We will WIPE EVERY SINGLE ONE OFYOU OUT.Agree (1)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)「討厭」這個詞也太謙卑了吧。我們對印度的「感覺」可遠不止討厭那麼簡單。要是有機會的話,我肯定會讓印度變成一塊核廢墟。你們說贏得了所有印巴戰爭,說我們自從1971年以來一直挑釁和侮辱你們。為什麼你們不直接把我們消滅?你們不能那樣做。我向真主發誓,我將會消滅你們中的每個人。ajay.bajaj (Location)Good luck if India goes to war with China.如果印度與中國開戰,那麼好運吧。Samir Kumar Kanjilal (Unknown)Diplomatically China is much intelligent and they know theimportance of Indian Market for the growth of their economy.Show upbusiness at broader will be there but there will be no war.中國頗具外交智慧,清楚印度市場對他們經濟增長的重要性。邊界上興起的將是商業往來,而不是戰爭。bpaliwal (Location)Without a proper defence and a strong arm that can seal borders anyneighboir can be a pain for India.沒有妥妥的國防,沒有守衛邊疆的強大軍隊,任何鄰國都會令印度頭疼anonymous (India)usa ,india ,japan ,vietnam,singapore,australia should form ansecurity allianceAgree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)美國、印度、日本、越南、新加坡、澳大利亞應該組成一個安全聯盟。ramakrishna murthy Yeleswarapu (Unknown)IT"S NOT FEAR OF WAR IT"S THE STUPIDITY OF GANDHIAN VALUES DURINGWAR TIME THAT GUYS LIKE NEHRU EXHIBIT THAT ARE FEARFUL NOT THE WARWE ARE A NUCLEAR POWER No sensible country can have war with us wecan choke the indian ocean from where oil supplies are given tochinese easly不是我們害怕戰爭,而是尼赫魯等傢伙在戰時表現出的愚蠢甘地主義價值觀讓人可怕。我們是核國家,理智的國家都不會與我們開戰。我們可以封鎖印度洋,輕易切斷中國的石油供給路線。harsh.malhotra ()guess its not fear, but its being mindful and being aware. thereare elements that make both countries superior in armed forces,tactical and strategic warfare capabilities. fear is not the word,do people in both countries feel its better to avoid the war -YES!我猜不是害怕吧,而是有這個警覺,有這個意識。兩國武裝力量在戰術和戰略作戰能力上各有優劣。害怕這個詞不妥,兩國人民都覺得最好避免戰爭anonymous (India)W dont fear a war with China. WE welcome it so that we can liberateTibet and strike a permanent blw, even a fatal one againstChina.我們並不畏懼與中國開戰。我們歡迎還來不及,給中國致命一擊。syedrazvi211 (usa)The threat from China is really menacing. The other countries aretoo small to damage India. The Indian Govt instead of prolnging theborder issue shuld settle the borders with the policy of give andtake.. If the borders in the North are safe India can progresseconomically and concentrate on further development. All theresources are being drained on millitary wares and ts replacementsfrequently. USA is a super power and will remain so for a very longperiod.來自中國的威脅確實險惡。其他國家太小咖了,不足以給印度造成損失。與其讓邊界糾紛久拖不決,印度政府倒不如採取平等交換的原則解決邊界問題。如果北方邊疆安全了,印度經濟就能進一步獲得發展。軍事備戰耗盡了所有資源。另外,美國是當今超級大國,而且很長一段時間內仍會如此。Appa (coimbatore)We have to defend our territory and border. It is No.1 priority forthe country我們必須捍衛我們的領土和邊界,這是國家的首要任務Raj Binder (sj)INDIA LOVE CHINA GIRL ,CHINAMAN LUV INDIA GIRL WE MAKE INDO-CHINAKID,,,,SUPER-POWER KID印度男人喜歡中國女孩,中國男人喜歡印度女孩。我們一起生下印中混血兒S N (Secunderabad)Yes the Chinese will come to conquer India. Our politicians arenothing better than thieves. May be a Chinese rule will bring,discipline, hardwork and merit to the fore to make India aprosperous country. Though it sounds unpatriotic, anything whichimproves the lot of our countrymen is preferred compared to whatour politicians are doing. At present our country is not fit fordemocracy as for over 60 years we preferred dynastic rule. A ruleby a foreign power maybe the right medicine rather than just abitter pill.是的,中國人會過來征服印度。我們的政客無非就是一群小偷。也許中國人的統治能夠讓人們遵守紀律,勤勞工作,使得印度脫穎而出成為一個繁榮國家。雖然這些話聽起來不愛國,但是任何能夠改善國人生活的舉動都好過政客的所作所為。目前,我們國家並不適合搞皿煮。外國統治也許是解決印度當前問題的靈丹妙藥。Tarique Anawar (Singapore)whole world is fed up with china..., in south china sea they areclaiming island one by one... be it initially with Vietnam/japan orIndonesia!全世界都受夠了中國。在南海,他們一個島接一個島說成是他們的


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