《生活大爆炸》、《權游》演員片酬PK 哪部美劇最土豪From Game of Thrones to Modern Family: who are the highest paid stars on T

Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright - House of Cards ($500,000 per episode)《紙牌屋》凱文·史派西和羅賓·懷特:單集片酬50萬美元

To bring dastardly to American television, and to lure one of the first major Hollywood players to their budding streaming service, Netflix offered Kevin Spacey a massive $500,000 per episode for House of Cards.為了在美國電視熒幕上塑造弗蘭克·安德伍德的卑鄙形象,將好萊塢最大牌的演員之一吸引到他們剛剛起步的流媒體服務中,網飛公司以每集高達50萬美元的片酬邀請凱文·史派西出演《紙牌屋》。

Not quite so lucky was Robin Wright, however, who was believed to have earned significantly less money as Underwood"s ruthless wife Claire. But as her character got more and more popular, Wright finally took her equal pay concerns to Netflix bosses.然而,羅賓·懷特卻沒有這麼幸運,她扮演安德伍德的無情妻子克萊爾的片酬應該要低得多。但是隨著懷特飾演的角色人氣越來越高,網飛的老闆們決定付給她相同的片酬。

It is now believed both earn the same salary.據信,現在兩人的片酬相等。



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