泰勒與哈利分手真相:興趣不和 女方太痴迷古董?

Harry Styles tired of Taylor Swift"s rather grown up obsession with [w=antiques]antiques[/w], it"s being reported. 據報道,哈里·斯泰爾斯是厭倦了泰勒痴迷古董才與其分手的。

While Styles, 18, is desperate to enjoy the party scene; Swift, 23, is a [w]budding[/w] [w=homemaker]homemaker[/w] and is apparently keen to chat about her antique collection.哈利,18歲,典型的派對動物,享受派對的樂趣;斯威夫特,23歲,嚮往成為家庭主婦,顯然熱衷於談論她的古董收藏。

Styles even bought her antique jewellery during their brief [w=courtship]courtship[/w] but according to a report in Radar Online, soon became tired with her mature hobby.斯泰爾斯在他倆短暫的戀愛期間甚至還買了古董珠寶送給她,但是據Radar Online報道,斯泰爾斯很快就厭倦了她那種年長者才有的愛好。

Swift quickly sought comfort in her music following her break-up with the One Direction star and was spotted going to a recording studio on Thursday. 斯威夫特在和這位One Direction樂隊明星分手後迅速跑回錄音室尋求音樂上的安慰。

Swift got in some much-needed [w]consolation[/w] from her family. 同時,斯泰爾斯也從家人那裡得到了必要的安慰。

After spending Christmas apart the pair reunited in New York City for New Year"s Eve, before jetting off to the British Virgin Islands on New Year"s Day to spend some time together. 這對情侶在聖誕節分開,於新年前夕在紐約重聚,並且在新年一起乘飛機去英屬維京群島度假。

But things did not go to plan and Swift ended the holiday early, flying back to the U.S. on her own after just three days on vacation on January 4.但是事情並不像預想的那樣,斯威夫特提前結束了假期,在享受了3個假日後於1月4日獨自一人飛回美國。

Meanwhile, Styles stayed on alone and lived it up, partying with fellow guests, and even fitting in a visit to Richard Branson, who owns a neighbouring private island.同時,哈利獨自一人呆在島上,和遊客一起聚會,還獲邀前往富商理查德·布蘭森的私人小島遊玩。

Neither Harry nor Taylor have commented on reports of their split.目前哈利或者泰勒都沒有對他們的分手事件表態。



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