

關於英文罵人的句子帶翻譯: You ugly! 你醜八怪! You shrimp! 你沒用的東西! Get out of my face 從我面前消失! Leave me alone 走開。 Get lost滾開! You beast!畜生! Shit! fart! 狗屎!狗屁! You fool! 你傻瓜! You sucker! 你笨蛋! You jerky! 你獃子! What』s your problem? 你怎麼回事啊? I hate you! 我討厭你! You』re crazy! 你瘋了! Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你瘋了嗎? You stupid! 你愚蠢! You turkey! 你真不中用! You wimp! 你沒骨氣! You idiot! 你白痴! You coward! 你膽小鬼! Stop complaining! 別發牢騷! You make me sick! 你真讓我噁心! What』s wrong with you? 你怎麼回事? You shouldn』t have done that! 你真不應該那樣做! You』re a jerk! 你是個廢物/混球! Don』t talk to me like that! 別那樣和我說話! Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰? Don』t bother me 別煩我。 Knock it off 少來這一套。 You pig! 你豬玀! You animal! 你畜生! You asshole! 你屁眼兒! Oh, confound it!它媽的! You damned (disgusting) bastard!你這該死的畜生! Idiot! You damned fool!白痴! Disgusting!真噁心! I"ll see you in hell first!你早死早好! You pig!你這個豬! God damn !天殺的! Bitch! Whore! / Slut!爛貨!婊子! Take a hike! 哪兒涼快哪兒歇著去吧。 You piss me off 你氣死我了。 It』s none of your business 關你屁事! What』s the meaning of this? 這是什麼意思? How dare you! 你敢! Cut it out 省省吧。 You stupid jerk! 你這蠢豬! You have a lot of nerve 臉皮真厚。 I』m fed up 我厭倦了。 I can』t take it anymore 我受不了了!

To cure sometimes, to relieve often and to comfort always
AI 翻譯能夠取代人類?微軟黃學東:我們仍在感知智能和認知智能的過渡期

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