當代以地球大地作為生命存在的母體與母親,以母親地球大地作為生命、歷史與社會文明的主體的生態觀念,有時也擬人地或簡單地把地球大地稱為[地母],與歷史的民間的偶像的[地母],在概念上是有區別的,二者之間有整體與局部、大地自然規律與具體生命、不可見與可見的區別,它們之間有主體與隸從、直接與間接的同一整體的系列的關係,為了說明二者之間的區別與聯繫的關係,把這整體概念稱為[地母文化]。The contemporary ecologicalconcept of regarding earth as the mother of life existence and also as theprincipal part of life, history and social civilization- which sometimes simplynames the earth 「mother」 – differs from the historic and folk concept of「mother earth」. The former is the whole, the natural law, and the invisiblewhile the latter is the part, the specific life and the visible. The lattersubordinates to the former and is the indirect form of it. To illustrate thedifferences and relations between the two, we consider both of them as thecomponent of 「Mother-Earth Culture」.
隨著地母文化生態精神文明的不斷深入與發展,[地母文化]作為生態系統理論,應該成為一門獨立的生態社會學科,作為生態精神文明及其生態道德信仰修養整體理論體系的重要的組成部分。As the ecologicalspiritual civilization of mother earth continues to deepen and develop,「Mother-Earth Culture」 as a systematic theory should become an independentecological social discipline, which is an essential component of the ecologicalspiritual civilization and its theoretical system of cultivation of ecologicalmoral and belief.
「地」指大地自然法則。 「母」指觀念、倫理、序列。現在分別說明。 「Mother-Earth Culture」 consistsof two basic concepts-the 「earth」 and the 「mother」. 「Earth」 refers to naturallaw, while 「mother」 refers to idea, ethic and sequence, both of them would beexplained in the following:
4、地球大地為主體的大地理論體系及其立法邏輯(大地的理論)。 1. The concept of「earth」 includes: ① Earth energy – theenergy of earth』s gravity and its principle of energy direction. It is alsocalled Asamskrta-dharma, natural force and anchoring force (energy of earth). ② Earth itself and its benefit laws – alsothe natural absolute truth (space of earth)。③ Spiritual world of the earth – also earth』s natural kingdom (societyof earth). ④ Theory system with earthas its principal part, and the legislation logic of it (theory of earth).
1、樹立生命是以大地為存在的[母體](母親大地存在觀)。排斥離地升天、天堂人文觀念及事物。2. The concept of「mother」 includes: ① The earth is thematrix of life (existence of mother earth) , rejecting the concept of heaven.
2、以地球大地為母親的大地自然道德倫理觀念(母親大地倫理觀)。 ② Naturalmoral ethics generated from the earth (ethics of mother earth).
3、樹立一切資源屬於母親地球大地所有的觀念(母親大地的公有制觀)。 樹立地球大地資源必須用於地球大地利益與要求的觀念,樹立大同公有製為目標的大地歷史所有觀。
③ Allthe resources belong to mother earth (public ownership of mother earth). Building the concept that all resource onearth should be used to serve the benefit of earth itself as well as theconcept of historical public ownership of the earth.
樹立以母親大地及其利益規律,作為生命自我的觀念目標的目的與依據,以母親大地及其利益規律作為生命自我的意識形態、思想道德、審美情感、生活方式的目標與依據的生命觀。 ④ Thecombination of psychic energy serves as the main part of life energy (outlookon life of mother earth)。 Perceiving mother earth and its profits andprinciples as the target and basis of life itself, andthe ideology, morality, aesthetic emotion and life-style of life itself.
5、有近十萬年曆史的人類母系單血緣家庭制度的母系大同社會,即原始共產主義母系大同社會(母系家庭制度)。 原始共產主義母系大同社會的現代社會主義的復興,是生態社會主義目標的本質,是以[母親大地] 作為歷史與社會主體,以[母親地球]即[地母]作為道德倫理信仰,作為生命自我及其觀念意識形態的主體的[母系]大同社會,以現代的社會主義以及共產主義的復興,也是中國特色社會主義階段的目標與依據。⑤ The matriarchalsociety, also the primitive communist matriarchal society which has around100,000 year』s history (matrilineal family system). The rejuvenation of primitive matriarchalsociety to modern socialism is the essence of the target of biologicalsocialism; it is the matriarchal society which perceives mother earth as theprincipal part of history and society, as the moral ethics and belief and asthe principal part of life itself and ideology. It is also the target and basisof socialism with Chinese characteristics.
6、在地球大地漫長的歷史中,創造社會歷史的創世者,是母系前輩(母系社會祖先)。 母系社會的母系前輩,是人類信仰中的創世神,是人類最久遠的母系祖先,也是精神世界的母系祖先,是信仰領域的母系偶像,其歷史悠久,遠遠早於人類父系家庭的、私有制的、階級社會的人文歷史。因為歷史久遠,在人文歷史中不可能有真實的具體的記載,往往是以神話傳說的形象出現,如[女媧補天]等。 ⑥ The creators of socialhistory during the long history of earth is the matriarchal ancestors (ancestorof matriarchal society)。 Ancestors of matriarchal society are thecreators in human belief, the oldest matriarchal ancestors of human, and thematriarchal idols within religious domain. It appeared long before the historyof patriarchal society, private ownership and class society. Due to its ancienthistory, most of ancestors of matriarchal society appear in the form of mythsand legends instead of in detailed records, the Chines story of Nv Wa Sky as anexample.
第1、[大地自然法則] 的關鍵詞包括:
(1)、大地的能量;(2)、大地的空間;(3)、大地的社會;(4)、大地的理論。 3. Keywords of 「Mother-Earth Culture」 ① Keywords of the Principle of Terra Nature. a. energy of the ground。b. space ofthe ground。c. society of the ground。d. theory of the ground
第2、[地母倫理觀念] 的關鍵詞包括:
(1)、母親大地存在觀;(2)、母親大地倫理觀; (3)、母親大地公有觀;
(4)、母親大地生命觀;(5)、母系家庭人生觀; (6)、母系祖神崇拜觀。
[地母文化]是物質文明向地球生態精神文明發展的重要文化內容。② Keywords of theEthics of Mother Earth。a. existence of mother earth。b. ethics ofmother earth。c. public ownership of mother earth。d. outlook on life of mother earth。e.outlook on life of 。atrilinealfamily。f. worship of matrilineal gods。The 「Mother-Earth Culture」 is an important content during thedevelopment from material civilization towards earth"s ecological civilization.
作者:【地母書院】院長黃葵,著作有:1、[地球的哲學];2、[地球定引力學];3、[綠色文化];4、[地球母親];5、[精神文明];6、[定力寶典]; 7、[回歸自然];8、[現代物理學與佛學];9、[ 大地禪], 10、[ 母親大地之道],11、[新地母經];12、[黃葵書法]等。歡迎搜索hkxd525 ,可以閱讀黃葵先生的系列文章。Writer: Huang Kui。President of
「母」指觀念、倫理、序列。 現在分別說明。
原始共產主義母系大同社會的現代社會主義的復興,是生態社會主義目標的本質,是以[母親大地] 作為歷史與社會主體,以[母親地球]即[地母]作為道德倫理信仰,作為生命自我及其觀念意識形態的主體的[母系]大同社會,以現代的社會主義以及共產主義的復興,也是中國特色社會主義階段的目標與依據。
1、[大地自然法則] 的關鍵詞包括:
2、[地母倫理觀念] 的關鍵詞包括:
(1)、母親大地存在觀; (2)、母親大地倫理觀; (3)、母親大地公有觀;
(4)、母親大地生命觀; (5)、母系家庭人生觀; (6)、母系祖神崇拜觀。
作者黃葵先生【地母書院】院長,著作有:1、[地球的哲學];2、[地球定引力學];3、[綠色文化];4、[地球母親];5、[精神文明];6、[定力寶典]; 7、[回歸自然];8、[現代物理學與佛學];9、[ 大地禪], 10、[ 母親大地之道],11、[新地母經];12、[黃葵書法]等。歡迎搜索hkxd525 ,可以閱讀黃葵先生的系列文章。
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