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Double Master Degree in Digital Enterprise Management (DEMA)/Information Systems
University of Passau, Germany + University of Turku, Finland
http://www.ibusiness.uni-passau.de/en/teaching/double-masters-in-digital-enterprise-management-information-systems/- University of Passau:
Master of Science in Wirtschaftsinformatik (lnformation Systems) from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.
- University of Turku:Master of Science from the Turku School of Economics, MDP in Global IT Management, Digital Enterprise Management with a major in Information Systems Science.
The programme is organized such that students pursue the course programme in their first academic year (winter and summer semester: October – July) at the University of Passau with a focus on networked business and digital ecosystems. Subsequently, students pursue their second academic year (periods I-IV: September – May) at the University of Turku with a focus on IT-Management. Thus, German and Finnish students from the same cohort will pursue the programme together during the entire duration of the course programme. After completion of the course programme, students will write their master』s thesis at their respective home university.
For Passau students there is also the possibility to start the programme in a summer semester (April - July) at the University of Passau. Then students continue the programme at the University of Turku (periods I-IV: September - May) and after this they pursue at the University of Passau by writing their master』s thesis. Afterwards students study another semester (October - February) at the University of Passau to complete the course programme.
In total at least 40 ECTS in courses (NOT including seminar and master』s thesis) have to be taken at each partner university.
Students will have to fulfil individually the requirements of each university』s master』s programme (120 ECTS each) in order to be awarded the double degree. Generally, courses taken at either university will count towards both degree programmes. To ensure eligibility of courses and a coherent study programme, students have to devise a study plan (see below for more information), which must be approved by the Board of the double-degree programme.
Masters』 thesis and seminar will be jointly supervised by academic partners at both universities, but each must be written at the home university. Both, seminar and masters』 thesis need to be written in English. 英語授課,英語論文
計算機、大數據碩士Computer Science
https://www.uni-passau.de/en/msc-computer-science/https://www.uni-passau.de/en/study/study-options/degrees/masters/msc-computer-science/double-degree-with-hse-moscow/大數據Msc Computer Science and Big Data Systems
Dual Degree Master in Computer Science /Autonomous Systems with the Faculty of Computer Science of University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, Canada
Dual Degree programs第一年在德國第二年在加拿大。
Msc Computational Sciences and Engineering
http://www.in.tum.de/en/for-prospective-students/masters-programs/computational-science-and-engineering/Fakult?t für Informatik
Fakult?t für Informatik
Double Degree Programme bieten qualifizierten Studierenden die M?glichkeit, sowohl den TUM-Mastergrad als auch einen entsprechenden ausl?ndischen Masterabschluss zu erlangen. Ziel der Double Degree Programme an der TU München ist es, die St?rken der Studienangebote der jeweiligen Kooperationspartner unver?ndert in das gemeinsame Programm einzubringen. Sie stellen daher keine gesonderten Studieng?nge dar, sondern verknüpfen die Einzelstudieng?nge der jeweiligen Partnerhochschulen.
Eine Anerkennung der im Ausland erbrachten Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen ist gew?hrleistet. Die Teilnehmer/innen absolvieren in der Regel zwei Semester Studium an der TUM, zwei im Ausland und schreiben dann eine gemeinsame Masters Thesis.
Die Fakult?t bietet zur Zeit die folgenden Double Degree Programme im Kontext des Informatik Master Studienganges an:
- Frankreich: TELECOM ParisTech in Paris und EURECOM (Institut der TELECOM ParisTech) in Sophia-Antipolis (bei Nizza)
- Schweden: KTH Stockholm
- Russland: Tomsk Polytechnic University in Tomsk
- USA: Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta
Bis auf TELECOM ParisTech (Standort Paris) sind alle Programme auf Englisch, auch der Doppelabschluss mit EURECOM!
TUM Asia - Technical University of Munich AsiaDresden
Degree programme Distributed Systems Engineering (Master)
A Double Degree Master Programme between the Master in Computer Science (University of Bologna) and the Master in Intelligent Systems (Bielefeld University) has been established. Up to five selected students will spend their third semester (and optionally also the fourth semester for the Masters thesis) in Bologna and if they successfully complete their studies they will obtain both the Laurea Magistrale in Informatica delivered by the University of Bologna and the Master of Science in Intelligent Systems.
M. Sc. Intelligent SystemsMSc Intelligent Systems (German-Italian programme)
Possible double degree in cooperation with Università di Bologna
Further information about the programmeUlm + NAIST (日本)
Computer Science and Engineering Science
Double Degree |NARA Institute of Science and TechnologyTU Kaiserslautern 軟體工程
European Masters Programme in Software Engineering (EMSE) is an Erasmus Mundus joint master programme in English, coordinated by the faculties of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, Technische Universit?t Kaiserslautern, Germany, University of Oulu, Finland, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
European Masters Programme in Software Engineering
European Masters Programme in Software Engineering薩爾大學的NLP
※秋季VS春季 | 波蘭大學兩季入學有何不同?