是什麼讓這樣一部電影票房脫穎而出?看到徐崢和寧浩的名字,這又是怎樣的喜劇?又會引發什麼樣的社會反映?你想知道的,都在下面了。三年前,商人,同時也是白血病患者的陸勇因為「賣假藥」被起訴;三年後,以他為原型的國產電影《我不是葯神》上映,卻實現票房豐收。Three years ago, Chinese merchant and leukemia patient Lu Yong was charged with selling "fake" drugs; today, his story has become the basis for a new domestic film that looks ready to win big at the Chinese box office.徐崢扮演的男主角名叫程勇,片中他曾是神油店老闆,後來成為印度生產的「格列寧」(一種治療慢粒白血病的抗癌藥物)仿製葯的中國代理商,生活也隨之發生巨變。117分鐘的電影中,歡聲笑語與涕淚橫飛並存,展現人性道德,以及對社會現實的抗爭。The film is about Cheng Yong, played by Xu, a pharmaceutical salesman who becomes a hero by helping people get cheaper cancer medicine.The 117-minute film combines both laughter and tears, showing the humanity of one man up against the reality of society.The film has also become one of the most discussed topics on Chinese social media, where moviegoers have passionately described the story as a "moving and realistic five-star work" and how they used up "packets of tissues" to wipe away their tears while watching the film.電影在豆瓣上的評分也達到了驚人的9.0分。
「葯神」原型電影的原型陸勇,曾是江蘇無錫一家紡織品出口企業的老闆。2002年8月,34歲的他被確診患上慢性粒細胞白血病。當時,醫院推薦了靶向葯「格列衛」,只不過價格高昂,大約23500元一個月。兩年後,陸勇已經到了破產邊緣。Originally a textile merchant based in Wuxi, East Chinas Jiangsu Province, Lu Yong was diagnosed with CML in 2002 at the age of 34. Paying 23,500 yuan a month for the Novartis-produced Glivec prescribed by the hospital over a period of two years, Lu was driven to the edge of bankruptcy.隨後,陸勇開始尋求別的辦法「保命」,這時他發現了Veenat,即印度生產的格列衛仿製葯,從劑量、療效到質量上都與原藥品相仿。As he set about looking for alternative treatments, Lu discovered Veenat, a generic India-produced drug that is almost equivalent to Glivec in terms of dosage, strength and quality.當時,這款印度藥品的價格大約4000元一個月,比起格列衛來說,便宜太多了。隨後陸勇開始服藥,並在病友群里分享了這一消息, 很多病友於是讓陸勇幫忙購買此葯。
Set to hit Chinese mainland theaters on Thursday, Chinese noir comedy Dying to Survive, directed by mainland director Wen Muye and co-produced by renowned directors Ning Hao and Xu Zheng, earned an estimated 115 million yuan from advanced limited release screenings that ran from Saturday to Wednesday.而到了7月6日下午,電影累積票房超過4億!虎嗅網給出的預計是30億!After trying the medicine himself, Lu shared the information about Veenat with his fellow patients in an instant message group and later helped hundreds of mainland CML patients who couldnt afford Glivec buy the generic version from India, according to the Global Times report.
然而問題隨之而來,包括Veenat在內,很多印度仿製葯在當地是可以銷售的,但是在中國並沒有官方許可,可以說屬於「假藥」。Though Veenat and other generic versions of Glivec are approved drugs in India, they are not officially licensed in China and are therefore considered counterfeit drugs.據《新京報》報道,2014年,為方便給印度匯款,陸勇從網上買了3張信用卡,並將其中一張卡交給印度公司作為收款賬戶,另外兩張因無法激活,被他丟棄。因為在網上買卡,讓警方注意到了陸勇。2013年11月23日,陸勇被湖南沅江市公安局逮捕,2014年3月19日執行取保候審。2014年7月,沅江市檢察院以妨害信用卡管理罪和銷售假藥罪對陸勇提起公訴,隨後陸勇取保候審。2015年1月10日晚,陸勇在機場再次被警方控制。而後,檢察院向沅江市人民法院撤回起訴,認為其行為不構成犯罪。「藝術授權」導演文牧野在北京首映禮上表示,影片保留了很多陸勇2004-2014在這十年間的經歷,不過也做了很多藝術上的修改,
While retaining most part of Lus experiences from 2004 to 2014, Dying to Survive made several major adjustments for "artistic reasons," Wen, the films director, told reporters at the films Beijing premiere on Monday.文牧野解釋說,比如徐崢主演的程勇,在劇中就不是白血病患者,在因為賣仿製藥品獲得利潤後,心理又產生了很多變化,電影展示的是普通人的升華。By portraying the hero Cheng Yong (played by Xu Zheng) not as a leukemia patient but as an adult store owner who starts importing medicine for money before having a change of heart, the film "showcases the profound evolution of an ordinary person," Wen explained.而主角原型陸勇也出席了北京首映禮,他坦言最初對於劇中主角程勇的塑造並不滿意,但是在和劇組溝通後,慢慢理解了這些藝術上的改變。陸勇表示自己並沒有想從進口這些仿製藥品的過程中賺錢。Lu, who also showed up at the Monday event, admitted that he was not happy about the films portrayal of the main character at first, but gradually came to understand why the changes were made after talking with the production team. "It should be noted that I never set out to make money from importing medicine," Lu said.陸勇還表示,2015年以來中國的藥品市場發生了巨變,自己是第一批轉向印度藥品的白血病患者,很多病友也向他求助,因為當時白血病藥品並沒有納入醫保。
"Chinas drug market has undergone dramatic changes since 2015… I was one of first group of CML patients to turn to Indian-produced generic drugs, many fellow patients came to me because, at the time, CML drugs were not covered by our medical insurance system," he said."現在找我幫忙買葯的人很少很少了,我覺得這是一個好事。"陸勇表示政府對醫藥改革推廣的速度很快,值得點贊!"回頭看過去三年,已經發生了天翻地覆的變化,我們也要為政府點贊,包括進口抗癌藥零關稅、藥物註冊時間縮短,這些都是為民生考慮的事情。"國產電影涉及社會現實問題,又展現病人生存困境、藥販子的道德困境、警察的法律困境、醫藥公司的商業困境等矛盾,這樣的電影,更能引發觀眾的共鳴與關切。這些因素,恐怕也是《我不是葯神》能夠「火」的最根本因素了。推薦閱讀: