1、一切都會好起來的。Everything will be fine.
2、不要灰心,明天又是新的一天。Dont lose heart, tomorrow is another day.
3、永遠不要說放棄。Never say never.
4、不管發生什麼事情,我都會陪在你身邊。No matter what happens, Ill always be by your side.
5、放心吧,我會一直在你背後默默支持你的。Rest assured that I will always support you silently behind you.
6、你在我心裡就是最棒的。You are the best in my heart.
7、你很漂亮啊,真的。那些說你不漂亮的都是在嫉妒你。Youre beautiful, really. Those who say you are not beautiful are jealous of you.
8、管別人說什麼呢,你自己相信自己是最重要的。It doesnt matter what other people say, you believe in yourself is the most important thing.
9、誰還沒失敗過啊,失敗是成功的開始。Everyone will fail, failure is the beginning of success.
10、我覺得你很聰明也很有上進心。 I think you are very smart and self-motivated.
11、誰都有犯錯的時候,能夠認識到自己的錯誤並及時改正就是好的。Anyone who has made a mistake, it is good to recognize their mistakes and correct them in time.
12、他放棄你是他的錯,他一定會後悔的。He broke up with you is his fault, he will regret it.
13、你別傷心了,我覺得她根本配不上你。 Please dont feel sad. I dont think shes worth you.
14、山重水複疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。Mountains multiply, streams double back I doubt theres even a road; willows cluster darkly, blossoms shine another village ahead!
15、你的生命不只屬於你自己,而是屬於所有愛你的人!Your life is not only for yourself, but for all who love you!
16、學會忘記,懂得放棄。Learn to forget, know how to give up.
17、不可能實現的諾言最動人。Never make a promise is the most moving.
18、你那麼高傲的姑娘,怎麼可以為了這種事情就掉眼淚!You are so proud girl, can not cry for this kind of thing!
19、我沒有奢望,我只想你快樂,沒有哀傷。I did not expect, I just want you happy, not sad.
20、我每天都在數著你的笑,可是你連笑的時候,都好寂寞。I count your smiles every day,but youre all alone when youre smiling.
※2017年10月21日 英國人解析雅思寫作
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