
功夫熊貓 2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)

很久以前,在古代中國, Long ago, in ancientChina,

孔雀家族統治著宮門城。 The Peacocks ruled overthe Gongmen city.

他們給這座城帶來了快樂與繁榮。 They brought great joy and prosperity to the city

因為他們發明了煙火。 For they had invented fireworks.

但他們的兒子,沈王爺 But their son, Lord Shen

在煙火中看到了一個邪惡的計劃。 Saw darker path in thefireworks.

能帶來色彩與快樂的東西 What that brought colorand joy

同時也能帶來黑暗與毀滅。 Can also brink darkness and destruction.

沈王爺令他的父母感到不安從而向一位先知求教。 Shen trouble parents consult to a


她預言道 , 如果沈王爺繼續在邪路上執迷不悟 , She foretold that if Shen continuedown to this


他會被一名黑白勇士所打敗。 He will be defeated bythe warrior of black and white.

這位少主開始改變他的命運。 The Young Lord set out to change his fate.

但他下一步所做的事,人們無法得知。 But what he did next, only sealed.

沈王爺回到他的父母那裡期待能夠得到讚賞。 Shen returned to his parents for a pride.

但在他們的臉上,他只看到了恐懼。 But in their faces, he saw only horror.

他被驅逐出了這座城市,永遠不得回來。 He was banish from the city forever.

但沈王爺發誓要報復。 But Shen swore revenge.

他朝他必定會回來 Some day, he will return

到時候天下所有人都要臣服於他腳下。 and all of China will bowat his feet.

就要完成了,沈王爺。但我們的金屬不夠用了。 Almost done, Lord Shen. But we ran out of


到最遠的村莊去查探,找更多的金屬回來。 Search the furthestvillages, find more metal.

天下將是我的了。 China will be mine.

然後神龍大俠加入了蓋世五俠。 And then the Dragonwarrior joined the Furious five.

所以他們成為了最棒的功夫隊伍。 So they became the most awesome kungfu team ever.

廢話少說。動手吧。 Enough talk. Let"s fight.

聽 ! 你現在可以聽到神龍戰士正在訓練呢 。 Listen! You can hear the Dragonwarrior is training


三十三,阻止他。這太危險了。 Thirty-three, stop him.It"s too dangerous.

保持專心。 - 三十六。 Stay focus. -Thirty-six.

他的臉怎麼能變成這樣啊? How is he doing that tohis face?

三十八個豆沙包。 Thirty-eight bean buns.

新紀錄。你這個怪物。 New record. You monster.

繼續,吃 40 個。 - 他絕不能達到 40 個。 Keep going, hit forty -He never hitforty.

沒問題,兄弟,我現在就塞 40 個! You got it, buddy, I"m going toforty!

來吧。沒問題。 Do it. No problem.

等等。 Wait a moment.

他做到了。做得好,阿寶。 He did it. Well done Po.

你的訓練還沒去呢。 Your training is paidoff.

噢,師傅。我要走了。待會見。 Oh, master Shifu. Gottago. See you later.

那些包子你會幫我留著是吧? You"ll save those to me, right?心如止水。 Inner peace.

心如止水。 Inner peace.

心如止水。 Inner peace.

師傅。 Master Shifu.

師傅。什麼情況?有海盜嗎? Master Shifu. What do wegot? Pirates?

還是火山上的山賊? Vandals of volcanomountain?

不管是什麼我都會把他們幹掉 , 因為我在很有狀態 。 Whatever it is I will take themdown. Cuz

I"min the mood

我得找些事乾乾,你知道我的意思吧? I need to get somethingdone, you know what I mean?

你在幹什麼呢? What are you doing?

龜仙大師的最終教義之一。 One of Master Oogways" final teachings.

太牛了。你是怎麼做到的? Awesome. How did you dothat?

心如止水。 - 心如止水,太酷了! Inner peace. -Inner peace. thatcool!

心如什麼樣的止水? - 這是你下一階段的訓練內容 。 Inner peace of what? -It"sthe next phase

ofyour training.

每一位高手都必需找到令自己心如止水的方法。 Every master must findhis path to inner


有些人在一個山洞裡冥想了 50 年,就像這樣。 Some chose to meditate for 50 yearsin a cave

justlike this.

基本上不吃也不喝。 Without the slightesttaste of food or water.

或者?有些人精神和肉體上都備受折磨 , 和我一樣 。 Or? some find pain andsuffering as I did.

阿寶,在你被選為神龍大俠的那一天 Po, the day you waschosen to be Dragon Warrior

… 是我一生中最糟糕的日子。 ...was the worst day of my life.

到目前為止,沒有一樣東西是像樣的。 By far, nothing else came close.

這曾是最痛苦,令人心碎,可怕的時刻, - 好吧。 It was the most painful,mind destroying,

horriblemoment, -Okay.

我之前從來沒有體驗過的。 I have ever experienced.

但自從我發現問題並不在於你,而是在於我 But once I realized theproblem was not you, but


我領悟到了心如止水,從而能夠利用宇宙之量。 I found inner peace, andwas able to harness

theflow of the universe.

就這樣,我只需要心如止水? So that"s it, I just need inner peace?

我的內心已經是非常非常平靜的了。 My inner is already super-super peaceful

那麼我只需要做的,就是發揮它的作用。 So i only need to do, just get this thing going.

心如止水,你完了。 Inner peace, You"re goingdown.

現在讓我看看你的腳之前是怎麼弄的,我只看到你那漂亮的 … Now show me what you were

doingwith your feet, I saw you just show a fancy...

阿寶! Po!

有強盜,正在朝音樂家們的村子進發。 Bandits, approaching from the musicians" village.

危險。讓音樂家們來點動感音樂吧,因為好戲開始了。 Danger. Tell those musicians to start

playingsome action music, cuz it is on.

不要擔心師傅 , 我會參悟心如止水的 , 只要我一回來 。 Don"t worry Shifu, I willmaster inner

peace,as soon as I get back.

這回可不是玩過家家。 No snack stop this time.哈哈哈!過家家。 Ha-ha-ha! Snack stop.

等等,你是說真的? Wait, are you serious?

把你能找到的金屬全帶走 Get all the metal you canfind

拿走這些金屬。 Grab the metal.

救命,救命,救命。 Help, help, help.

都在這了。走吧。 That"s everything. Let 』 s get out of here.

正義之翅。 Wings of justice.

神龍大俠。 The dragon warrior.

熊貓?這不可能。 Panda? That"s impossible.

我的拳頭正等著伸張正義呢。 My fist hunger forjustice.

這是我的 … 拳頭。 This was my...fist.

幹掉他們。 Get them.

來吧。 Come on.

嘗嘗這個。 Take that.

阿寶,有箭來! Po, incoming !

謝啦,螳螂。 Thank you, Mantis.

虎妞,過來雙管齊下。 Tigress, double-jumpstrike.

旋風腿! Feet of Fury !

虎妞。 Tigress.

猴子。毒蛇。 Monkey. Viper.

螳螂。小兔兔。什麼? Mantis. Bunny. What?

噢,不好意思。 oh sorry.

仙鶴,上。我就來了。 Crane, go, I 』 m on it.

大家都沒事吧? Is everyone ok?

太棒了! Awesome!

這個給我吧。 I got this.

太菜了,黑白怪。 Shoo on that, Toby!

你還好吧?怎麼了? Are you okay? Whathappened?

我想我看到了 I think I saw

我想 … I think ...

我要走了 I gotta go

謝謝光臨神龍大俠面豆腐。 Thank you for coming in Dragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu.

還要茶嗎?檸檬醬?有什麼需要 , 儘管說 。 More tea? Lemon sauce? Ifyou need anything, just


謝謝。 Thank you.

神龍戰士的地拖。他肯定很窮了。 Dragon Warrior"s mop. Hemight be very poor

不要碰,你會弄髒它的。 No touching, you"ll getthe mop dirty.

他曾在招呼著我呢。 - 太棒了。 He was waiting on me. -awesome.

我有證據證明。神龍大俠在哪裡? I have a stand to prove it. Where is the Dragon Warrior?

他已經不再在這裡上班了。 He does not work here anymore.

他在外頭很忙的。保護著這個山谷呢 He"s busy out there.Protecting the valley

神龍大俠 . - 阿寶。 The Dragon Warrior. -Po.

好,行。 Here, ok

你應該告訴我你要過來。 You should have told meyou would come.嗨,爸。 Hi dad.

我會幫你留點臭豆腐。 - 額。 I would save you some stinky tofu.-Ah.

額,我可以和你說句話嗎? - 當然可以了,兒子。 Ah, can I talk to you? -Of course,son.

以我兒子之威名:免費豆腐甜點全場供應 … In honor of my son: Free Tofu desserts for


不過得先消費。 ... with purchases.

看到你很高興,阿寶。 So good to see you. Po.

你是不是減肥了。 Have you lost weight.

我差不多能用我的翅膀抱你一圈了。 I could almost put mywings around you.

也許有一點點。 Maybe a little.

阿寶 , 你肯定感到很虛弱 , 讓我給點做點湯吧 。 Po, you must feel weak, Let me getyou some


不用了,爸。我不餓。 That"s ok dad. I"m nothungry.

不餓?阿寶,你沒事吧? Not hungry? Po youalright?

沒事,我很好,我只是 Yeah, I"m fine, I just

今天早些時候我在打強盜。沒什麼危險的 Earlier today, I wasfighting with the bandits.

Nothingtoo dangerous

他們只是 … 你知道的。 They were just .. you know.

然後一件非常奇怪的事情發生了, And then, a strangestthing happened,

我看到了一個奇妙的畫畫。 I had a crazy vision.

我想我看到我媽了,我還看到了自己是個嬰兒。 I think i saw my mom. And me as a baby.

媽?嬰兒? Mom? a Baby?

爸? Dad?

他在說什麼? What he talk about?

我該怎麼說好呢? How do I say this?

我是從哪裡來的? Where did I come from?

嗯,你知道,兒子。 Well you see, son.

小鵝就來自一個小鵝蛋。 Baby geese come from alittle egg.

不要問我蛋是從哪裡來的。 Don 』 task me where the egg come from.

爸,我不是這個意思。 Dad, it is not what I meant.

我知道不是。 I know it"s not.

我想現在是時候告訴一些事。 I think this is time to tell you something.

我早就應該告訴你的。 I should have told you a long time ago.

你可以算得上是 You might have been kindof

被收養的吧。 Adopted.

我就知道。你知道?誰告訴你的? I knew it. -You knew? Whotold you?

沒有人。我是說,不要這樣,爸。 No one. I mean, come ondad.

但如果你早就知道了,為什麼你什麼都不說呢? But if you knew it, Why didn"t you ever say


你為什麼又什麼都不說? Why didn"t you sayanything?

我是怎麼到這裡的?我是從哪裡來的? How did I get here dad?Where did I come from?

實際上 Actually

你是從這個來的。 You came from this.

那是我在餐館平常的一天, It was just another dayat a restaurant,做麵條的時候 Time to make a noodle

我走到後面。 I went out to the back.

蔬菜剛剛被送到那裡。 Where the vegetables had just been delivered.

那裡有白菜,大頭菜,蘿蔔 … There were cabbages, turnips, radishes...

但沒有蘿蔔。 Only there was no radish.

只有一隻非常飢餓的熊貓寶寶。 Just a very hungry babypanda.

沒有字條。 There was no note.

當然也有可能讓你吃了。 Of course you could eat it.

我在等著是不是有人會來找你 I waited for someone tocome looking for you

但沒有人。 But no one did.

我把你帶到裡面 I brought you in side

喂你 Fed you

給你洗澡 Gave you a bath

再喂你, And fed you again,

再喂。 And again.

我試著給你穿褲子。 I tried to put some pantson you.

然後我做了一個會永遠改變我一生的決定。 And then i made a decision would change my life


做沒有蘿蔔的湯。 To make my soup withoutradishes.

還有把你當作自己兒子一樣撫養。 And to raise you as myown son.

小寶,我的小熊貓。 Sao Po. My little panda.

從那時開始,我的湯和人生 And from that moment on,both my soup and my life

都變得甜美了很多。 Have been much sweeter.

我的小寶,事情就是這樣子了。 My little Po, Is this the end of the story.

看著我。不,不要看著我。 Look at me. No, do not look at me.

就這麼多? That"s it?

這不可能只是這樣。這肯定還有更多的事。 That can"t be it. Thathave to be more dad.

有次你把我所有的竹子傢具都吃光了。 Well, there were the timeyou ate all my bamboo


這件事也很重要。 It was important too.

一個餃子,神龍大俠尺寸的。 One dumpling please,Dragon Warrior size.

噢,阿寶,你人生的開始也許不算好 Oh Po, your story may nothave such a happy beginning

但看看你現在的生活 but look how it turn out

你有我,你有功夫,你還有麵條。 You got me, you gotkungfu, and you got noodles.

我知道,我只是有太多的問題了。 I know, I just have so many question.

比如我是如何能夠被放在這個這麼小的籃子里。 Like how I ever fit in this tiny basket.

我為什麼不喜歡褲子。 Why didn"t i like pants.

還有,我是誰? And who am I?

好,注意你的戰術。 Good, Watch your thought.

好。 Good.

沈王爺? Shen?

下午好,先生們。 Good afternoon,gentlemen.

客套的話我們就不多說了。 Now we"ve got thepleasantries out of the way.

請離開我的宅子。 Please leave my house.你的宅子? Your house?

對,你沒看到前門上那隻孔雀嗎? Yes, Didn"t you see thepeacock in the front door?

你在這呢,羊仙姑。 There you are,Soothsayer.

看來你的運氣和占卜術並沒有你想像中那麼好 。 It seem your fortune and skills arenot as good

asyou thought.

我們儘管看看,沈王爺。 We shall see, Shen.

你儘管看看,老山羊,我們說到哪了 You shall see, old goat,where were we

你想要什麼東西,姓沈的? - 本來就屬於我的東西 … What do you want Shen?-What is


宮門城。 Gongmen city.

宮門城現在歸武委會管理。 Gongmen is understewardship of the master council.

我們將會守護它。 And we will protect it.

即使要面對的是你。 Even from you.

你這樣想我很高興。 I"m so glad you feel thatway.

否則他們帶那份禮物來就沒什麼用處了。 Otherwise they drag thatgift for nothing.

箱子里裝的是什麼,姓沈的? What"s in the box, Shen ?

想看嗎?這是份禮物啊。 Want to see it? It"s a gift.

這是你的分解禮物。 It is your parting gift.

它會將你分解。 It will part you.

一部分的你分解在這裡,一部分的你分解在那裡, Part of you here, part ofyou there,

還一部分的你分解在你曾在位置上 … and part of you where you werethere...

粘在牆上。 staining the wall.

你這個無禮的白痴! You insolent fool !

很好。 - 這只是一個警告。 Show off. -That is a warning.

你的功夫並不是我們的對手。 You are no match for our kungfu.

我同意,但這個是。 I agree, but this is.

你知不知道宮門城大師? Are you familiar with themaster of Gongmen city?

雷犀牛大師?是的。 Master thundering Rhino?Yes.

傳說中飛天犀牛的兒子? - 是的。 Son of the legendary Flying Rhino?-Yes.

在惡狼谷手刃一萬條蛇的殺手? And the slayer of tenthousands serpents in the valley of

Wolf ?

他已經死了。這個,這個不可能。 He"s dead. That, that is impossible.

犀牛角防守能夠對抗任何武術。 Rhino"s horn defense is impervious to any technique.

並不是武術。沈王爺發明了一種武器。 There were no technique. Lord Shen has created a


一種可以利用煙火發射出金屬的武器。 One the breathes firerand spits metal.

除非他被制止 , 不然這有可能為功夫畫上句號 。 Unless he is stopped, This could bethe end of


我才剛剛學會功夫而已。 But I just got kungfu.

現在你要去拯救它了。 And now you must save it.

去吧!毀掉那武器, Go! Destroy this weapon,

將沈王爺繩之於法。 and bring Lord Shen tojustice.

好,我們出發吧。 Ok here we go.

等一等,我怎麼能辦到這件事? Wait a second, how can I do this我是說 , 功夫如何能終結一個把功夫終結的東西 。 I mean how kungfu stop somethingthat stop


記住了神龍大俠,任何事都有可能 Remember Dragon Warrior,anything is possible

當你心如止水的時候。 when you have innerpeace.

心如止水。 Inner Peace.

止水了。 Peace on.

阿寶,我幫你準備了旅行袋。 Po. I get you travel bag.

我幫你準備了一個星期的食物,餅乾, I pack you food for week,cookies,

小麵包 , 蔬菜 , 甚至連你全部的玩偶 。 buns, vegetables, and even pack all your actionfigures.

我不知道這是什麼東西。 I don 』 tknow what those are.

我之前壓根就沒見過這些東西。 Never seen them before in my life.

爸,你在我的老虎姐姐身上弄了條劃痕。 Dad, you make a scratch on my tigress.

我還為了準備了畫像,我們在一起最快樂的時光, I also pack yourpainting, the best time


只是為了以防你感到孤獨。 just in case you getlonely.

這是你和我在做麵條, That me and you makingnoodles,

這是你和我在吃麵條。 and that me and youeating noodles.

這是我讓你騎大馬時的樣子。 And that me giving you apiggy back ride.

真可愛,我得再想想要不要給你這張。 That cute, on second thought, I"ll hang on to this one.

嗯,他們在等我呢。 Hey, they are waiting forme.

當然了,你有事要去做。離家很遠。 Of course, you have a jobto do. Far from home.

一個陌生的城市,充滿了陌生人和陌生的麵條。 A strange city, filledwith strange people and


面對著可怕的危險,這有可能讓你永遠也回不來。 Facing horrible danger,which could you


不要走,阿寶。 Don 』 t go, Po.

我必需走,我是神龍大俠, I got to go, I"m DragonWarrior,

拯救功夫就是我的使命。 It"s kind of my job tosave kungfu.

如果我不做,我會是什麼? And if I don"t. What am I?

你是我的兒子。 You are my son.

是嗎? Right?

阿寶,要走了。 Po, it"s time.

再見。 Goodbye.

不要擔心 , 平先生 , 他會在你說 「 麵條 」 前就會回來了 ( 指很快能回來 ) 。 Don 』 t worry, Mr.

Ping,He will be back before you can say 「 noodles 」 .

麵條。 Noodles.

快點夥計們,沖吧。 Come on guys, let"s go.

媽媽。 Momma

媽,爸?是你們嗎?媽!爸! Mom? Dad? is that you? Mom! Dad!

噢,嗨,嘿嘿,兒子,你回來了。 Oh hi, hey hey, son, youare back.

寶貝,你在這裡幹什麼? Honey, what are you doing here?

但我以為 … - 我們把你換了一個可愛的蘿蔔。 But I thought … -We replaced you, dear, with a


蘿蔔? Radish?他安靜,禮貌,功夫也不錯。 He is quiet, polite, and franklydoes better kungfu.

等等。 Wait.

大頭菜。 Radish.

心如止水。 Inner peace.

心如止水。 Inner peace.

心如止水。 Inner peace.

我在訓練呢。 I"m training.

桅杆可不是個好對手。 The mast is not a worthy opponent.

我準備好了。 I"m ready.

好吧,挺認真的。 Ok. So serious.

我想我還是打桅杆比較好。 I think I prefer themast.

對不起,我以前訓練的時候經常徒手擊打鐵木樹。 Apologize, I used topunch iron wood tree

bythe paws in training.

現在我什麼都感覺不到。 Now I feel nothing

這可真的很酷。 That is severely cool.

再來。 Again.

那麼擊打鐵木樹這事, So this punching ironwood tree,

你花了多長時間去練。 how long did you have to do that.

20年。 - 噢 20 , 20 年。 Twenty years. -Oh twenty, twentyyears.

有沒有快點方法?你知道啊 , 就是練到沒感覺的程度 。 Is there any faster way?You know until

don"tfeel anything.

沒有。除此之外 … No. Besides …

我不覺得勤學苦練的方式適合你。 I don"t think hard styleis your thing.

阿寶。你在這裡幹什麼? Po. Why do you really outhere?

我剛剛發現我爸不是我真正的爸。 I just found out my dad isn"t really my dad.

你父親?那隻鵝。 Your father? The Goose.

對你肯定打擊不小。 Must have been quite ashock.

是啊。 Yea.

這事困擾你嗎? And this bother you?

開什麼玩笑,我們是大俠,不是嗎? Are you kidding me? Weare warriors, right?

鋼一般的神經,鐵一般的意志。就像你一樣。 Nerves of steel, souls ofPlatinum. Like you.

那麼鐵石心腸,就什麼都感覺不到了。 So hardcore, you don"tfeel anything.

我 … 你們在談什麼呢? I was ... What are you talking about?

沒什麼。 Nothing.

阿寶的正為爸爸的事煩惱。 Po is having daddy issue.

我很幸運,我爸爸沒有任何問題。 I"m so lucky, I don"thave any problem with my dad.

因為我媽在我出生前就把他的頭吃掉了 。 我不知道 。Because my mother ate his head before i

wasborn. I don"t know.

螳螂 , 這不是關於你的事 , 阿寶才是那個不知所措的人 。 Mantis, it is not aboutyou, Po is the

onefreaking out.

我沒有不知所措。 I"m not freaking out.

阿寶。 Po.

我不知所謂。 I"m freaking in.

阿寶! - 啥? Po! -what?我們到了,宮門城。 We are here, Gongmen city.

我父親的王位。 My father"s throne.

他經常讓我在旁邊玩。 He always let me playhere beside him.

向我保證有一天這王位會是我的。 Promising someday this throne would be mine.

向左一點。 A little to the left.

但這個很重啊,師傅。 But it is so heavy,Master.

三十年了,我就在等這一刻。 Thirty years, I"ve waitedfor this moment.

每一樣東西都必需和我設想的一樣。 Everything must be exactly how I"ve envisioned.

我設想的就是,再往左一點。 And I envisioned, a little to the left.

完美。 Perfect.

憑藉著這件武器,在我 … 再往左邊一點。 With the weapon, by my .. left a bitmore.

憑藉著這件在我旁邊的武器 , 整個天下都將臣服於我 。 With the weapon, by my side, allchina

willbe bowed for me

我們將在三天後出發, We move out in 3 days,

在那月滿潮漲之時。 when the moon is full andthe tide is high.

現在你這隻老山羊,為何不跟我說說我的 … Now you old goat, why don 』 t you tell me my...

財富? Fortune?

未來,我說的是未來。 The future, I was goingto say the future.

瞧瞧你的碗, Looking to your bowl,

告訴我什麼樣的輝煌在等著我 And tell me what gloriouswaits

如果你繼續在你現在這條路上走下去 … If you continue on your current path...

你會發現你自己 … You will find yourself...

走下了這個台階。 At the bottom of thisstair.

我看到 I see...

我看到 I see...

我看到了痛楚。 I see pain.

還有憤怒。 And anger.

好大的膽子,這可是全省最名貴的衣服。 How dare you, That is thefinest suit in the province.

我也這樣認為。 Followed by denial.

這不是叫預言,你只是在說什麼樣事情發生在 ... This is not fortune telling. you justsay what is

happeningright …

現在? Now?

現在是最重要的時刻。 The most important timeis now.

但如果你真的想看到未來 … But if you really want to see thefuture...

你看到了什麼? What do you see?

一隻孔雀 ... A peacock...

被一個黑白勇士所打敗了。 is defeated by a warriorof black and white.

什麼都沒有改變。 Nothing has changed.

這是不可能的,你知道的。 That"s impossible. andyou know it.

這並不是不可能的,他也知道。 It is not impossible. And he knows it.

誰? Who?

沈王爺。我看到一隻熊貓了。 - 一隻熊貓? Lord Shen. I saw a pandas. -A panda?

一個武林中人,他身手不凡。 A kungfu warrior, he fought like a demon.

又大又勇,又軟又茸。 Big and fury, soft and squashy.毛長長的很可愛。 Kind of plushy and cuddly.

現在已經再也沒有熊貓了。 There are no more pandas.

就算他眼神不好,他也能看到真相。 Even with the poor eyesight, he can see the truth.

為什麼?是你看不到嗎? Why? Is that you cannot?

找到這隻熊貓,然後帶回來給我。 Find this panda and bring him to me.

遵命! Yes, sir.

一隻熊貓活著,並不能證明你是對的。 One panda lives, thatdoes not make you right.

你說得對,但我也對,因為對所以對。 You are right, beingright makes me right.

那我就把他殺了,然後讓你錯。 Then I will kill him and make you wrong.

你給我住口! Would you stop that!

城的另一邊肯定是沈王爺的宮殿。 That must be Shen 』 s palace in the other side of thecity.

太好了,我們就直接走到塔下然後宣布 … Great, we march to the tower and proclaim...

我們是神龍大俠和蓋世五俠 We are the Dragon Warriorand Furious Five

我們要將你繩之於法。 and we are here to bringyou justice.

你在搞什麼? What are you doing?

這裡滿街都是狼啊。 This place is crawlingwith wolves.

嘿,那個不是用鎚子砸你臉的傢伙嗎。 Hey, isn"t that the guywho hammered you in the face.

我不喜歡那個傢伙 … I do not like that guy ...

我們要在不被狼發現的情況下到達那個塔。 We need to get to thattown without being spotted

bythose wolves.

明白,潛行模式。 Got it. Stealth Mode.

哦 ~ Ow~

你好,呵呵呵呵,我 … Hello. Hehehehe, I ...

好吧。管他呢,我之前到哪裡了? OK. anyway, Where was I?

阿寶呢?那麼大塊頭我們怎麼走散了? Where is Po? How can we lose a guy that big?

夥計們,夥計們。 Guys, guys?

阿寶 … - 不好意思。 Po... -Sorry.

那麼這就是所謂的潛行模式了,嗯? So that was stealth modehuh?

老實說吧,這不是我的強項。 Be honest, not one of mystronger mode.

你還有更多的金子吧,快點拿出來。 You got more gold. Come on.

這米是生的。 This rice is raw.

你把我的鍋偷給沈王爺了。 You stole of my metalpots for Lord Shen.

要麼你煮我的飯要麼我把你煮了。 - 我的鍋 … Either you cook my rice or I cookyou. -My pot


阿寶,想想辦法。 Po, do something.

我怎麼才能在不被捉的情況下幫他做飯? How am I supposed to helpthe cook-rice without


等等。我有個更好的主意。 Wait. I have a better idea.

一 … 嘿。嘿。 One hey? hey?

我們來這裡是為了解放這座城還有將姓沈的繩之於法。 We are here to liberate the city and

bringShen to justice.

你會需要幫助的。 You will need help

謝謝了,勇敢的羊。但這太危險了,我不能讓你 … Thank you, brave sheep. But it wastoo

dangerousand I can"t let you...噢,不是我。在這裡說話不安全。 - 對。 Oh, not me. It"s not safeto speak here. - Right.

我是在說牛師傅和鱷魚師傅。 I"m talking about Master Ox and Croc.

他們被關在宮門城牢房,在黑龍區。 They are in Gongmen jail, at Black Dragon area.

啥?他們還活著? What? they are stillalive?

他們一定是在牢里收集情報策劃 They must be in that jailto gathering intelligent hatching

計謀著怎麼毀掉那件武器。 a plot to use theirawesomeness to defeat the weapon.

好了,出發吧。謝羊了。 OK, let 』 sgo. Thank sheep.

嘿!攔住那條戲龍! Hey! Stop that costume!

捉住他們。 Get them.

額,對不起! Uhh.. Sorry!

嘗我 ... 厲害! Take ... that!

跑啊!快點! Keep going! Faster!

就是現在。 Now.

抓到你了 ... Got you ...

啊? Huh?

他們去哪裡? Where did they go?

分頭行動! Spread out!

搜尋所有地方! Search everywhere!

那個地方呢? What about over there?

「 那個地方 」 是不是所有地方的一部分? Is "there" a part of every where?

我 … 我想是。 I.. I guess.

那就搜尋那個地方! Then search there!

他們肯定在附近。 The most be close.

我可以感覺一股殺氣在我後背挪動。 I can feel a Kung-Fuchill riding up my spine!

不好意思,阿寶。這只是我。 Sorry, Po. It"s just me!

看! Look!

宮門城牢房! Gongmen Jail!

噢,真可愛。 Oh.. It"s cute.

可愛?嗯? Cute? Huh?

做得好,阿寶。 Nice work, Po.

只要我一看到苗頭不對,我就會通知你們。 At the first sight oftrouble, I"ll give you a signal.

嘎嘎,吱吱! Gaga-Gygy!

你意思是就像仙鶴那樣叫? - 對! You mean like Crane does? -Yeah!

不好意思,我什麼時候發出過這樣的噪音? Excuse me, when have I ever, made that noise?

牛師傅 …… Master Ox! Master..

猛鱷魚師傅! The ferocious MasterCroc!

嘿 … 暴風牛師傅! Hey.. Master storming Ox!

我不敢相信我們現在救的是功夫中的活傳奇呢。 I can"t believe, we"rerescuing actual legends

of Kung-Fu.

我們會把你們從牢里救出來的,這附近肯定會有條鑰匙。 We will free you from those

bondages,just no problem, gotta be a key around here.

不,他們不會在這附近留下條鑰匙的。 No, they wouldn"t leave a key around here.

噢 , 太好了 … 你找到了 ! 來吧 , 夥計們 。 耶 ! Oh, good.. You found it! Come on youguys. Yeah!

我們來找你了,姓沈的! We"re coming for you, Shen!夥計們,我們到底要不要走? Guys, are we going or not?

我們要遲點動手嗎? Do we need to do thislater?

你們的確想奪回這座城吧?對不對? I mean, you do wanna take back you city. Right?

我們當然想。 Of course, we do.

但是如果我們和姓沈的作對, But if we stand up toShen,

他會把武器對準這座城! he will turn the weaponon the city!

聽聽你自己在說什麼。 Listen to yourself.

你們以 「 不保護宮門城 」 的方式來保護宮門城? You"re protecting Gongmen city, bynot

protectingGongmen city?

如果我們並肩作戰 … If we all fight together...

那種武器就會殺掉,所有人。 Then the weapon would kill, everyone.

噢,是嗎? Oh, would it?

這樣我們就採用,偷襲! Then we use, a sneakattack !

我們潛進去,然後 … - 然後你被制服! - We"ll get inside, and then... -And then you"ll be


被那無法阻止的武器。 By the unstoppableweapon.

沒有什麼是無法阻止的。除了我, Nothing is unstoppable.Except for me ,

當我在阻止你跟我說有些東西是不可阻止的時候。 When I"m stopping youfrom telling me


牛師傅,我不會讓你待在這個牢房裡的! Master Ox, I"m not letyou stay in the cell!

我倒想看看你怎麼把我弄出去! I like to see you get meout!

你看到了嗎?這就叫給力了! You guys see that? It"s called being awesome!

拜託!當英雄又怎麼了? Come on! whatever happened being hero?

這個城裡的唯一的英雄,已經死了。 The only hero in this town, is a dead one.

正如我所說,你不能讓我離開這個牢房! Like I said, you are not getting me out of the cell!

成了! Yes!

好了。走吧! Alright. Let"s go!

我要睡上鋪。 I get the top bunk.

是時候投降了,熊貓。 It"s time to surrender,panda.

功夫已經死了。 Kung-Fu is dead!

我 … I..

你 … 你 … 功夫已經死 … 死 … 了。 You..You.. Kung-Fu is a dea..aa.ad!

好吧! Fine!

你就留在你恐懼之牢里吧! You stay in your prisonof fear!

被絕望製成的高牆所囚禁。 With bars made ofhopelessness.

你們一日三餐雖然豐盛但卻充滿 … 恥辱。 And all you get is 3 square meals aday of... Shame.

還有絕望甜點。 With despair for dessert.

我們會搞定姓沈的。 We"ll take on Shen.

向所有渴望正義的人證明! And prove to all thosewho hunger for justice!

向所有渴望榮譽的人證明,功夫仍然存在。 And honor, "The Kung-Fu still lives".

耶! Yeah!

猴子! Monkey!

嘎嘎! Gaga!

你 … 你是我的了。 You.. You"re mine!我會告訴你什麼將會是你的。 I"ll tell you what"s gonna be yours.

我那打在你毛茸茸臉的拳頭。 My fist in your plushcuddly super soft face.

呃 - 噢! Uh-ouh!

捉住他! Get him!

帶我離開這裡! - 遵命! -Get me out of here! -Yes, sir!

阻止他! - 耶! Stop him! -Yeah!

快點! Faster!

阿寶,沖啊! Po, go!

甩掉他! - 遵命! Lose him! -Yes, sir!

穩住了! Hang on!

注意了! Watch out!

很卑鄙! Very uncool!

嘗嘗這個! Try this!

夥計們,夥計們,夥計們。 Guys, guys, guys.

或者來點小東西。 Maybe something small.

噢,不要! Oh, no!

你們最好別擋我的臉! You better get off myface!

讓一下!好了,讓一下。 Pardon me! Ok, pardon me.

有火!有火! Fire! Fire!

我們跟丟他們了。 We lost them.

耶!再來一次! Yeah! Again!

仙鶴,接住了! Crane, catch!

夥計們,夥計們,夥計們 … 助我一把! Guys, guys, guys.. give me a shot!

螳螂,就是現在! Mantis, now!

這就是你的全部本事嗎? Is that all you got todefeat us

像一團又大又軟的雲就想來擊敗我們? like a big old fluffy cloud!

這可是一片帶電雲! This cloud is about tobring the thunder!

到你了! Your turn!

為什麼會有 … 這麼 … 多 … 招牌啊? Why there are.. so.. many...signs?

到這邊來! Come here!

我會將你像壁球一樣打。 I like to squash you.

好!失敗的滋味。 Yes! Taste of the defeat.

我跟你說件事 … Let me tell you something..

你下次你惹上一隻熊貓的時候,你最好帶上 … Next time you mess with a panda, youbetter

bringa whole...

我猜沒人告訴過你;如果你惹上了一隻狼 … Guess nobody told you; If you miss with a wolf..

你就會被撕成碎片。 You"ll get the fangs.

我打了你兩次 … I hit you twice..

你現在準備怎麼做? What are you gonna donow?

我們投降了! We surrender!

你可以鎖住我的身體 , 但你永遠也鎖不住我的 … 鬥志 。 You could chain my body but you will

neverchain my.. warrior spirit.

嘿 , 不要忘了這小東西 ! - 你是在說我 … Hey, don"t forget the little guy!-Did you just called me..

阿寶,你在搞什麼? Po, what"re you doing?相信我,我有一個計劃哇哇哇! Trust me, I gotta a... pla..ww!

不可能! No way!

八針連環鎖! Eight-point acupuncturecuffs!

就像鎖太郞那個鎖,越掙扎就鎖得越緊 … Just like the one that held TaiLung, the more you

movethe tighter they get...

這是 " 最 " 牛的鎖了。 These are "the" bestcuffs.

你好啊,熊貓。終於我們見面了。 Greetings, panda. At lastwe meet.

不,不,不,不 … No. No, no, no..

我們終於見面了。 We meet at last!

沒錯!就是這樣! Yes! That"s it!

你好啊,熊貓。我們見面 … Greetings, panda. We meet at..

你害怕是因為一個理由。 You are afraid for areason.

我沒有害怕。 I"m not afraid.

他來的時候是被鎖著的。 He"s coming to me inchains.

有誰該感到害怕? Have anyone should beafraid?

你! You!

這個你想也不用想。 Don"t you even thinkabout it.

我希望這個計劃能變得比你那 … I hope this turns out better thanyour plan to...

吃生米喝開水在胃裡做飯的計劃要管用。 cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then

drinkingboiling water.

這個計劃和那個計劃一點都不像。 This plan"s nothing likethat plan.

為什麼? How?

這個計劃肯定管用! Cuz is one"s gonna work!

繼續走。 Keep moving.

噢 … 我的老對手! Ah... My old enemy!

樓梯! Stairs!

感謝抬我上來,這是最後一程了。 Thanks for carrying me.This is last free flight.

好了。我在三樓吐了點東西, Okay. I threw up a little bit on the thirdfloor,

有人得去清掃一下。 Someone might wanna cleanthat up.

這裡有沒有像黑道清潔工,或者其他人的? There"s some sort of eviljanitor, or something?

你好啊,熊貓。我們最終見 … Greetings, panda. We meet at...

嘿,你好嗎? Hey, how you doing?

嘿 … Hey...

你比我想的長大了不小嘛。 You"ve grown up biggerthan I thought.

嘿,好了。不要毛手毛腳的。 Hey, okay. enough of the poking around.

強壯。 Strong.

健康。 Healthy.

聽著 , 我不知道你是誰 , 但請你站遠點 , 先生 。 Look, I don"t know who you are. Butplease stand


這是位女士! That"s a lady!

噢 .. 對不起! Oh.. Sorry!

這鬍子誤導了我。 The beard threw me, it"skind of misleading.

樣子真悲劇。 False avatar.

廢話少說! Enough of this nonsense!把犯人帶到我跟前。 Bring the prisoners to me.

失陪了 , 夫人 。 準備好了 , 夥計們 , 注意觀察那件 … Sorry ma"am. Get readyguys, keep your

eyespeeled for the..

武器! Weapon!

麻雀迴旋踢! Sparrow kick!

我們做到了 ! 我剛把它 「 功夫 」 掉了 。 你們看到了嗎? We did it! I justKung-Fued it. Did you

guyssee that?

我剛才就像 … I was all like..

哇! Waao!

你真的相信這個就是命中注定要打敗我的大俠嗎? Do you actually believe this is the warrior

destinedto defeat me?

我不相信! I do not!

但我知道他就是。 I know he is.

看看他! Look at him!

用一輩子來策劃的復仇計劃,他卻是跪著來見我的。 A lifetime to plot his revenge, and he

comesme on his knees.

一輩子 … 哇哇哇!我可沒有用了一輩子的時間。 A life time.. Wo-wo-wo! I did not have a life


我們只是在幾天前聽說過犀牛大師的事, We only heard aboutmaster Rhino a few days ago,

我們是來幫他報仇的! And we"ve came to avengehim!

你只是來報仇的,沒其他事了? You"ve come to avenge, nothing else?

嗯,有。那些你偷的鍋鍋盤盤, Well, Yeah. All the potsand pants that you stole,

我們要拿回來。 I want those back.

沒其他事了? Nothing else?

你之前可能還做過其他壞事。 You probably did someevil stuffs along the way.

我不知道。你還做了什麼事? I don"t know. What elsedid you do?

你不知道? - 知道什麼? You don"t know? -Know what?

有什麼好笑的? What"s so funny?

很多事。 Many things.

你真的一點都不知道? Did you clearly do notknow?

好了,不要再拐彎抹角了! Okay, enough for theseriddles!

你們能不能有話就直說? Would you guys spill the beans?

首先,我們進來了然後看到這武器是很小的。 First we know, we came in and the weapon is


很驚喜,其實是大的。 Surprise, it"s big.

然後,這邊的女士,我以為是男人,他 … And then, lady over here, I think isa guy, he"s got

你現在還活著的唯一一個原因, The only reason you"restill alive,

是我發現你很笨和可笑。 Is that I find yourstupidity, mildly amusing.

額 , 謝謝 。 但我發現你的惡行真的很煩人 ! Well, thank you. But Ifound your evilness extremely


你以為你是誰,熊貓? Who do you think you are,panda?

你以為我又是誰,孔雀? Who do you think am I,peacock?

我們在笑什麼? Why are we laughing?

幹掉他。 Take him.點火! Fire!

啊,點火啊。 Well, light that thing.

我點了啊。 I did!

蟲子在此! Here the bug!

拿下那武器! Get the weapon!

虎妞! Tigress!

你 … 你曾在那裡。 - 是的,我曾在。 You...You were there. -Yes. Yes, Iwas!

你剛讓姓沈的跑掉了。 You just let Shen getaway.

起碼我們毀掉了那件武器。 We destroyed the weapon.

開火! Fire!

呃,不!他還有更多。 Uh.. No! He"s got a way more.

哇! Wow!

我的翅膀! My wings!

救命,阿寶! - 來了! Help, Po! -Coming!

小心! Watch out!

阿寶! Po!

拉我上去! - 不,放他下去。 Help me up! -No. Get him down.

抓住那些繩子。 Use the ropes.

跑呀,跑呀,小熊貓! Run, run. Little panda!

起來!我們需要你集中精神。 Come on! We need you tofocus.

我知道了,我知道了! I"ve got it, I"ve got it!

炸掉他們! Bring "em down!

我們被困住了! - 這邊! We trapped! -This way.

再見了! Good bye!

開火! Fire!

回去! Get back!

唯一的出路就是上面。 The only way out is up.

什麼? What?

跟著我。 Follow me.

快點! Come on!

他們在去哪裡? Where are they going?

到頂部! To the top!

快點,繼續跑! Come on, keep going!

我們來了! Here we go!

你這個笨蛋! You idiot!

我的鼻子! My nose!

召集狼,所有的狼! Call in the wolves.. Allof them!

我要他們做好出發的準備! I want them ready tomove!

孔雀年現在開始了! The year of the peacock,begins now!

現在? Right now?

因為現在只是一年之中的中旬。 "Cause it"s the middle ofthe year.

所以你只剩下一半的孔雀年了。 So you only get, like ahalf of the year of peacock.

今年就是,當然了,孔雀年。 And this is the year, of course, of the peacock.

新年快樂,長官! Happy new year, sir!讓狼們準備好了。 Get the wolves ready.

我們現在裝船,馬上。 We"re loading the ships,now.

馬上! Now!

馬上,馬上,馬上 … ! Now, now, now...!

快點,快點,快點。 Move, move, move.

這邊。 This way.

走! Go!

噢 … 是你! Oh..You!

你幹了什麼好事? What did you do?

上面這麼亂。阻止姓沈的的時候發生什麼事了? It"s chaos up there. What happened to


是啊。 Yeah.

夥計們,拜託!請給我點信任嘛。 Guys, come on! Give me a little credit.

我特意放走他, I meant for him, to getaway,

是因為 … 這是個計策,是條計謀。 "Cause.. It"s a trick, it was a plot!

我當時在想,嗯,搞清楚他的詭計。 I was thinking, uh, figure out his plot...more.

這一點,都不合理。 That makes, no sense.

你是什麼意思?這當然合理了。 What you mean? It suredoes.

阿寶,說事實!你抓到了姓沈的。 Po, the truth! You hadShen.

發生什麼事了? What happened?

你在說什麼?我不知道,你在說什麼? What"re you talkingabout? I don"t know, what are you


額,對!額 … 他把我嚇著了。 Uh..Yeah! Ahh.. He caught me off guard.

事實! The truth!

好吧! Fine!

他們會保護你的安全。 They"ll keep you far fromdanger.

非常安全。 Real far.

什麼? What?

你留在這裡。 You"re staying here.

等 … 等! Wa..Wait!

我得回去。 I have to go back.

你留在這裡。 You are staying here.

我就是要走,而且你阻止不了我! I"m going ,and you can"tstop me!

好吧,我剛才沒有準備好。 Okay, I wasn"t ready that time.

夥計們,不要! Guys, don"t!

準備好了! Ready!

看! Look!

不要打了。 Stay down.

我一定要找他。 I have to get to him.

那麼就告訴我為什麼。 Then tell me why.

他曾在那裡。行嗎? He was there. Okay?

那隻孔雀曾在那裡 , 我最後看到我父母的時候 。 The peacock was there, the last timeI saw my


他知道發生了什麼事情。 He knows what happened.我從哪裡來。 Where I came from.

我是誰。 Who I am.

聽著,我要走了。 Look, I"m going.

我一定要知道。 I have to know.

「 鐵石心腸 」 是理解不了的。 Thehardcore can"t understand.

虎妞 … 不要! Tigress...No!

「 鐵石心腸 」 可以理解。 The hardcore do understand.

但我不能看著我的朋友被殺。 But I can"t watch myfriend be killed.

我們走了。 We"re going.

嘿!也許你不能看著我被殺。 Hey! Maybe you can"twatch me be killed.

不要做個懦夫。 Stop being a wimp.

她變回來了。 And.. She"s back.

不要擔心,孩子。 Don"t worry, kid.

你離開這裡比較好。 You 』 re better off here.

你錯了,羊仙姑。 You 』 re wrong, Soothsayer.

今晚我們就要向勝利前進了。 We sail to victorytonight.

你那神奇的熊貓是個不折不扣的笨蛋。 Your magic panda isclearly a fool.

你確定那個笨蛋就是那隻熊貓嗎? Are you certain it"s the panda who is a fool?

你剛剛摧毀你了祖上的家宅。 You just destroyed your ancestor"s home Shen.

一個無關重要的犧牲。 A trivial sacrifice.

當整個天下都屬於我的時候! When all of the China ismy reward!

這樣你就感到滿足了嗎? Then will you finally besatisfied?

征服了這個世界 Will the subjugation ofthe whole world

會最終讓你感覺好些嗎? finally make you feelbetter?

嗯 … 這只是個開始。 Hmm...It"s a start.

我也許也要把地下室改成地牢。 I might as well convert the basement into a dungeon.

你選擇的這條路是沒有盡頭的。 The cup you choose to fill has no bottom.

現在是時候停手了! It"s time to stop thismadness!

我為什麼要這樣做? Why on Earth would I dothat?

你的父母就可以得到安息了。 So your parents can restin peace.

我的父母 … My parents...

恨我! Hated me!

你明白嗎? Do you understand?

他們不應如此對待我。 They wronged me.

不過 … And...

我會證明我做的是對的。 I will make it right.

你父母愛你。 They loved you.

他們是多麼的愛你,所以他們因為驅逐你離開而難過致死。 They loved you so much,that

havingto send you away kill them.

死亡存在於過去。 The dead exist in thepast.

我必需放眼於未來。 And I must attend to thefuture.

把羊仙姑放了吧。 Set the Soothsayer free.

她對我再也沒有作用了。 She is not a use to me.

別了,沈王爺。 Good bye, Shen.我願你過得幸福。 I wish you happiness.

幸福,必需是奪回來的。 Happiness, must be taken.

而且我會奪到屬於我的(幸福 ) 。 And I will take mine.

快點! Hurry it up!

如果那些武器全部離開這間工廠 … If all of those weapons leave thebuilding...

天下將淪陷。 China will fall.

我們毀掉這間工廠。 - 明白。 We bring down the building. -I gotit.

這樣如何? How about this?

這肯定有用! That"s will work!

好了,行動吧。 - 我感覺不到我的臉了。 Alright, let"s go. -I can"t feel myface.

靠,孔雀年! Dumb hell crow, year ofPeacock!

嘿! Hey!

嘿! Hey.

好的,淡定,淡定。 Ok, keep it cool, keep itcool.

你! You!

你要去哪裡? Where you going?

站起來! On your feet!

不要像傻 B 一樣在笑! And wipe those stupid grins off yourfaces!

動起來!快點,快點! Move, you dogs! Faster,faster!

裝船。 Load the boat.

你好啊,熊貓! Greetings, panda!

告訴我那天晚上發生什麼事了? Tell me what happenedthat night?

哪天晚上? What night?

那天晚上! That night!

哦 … 那天晚上。 Ahh.. That night.

對。 Yes.

是的,我曾在那裡。 Yes, I was there.

是的,我看著你父母把你遺棄了。 Yes, I watched yourparents abandoned you.

真是件可怕的事情。 It"s a terrible thing.

我覺得,和這個差不多! I believe, when something like...This!

新年禮物! Happy New Year"s gift!

希望你們喜歡。因為你們不可以退回來的! Hope you like it. "Causeyou can"t return it!

阿寶?他在那邊幹什麼? Po? What"s he doingthere?

退了它,退了它! Return it! Return it!

你願不願意以死來找出真相? Are you willing to die,to find the truth.

你認為我願意。 You bet I am.

雖然我希望不要。 Although I prefer not to.

他們交給我們了,你快走! We got them, Go!

在找我嗎? Looking for me?

我說得太早了,是不是? I said that too soon,Didn"t I?

阿寶! Po!

阿寶,離他遠點! Po, get away from him!

不要再跑了,姓沈的。 No more running, Shen.

好像只能這樣了。 So it seems.現在 … Now...

答案! Answers!

噢,你是那麼的想知道啊。 Oh, You want to know sobadly.

你覺得知道了能夠安撫你嗎? You think knowing it will heal you?

嗯? Huh?

修補你靈魂創傷。 Fill some craters in your soul.

好吧,這就是你的答案。 Well, here"s your answer.

你的父母不愛你。 Your parents didn"t loveyou.

但在這裡,讓我安撫你吧! But here...Let me healyou!

不要! No!

是啊,好像你能讓我喝下這個 … Yeah, like you can make me drinkthat...

如果我要你死, If I wanted you dead,

我就會棄置你在河裡不管。 I would have left you in that river.

你為什麼要救我? Why do you save me?

這樣你就可以完成你的使命了。 So you can fulfill yourdestiny.

你在說什麼? What"re you talkingabout?

我在哪裡啊? Where am I?

這裡是哪裡? What"s this place?

我很驚訝,你居然還記得那麼一點點。 I"m surprised youremember so little.

但你的確還很小,當然事情發生的時候。 But you were so little,when it happened.

也許你真的記得。 Perhaps you do remember.

記得什麼?這只是個無聊的噩夢。 Remember what? It"s justa stupid nightmare.

噩夢 … Nightmare..

還是記憶? Or memory?

不要躲了! Stop hiding!

這曾是一個繁榮的村莊。 This was a thrivingvilage.

年輕的沈王爺將要成為宮門城繼承人。 Young Shen was in line torule Gongmen city.

但他想得到更多。 But he wanted more.

我預言有人將會出來阻止他。 I foretold that someone will stand in his way.

一隻熊貓。 A panda!

但我永遠也預言不了 , 下一步將會發生什麼事 。 But I never could"ve foretold, whatcame next.

殺光他們! Kill them all!

帶上我們的兒子,跑得遠遠的! Pick our son, and run away!

走啊! Go!

不要掙扎了。 Stop fighting!

讓它自然地流動吧。 Let it flow.

你人生的開始也許不算好。 Your story may not havesuch a happy beginning.

但是,這並不能決定你是誰。 But, that doesn"t make you who you are.

你的其他部分的人生才能決定。 It"s the rest of your story.

你想成為什麼人。 Who you choose to be.

那麼 … So..

你是誰,熊貓? Who are you, panda?

我是阿寶。 I am Po.

而且我需要頂帽子。 And I"m gonna need a hat.真是苦瓜臉。 Such sad-sad faces.

但現在只能是開心的時刻。 But now it"s a time onlyfor joy.

你們將會成為某種漂亮的東西的一部分。 You are going to be part of something, beautiful!

一旦我們到了那個碼頭。 Once we reach the harbor

在全世界的面前 … In front of all the world...

你和你那華麗的功夫,將會死! You and your precious Kung-Fu, will die!

天下,將會向我俯首稱臣。 And China, will nod and bowed before me.

起錨! Set sail!

老實說,夥計們,我從來沒想過會像這樣死掉的。 Honesty guys, I never thought I"ll die like


我一直在想我會遇到個好女孩, I always thought I"llmeet a nice girl,

然後她吃掉了我的頭。 And she"ll it my head.

然後成家, and settle down,

真悲傷! So sad!

阿寶也會希望我們能夠堅強下去。 Po would want us to remain strong.

我們不可以絕望的。 We cannot give up hope.

鐵石心腸。是嗎?虎妞? Hardcore. Right? Tigress?

沈王爺,那座橋怎麼辦? Lord Shen, what about thebridge?

沒有東西能夠擋住我。 Nothing stands on my way.

開火! Fire!

你這個懦夫! You coward!

阿寶? Po?

阿寶? Po?

我究竟要把這隻相同的臭熊貓殺多少次? How many times, do I haveto kill this same


姓沈的! Shen!

一隻熊貓,站在你和你的命運之間! A panda, stands between you and your destiny!

什麼? What?

你好好準備接受嚴厲的正義制裁吧。 Prepare yourself for a hot serving of justice.

會將恐怖終結! ...bring terror to theend!

啥? What?

現在,釋放五俠! And now, free the Five!

毀滅之拳! Fist of Destruction!

好吧。 Okay.

幹掉他! Take him!

準備好了? Ready?

這裡啊那裡,那裡啊這裡。 This way and that way.That way and this way.

沒錯。 Yes.

你不可能瞄中我的! You can"t follow me!

給我,射他! Just, get him!

嗯,啊。來了。 Yeah. Ha. Here we go.

不,不,不要開火! - 不要開火。 No, no, no.. Don"t shoot! -Don"tshoot!

不要開火! - 不要開火! Don"t shoot! -Don"t shoot!

不要開火! Don"t shoot!不要 … Don"t...

耶! - 不要開火! Yeah! -Don"t shoot!

火力交叉了! Crossfire!

攻擊! Attack!

拿到你們的自由了! got your freedom!

猴子! Monkey!

很給力,神龍大俠。 Impressive, DragonWarrior.

你的計劃是什麼? What"s your plan?

第一步,解救你們五個。 Step 1: Free the Five.

那第二步呢? What"s step 2?

老實說,我以為自己辦不到這事。 Honestly, I didn"t thinkI"d make it this far.

阿寶! Po!

在姓沈的到達碼頭前阻止他。 Stop Shen before he getsto the harbor.

漂亮! Nice!

毒蛇,死亡傀儡! Viper, Puppet of Death.

虎妞! Tigress!

牛師傅! Master Ox!

還有鱷魚! And Croc!

復仇開始了。 Vengeance is served.

你們為什麼 … - 你那邊的朋友 … Why did you... -Your friend there..

非常有說服力。 Is very persuasive.

師傅! Mr. Shifu!

快!利用他們的船擋住去路。 Quickly! Use their boatsto block the way.

仙鶴! Crane!

正義之翅! Wings of Justice!

卡 - 卡。 Ca-ca!

什麼? What?

我愛你們! I love you guys!

我們為什麼不開火啊? Why aren"t we firing?

他們在打我們的炮手呢,長官。 They"re taking ourgunmen, sir.

他們就要來了! They"re getting close!

那就開火啊!去用那炮開火! Fire then! Go fire thatgun!

但是長官,他們是你的人啊。 But sir, they"re your own.

我說,朝他們開火,開火! I said; Fire at them, fire!

不! No!

阿寶! Po!

虎妞? Tigress?

正如你所願 ... As you wish...

收拾完這攤子吧。 Let"s finish this!

開火! Fire!

心如止水。 Inner peace.

心如止水。 Inner peace.

再來! Again!

耶!嗨! Yeah! Hoo!幹掉他! Kill him!

來人,幹掉他! Somebody, kill him!

什麼?不要! What? No!

繼續開火! Keep firing.

繼續開火! Keep firing!

受死吧。 Skadoosh.

你是怎麼做 … How did you..

你是怎麼做到的? How did you do it?

很簡單,只要抬高你的肘子, You know, you just keepyour elbows up,

然後放鬆肩膀。 - 不是這個!你是如何領悟到靜的? and keep your shoulder loose. -Notthat!

Howdid you find peace?

我帶走了你的父母! I took away your parents!

所有東西!我在你的生命留下了傷痕。 Everything! I scarred youfor life.

知道嗎?這就是為什麼。傷痕會痊癒。 See? That"s the thing,Shen. Scars heal.

不,不會的。 No, they don"t.

傷口才能痊癒。 Wounds heal.

噢,是哦。那傷痕會怎麼樣? Oh, yeah! What do scars do?

會消失嗎?我想。 They fade? I guess.

我才不管傷痕會怎麼樣。 I don"t care what scarsdo.

你應該管,姓沈的。 You should, Shen.

你得讓過去的事過去 。 因為這已經不重要了 。 You"ve got to let go thatstuff in the past. "Cause,

it"sjust doesn"t matter!

唯一重要的事情, The only thing thatmatters,

是你選擇現在成為什麼。 is what you choose to be now.

你說得對。 You"re right.

這樣,我選擇 … Then, I choose..

這個! This!

這可是相當的硬朗。 That was pretty hardcore.

阿寶!這邊來! Po! Come here!

不要再這樣子了,好嗎? Don"t ever do that again,please?

看來你好像領悟到了心如止水。 It seems you have found,Inner Peace.

在這麼年輕的時候! At such a young age!

其實,我有一個非常棒的老師。 Well, I had a pretty goodteacher.

他不在這裡,你這是什麼意思? What do you mean he"s nothere?

今天是我兒子的生日! It"s my son"s birthday!

他只是想見到神龍大俠而已! All he wanted was to meet the Dragon Warrior!

用些豆腐生日蛋糕代替怎麼樣,嗯? How about some tofu birthday cake instead. Huh?

你知道嗎,我想我們還是下回再來一次。 You know? I think we"ll just try again another time.

你覺得他什麼時候會回來? When do you think he will be back?

我不知道!行嗎?我不知道! I don"t know! Okay? I don"t know!

也許,永遠也不回來了。 Maybe, never!

我很擔心的。知道嗎? I"m worried. Okay?

但這是我的職責。 But that"s my job.

我是他的爸爸!我意思是 … 我曾是他的爸爸。 I"m his dad! I mean...I was his dad.為什麼他會離開去拯救天下啊? Why did he go and save China?

我知道為什麼 … 但是為什麼啊? I know why...But why?

這只是一隻小熊貓! This is one little panda!

那麼,事情辦得怎麼樣了? So, how did it go?

你拯救了天下了嗎? Did you saved China?

是的。 Yep.

嗯,我知道你會的。 Well.. I knew you would.

所以我做好了新的海報。 That"s why I have newsigns made.

我的兒子拯救了天下。 My son saved China.

你也可以,買一個餃子送一個餃子。 You too can save, buy one dumpling get one free!

嘿,這個方法相當不錯。 Hey, that"s a pretty good deal.

你要不要嘗一個? Would you like to tryone?

也許等會吧。 Maybe later.

有些事情我要和你說說。 There"s something Ishould tell you.

當我離家的時候 … While I was gone...

我找到了那個我出生的村子。 I found the village whereI was born.

我知道了 , 我是如何被放在那個蘿蔔籃子里 。 I found out, how I ended up in thatradish basket.

你知道了? You did?

我知道我是誰? I know who I am.

你知道? You do?

我是你的兒子! I"m your son!

噢 … Oh..

我愛你,爸。 Ilove you, dad.

我也愛你,兒子! I love you too, son!

美味可口的蘿蔔。 Delicious fat radishes.

你應該餓了。讓我做點東西給你吃。 You probably hungry. Letme cook something for you.

你說什麼啊,我去做。 What"re you talking about? I"ll cook.

不,不。我做。 No, no. I"ll cook.

爸?! Dad?!

這是我力所能及的事,你拯救了天下。 This is something I can do, you saved China!

不 … 這是我起碼能做的事。你把我撫養成人了。 No.. It"s the least I can do. Youraised me!

阿寶。 - 爸。 Po? -Dad?

阿寶! Po!

好吧。 Okay.

我們做吧。 Let"s both cook.

一起做。 - 一起做。 Together. -Together.

不。我做。 No. I"ll cook!


我的兒子還活著! My son is alive!


Valjean 視角
超級雷人的銷魂台詞 我不和醜人打架

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