
《愛情呼叫轉移2》雷人台詞中英雙語http://www.sina.com.cn2009年03月03日 13:48 滬江英語

  1. 林申:你可以拒絕我,但不要拒絕青春


  This bronze was created by Rodin in his late years. "The OldCourtesan" was once an eminent beauty, a woman to die for. Look now uponthe ashes of hear youth, the pain is all tangible. Age knows no mercy.Please accept this gift as a kind reminder: You may choose to reject me,but you should never reject your youth。

  2. 徐崢:干我們這行的表面上很風光


  Showbiz may look glitzy, but it isn"t as cushy as it seems. Nofixed accomodation, no fixed hours. We get up before the rooster crows,go to bed after bogeyman is tucked in for the night, work harder thenoxen, and eat worse than pigs... The worst thing is you have no dignity!Whatever the director tells you to do, you do it. He wants you to jumpoff a building, you jump. He wants you to stand in the rain and soak,you soak. He wants you to strip, you strip。

  3. 古巨基:我是賣保險的


  But my work isn"t exactly a walk in the park either. We wear suitsand look elegant, but we live with our tails betweenn our legs. We haveassessments every week, it drives us insane. We don"t get to see ourloved ones for the holidays。

  4. 蘇有朋:我是個職業的選手

  我是個職業的選手,參加過『超男』 『好男』『真男』『夢男』『舞男』『型男』『星光大道』『舞動奇蹟』『舞林大會』『民聲大震』『舞動新主播』『閃亮第一次心動』,只要是秀場我都上。你別看我年輕,我可是上過三十幾部戲了。三國里,我一人就演了三個角色,…先跟著劉備打曹操,後來又跟著曹操打東吳,再後來,跟誰打誰我都記不清楚了。只要是副導演一聲開機,朝著鏡頭狂奔就行。

  I"m a professional talent show contestant. I"ve been on "SuperBoy", "Good Boy", "Real Boy", "Dream Boy", "Dance Boy", "Super Star","Stars in their Eyes", "The X Factor", "Dancing with Stars", "SoulTrain", "Pop Idol", "Nouvelle Star". If it"s a talent show, I go! I maylook a little wet behind the ears, but i"ve acted in over 30 TV series.In "Three Kindoms" I acted three parts all by myself. First Liu Bei and Iwent to war with Cao Cao. Then Cao Cao and I went to war with Dong Wu.And after that... As soon as the assistant director shouted "action",we"d all sprint towards the camera。

  5. 范偉:他們都叫我黑馬胖子


  My motto is: Give me respect, and I give you gold。


  If you want to do business, sincerity is an asset。







  - Do you understand what I"m trying to tell you?

  - Yes. I"m chasing you with cupid"s arrows, and you"re flying about in a bullet proof vest。

  - So stop being so nice to me. I"m not attracted to you。

  - That"s alright. Just give it time。

  - But we don"t have any foundations。

  - Roses are red. Violets are blue. I"m stinking rich. You"re too good to be true! There. That"s our foundations。




  - I"ve been waiting for you all my life. You"re one in a million。

  - I want a knight in shining armour。

  - Oh that"s a shame. Everyone calls me the black fatty。

6. 陸毅:憑什麼要男人付贍養費?


  Marriage is the result of free will, men and women are equals. Whyshould men pay alimony? Why did you get married in the first plase? Forstarters you"re just an extra mouth to feed. Your relationship to myclient was that of a long term whore. I"m not trying to offend you. I"msimply stating the truth. You shouldn"t assume that having been marriedgives you the right to ask for compensation. My client was married too,and he invested just as much as you did. Screaming out hysterically "Iwasted my best years on you, you must pay!" is something women in theirlate 40s like to do. For an old hag with children to feed asking forcompensation is fair and just, that is what meant by the word alimony.In all the time you were married to my client, you never once gotpregnant. So what do you compensation for? Women say that men haingmistresses is shameful. Men say loving anybody is a tragedy. If youstill want money, then it isn"t an alimoney, it"s severance pay。

  7. 保阪尚希:人是世界上最醜陋最無能的一種動物。

  人呢,是世界上最醜陋最無能的一種動物 。跑不快,不能潛水,也不能飛。冷了要穿衣服,熱了呢,他還要使空調,什麼事都要藉助工具,他憑什麼佔據和統治這個地球?如果把地球重新格式化的話,人類還能統治嗎?絕對不可能!

  Humans are the ugliest and most impotent species on the face ofthis earth. We can"t run, can"t swim underwater, can"t fly. When we"recold we wear more clothes. When we"re hot, we have to turn up the airconditioning. We rely on tools for everying. Why should we be allowed toconquer and control this earth? If the world we"re so start fromscratch again, would man be at the top of the food chain? I think not。

  8. 鄧超:給我兩斤真愛,拿回去喂狗。


  In this day and age, pigs eating people isn"t a headline. Being married for ten years, now that"s what I call news。

  鄧超:寧可高傲的發霉,也不要卑微的戀愛... 給我兩斤真愛,拿回去喂狗..。婚姻是什麼,婚姻是愛情的墳墓。


  - It"s better to rot with dignity than to love in shame... Fetch me1 kilo of true love! I"ll take it home to feed the dog... What ismarriage? Marriage is love"s gravestone。

  - If marriage is love"s gravestone, then those who do not marry die in unnamed graves。

  - 現在就好比對面站的是往奶粉里摻三聚氰胺那孫子

  - 這廝得罵一下,你這個進化不完全的生命體,基因突變的外星人,化糞池堵塞的兇手,陰陽失調的黑猩猩,和蟑螂共存活的超個體,


  - Just imagine that you"re standing opposite that bastard who poisoned the milk with melamine。

  - He deserves a good cursing! You"re a poorly evolved organism. Analien with stunted DNA. The thing that is blocking my septic tank.Apremenstural chimpanzee. The superorganism of an empire of cockroaches.A pustulent vegetable. A retarded fossil. The black hole into which theuniverse continually implodes. Not even amoeba can survive on akeyboard you"ve touched. Your saliva is 100 times mor deadly than SARS.If you look up it opens a hole in the ozone layer. You are polluting theentire solar system. So imagine the furthest palce you can and pissoff!


為何忘年戀越來越多 真愛還是只是一時衝動?

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