
Textiles Material articles - Coarse

1: Concept

Coarse cloth known as "homespun", it is the honest working people to cotton as raw material, with the original spinning wheel, a wooden shuttle loom shuttle a carefully woven in China has Hundreds of years of history. Extremely complex coarse handmade textile technology, from mining to the previous line woven cotton by ginning, spent shells, spinning, wire, pulp, chaotic lines, drop lines, theWire, brush wire, for the ensemble, Chuang Zhu, dig ensemble, lifting machine, bolt cloth, weaving, and other large and small, more than 70 of the procedure, to twenty-character lines of several of its carefully designed To changing the past two thousand species of colorful patterns. Called the intricate, ever-changing.

2: Evolution

Textile Technology in the West into China, the Chinese common people"s clothing, beds are handmade textiles made of coarse cloth, the cloth spun out of the clothes line is simple, Monotone color, texture is relatively rough, the past century with the modernization of the textile industry, coarse phasing out of people"s lives. With people spending the past few years the concept of change, "Green, green, natural," people in pursuit of fashion, past the old coarse through the modern technology of innovation and change, richer colors, feel more comfortable, as appropriate Demand for new textile products of modern populations. Spring and Autumn period to the Han, Shandong province is the center of my Guochan Mian. "Qi Wan Lu onyx" known as "crowned clothing and footwear world." The famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, "Yi Xi"

In there "stripe Lu Qi Wan won the Class class, men and women weave incompatible farming loss," the poem. Han, Vu Thi Jiaxiang County in Shandong Han stone on the Temple "has been voted Zhu mother" figure, who is both the mother used the ramp looms over the Qilu today, every household uses the vertical Loom ancestors. Grandma Square brand, it is intended to take "has been voted loom mother" figure. Wear cotton commoner in royal family are very prevalent in the upper class, after the Central Plains and the surrounding area of the capital, Coarse cotton, and also as a tribute to the court"s precious alien friendly neighbors, traditional gift exchange. Shandong grandmother Square coarse, learn the essence of the Yellow River culture, adhering to the thousands of people Process between the traditional denim. The finest cotton, combined with modern fashion elements and constant innovation. Concentrate to focus on, ecology, health, green home of the production and dissemination. Manufacturers are now focused on Boxing Gu village. The homely village center, several thousand families to coarse for the cause. Green also led other neighboring cities and counties with high development. Gu Village, coarse annual turnover or even billions, but the government does not support, the road is not smooth, to examine the customers around the need to rent a taxi. In the homely village to the source Cheung Coarse (manager Wang Hongwei), the most outstanding Ruifuxiang coarse.【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】【Network reprint / Just reference】【Translation is by Goolge】

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