
Chinese Menu English Menu Chinese Menu English Menu麵食類 Pasta 特色菜 Specialties牛肉拉麵 Beef ramen 新疆大盤雞 Braised chicken with potato and green pepper(big dish)羊肉拉麵 Mutton ramen 新疆小盤雞 Braised chicken with potato and green pepper(small dish)青菜拉麵 Vegetable ramen 白條羊肉 White bars lamb煎蛋拉麵 Fried egg ramen 手抓羊肉 Boiled mutton, Qinghai Style牛肉刀削麵 Beef sliced noodles 干炸裡脊 Fried beef tenderloin羊肉刀削麵 Mutton sliced noodles 糖醋裡脊 Sautéed sweet and sour beef tenderloin煎蛋刀削麵 Fried egg sliced noodles 水煮牛肉 Sliced beef in hot chili oil soup紅燒牛肉麵 Braised beef noodles 牙籤羊肉 Toothpick lamb紅燒刀削麵 Braised sliced noodles 土豆燒牛肉 Roast beef potatoes雞蛋炒拉麵 Stir-Fried egg ramen 孜然羊肉 Cumin lamb牛肉炒拉麵 Stir-Fried Beef ramen 紅燒羊肉 Braised mutton新疆炒麵 Stir-Fried noodles,Xinjiang Style 蔥爆羊肉 Sautéed sliced lamb with green onion羊肉炒拉麵 Stir-Fried mutton ramen 紅燒牛肉 Braised beef雞蛋炒刀削麵 Stir-Fried egg sliced noodles 蔥爆牛肉 Sautéed sliced beef with green onion牛肉炒刀削麵 Stir-Fried beef sliced noodles 辣子雞塊 Sautéed chicken with chili羊肉炒刀削麵 Stir-Fried mutton sliced noodles 宮爆雞丁 Kung Pao chicken牛肉乾拌面 Dry noodles with beef 魚香肉絲 Fish-flavored shredded pork牛肉炸醬麵 Beef Jajangmyeon, Beijing Style 熱菜類 Hot dishes哨子面 Noodle with beef 白切雞 Boiled chicken燴刀削麵 Stewed sliced noodles 清燉雞 Stewed chicken牛肉燴面 Stewed noodles with beef 紅燒雞塊 Braised chicken牛肉燴面片 Stewed Dough Slices with beef 青椒炒肉 Green pepper pork牛肉泡饃 Pita bread soaked in beef soup 蘑菇炒肉 Mushroom pork羊肉泡饃 Pita bread soaked in lamb soup 青瓜炒雞蛋 Green cucumber pork青菜涼麵 Cold noodles with vegetable 番茄炒雞蛋 Scrambled eggs with tomatoes雞蛋涼麵 Cold noodles with egg 青椒炒雞蛋 Scrambled eggs with green pepper牛肉涼麵 Cold noodles with beef 香菇炒肉 Shiitake mushroom pork羊肉涼麵 Cold noodles with mutton 茄子炒肉 Eggplant pork羊肉燴面 Stewed noodles with mutton 土豆炒肉 Potato pork丁丁炒麵 Stir-Fried noodle pieces 木耳炒肉 Black fungus pork牛肉炒麵片 Stir-Fried Dough Slices with beef 蒜苔炒肉 Garlic sprout pork羊肉炒麵片 Stir-Fried Dough Slices with mutton 西芹炒肉 Celery pork拌面類 Dry noodles 豆角炒肉 Long bean pork酸辣白菜拌面 Dry noodles with hot and sour cabbage 洋蔥炒肉 Onion pork酸辣土豆絲拌面 Dry noodles with hot and sour potato silk 冷盤類 Cold dish西葫蘆拌面 Dry noodles with squash 涼拌牛肉(大盤) Beef in sauce(big dish)番茄雞蛋拌面 Dry noodles with tomato and egg 涼拌牛肉(小盤) Beef in sauce(small dish)青瓜雞蛋拌面 Dry noodles with cucumber and egg 蒜泥羊肉(大盤) Mashed garlic mutton(big dish)牛肉茄子拌面 Dry noodles with beef and eggplant 蒜泥羊肉(小盤) Mashed garlic mutton(small dish)牛肉土豆絲拌面 Dry noodles with beef and potato silk 蒜泥黃瓜 Mashed garlic cucumber牛肉豆角拌面 Dry noodles with beef and long bean 涼拌粉絲 Vermicelli in sauce青椒肉絲拌面 Dry noodles with green pepper and pork 涼拌西紅柿 Tomato in sauce西芹炒肉拌面 Dry noodles with celery pork 涼拌土豆絲 Shredded potatoes in sauce洋蔥炒肉拌面 Dry noodles with onion pork 涼拌豆角 Long bean in sauce新疆拌面 Dry noodles, Xinjiang Style 涼拌金針菇 Needle mushroom in sauce蔥爆牛肉拌面 Dry noodles with onion explodes the beef 水煮花生 Boiled peanuts紅燒牛肉拌面 Dry noodles with braised beef 涼拌三絲 Shredded carrot, cucumber and vermicelli in sauce過油肉拌面 Dry noodle with sautéed meat 青椒皮蛋 Green pepper preserved egg蔥油肉拌面 Dry noodle with scallion & soy sauce meat 新疆冷盤 Cold dish, Xinjiang style牛肉蒜苔拌面 Dry noodle with beef and garlic sprout 素菜 Vegetable dish牛肉蘑菇拌面 Dry noodle with beef and mushroom 素炒生菜 Fried lettuce with plain香菇炒肉拌面 Dry noodle with pork and mushroom 素炒上海青 Fried pakchoi with plain牛肉白菜拌面 Dry noodle with beef and cabbage 素炒油菜 Fried rape with plain牛肉青菜拌面 Dry noodle with beef and vegetables 虎皮辣子 Pan seared hot pepper with Sauce木耳炒肉拌面 Dry noodle with fungus pork 酸辣白菜 Hot and sour cabbage紅燒雞塊拌面 Dry noodle with braised chicken 酸辣土豆絲 Hot and sour shredded Potato紅燒羊肉拌面 Dry noodle with Braised mutton 紅燒土豆片 Roast potato chips孜然羊肉拌面 Dry noodle with cumin lamb 湯類 Soup蔥爆羊肉拌面 Dry noodle with onion explodes the mutton 牛肉湯 Slice beef soup土豆燒牛肉拌面 Dry noodle with roast beef potatoes 羊肉湯 Mutton souphttp://www.tyc358.com 牛肉粉絲湯 Beef vermicelli soup羊肉粉絲湯 Mutton vermicelli soup羊肉粉湯 Mutton bean jelly soup牛肉粉湯 Beef bean jelly soup番茄雞蛋湯 Tomato egg soup飯類 Rice蛋炒飯 Fried rice with egg牛肉炒飯 Fried rice with beef羊肉炒飯 Fried rice with mutton蘭州炒飯 Fried rice, Lanzhou style新疆炒飯 Fried rice, Xinjiang style番茄炒蛋飯 Fried rice with tomato and egg酸辣白菜蓋澆飯 Rice served with hot and sour Chinese cabbage on top酸辣土豆絲蓋澆飯 Rice served with hot and sour shredded potato on top青椒炒雞蛋蓋澆飯 Rice served with green pepper and scrambled eggs on top番茄雞蛋蓋澆飯 Rice served with tomato and egg on top青瓜雞蛋蓋澆飯 Rice served with cucumber and egg on top魚香土豆絲蓋澆飯 Rice served with fish-flavored shredded potato on top白菜肉絲蓋澆飯 Rice served with cabbage shredded meat on top青菜肉絲蓋澆飯 Rice served with vegetable shredded meat on top土豆肉絲蓋澆飯 Rice served with potato shredded meat on top青椒肉絲蓋澆飯 Rice served with green pepper shredded meat on top西芹炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with celery pork on top魚香肉絲蓋澆飯 Rice served with fish-flavored shredded pork on top宮爆雞丁蓋澆飯 Rice served with Kung Pao Chicken on top豆角炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with long bean meat on top洋蔥炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with onion Pork on top蘑菇炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with mushroom pork on top木耳炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with Black Fungus pork on top蒜苔炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with garlic sprout pork on top香菇炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with shiitake mushroom pork on top茄子炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with eggplant pork on top西葫蘆炒肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with squash pork on top土豆燒牛肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with roast beef potatoes on top蔥爆羊肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with sautéed mutton with green onion on top蔥爆牛肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with sautéed beef with green onion on top紅燒牛肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with braised beef on top紅燒羊肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with braised mutton on top紅燒雞塊蓋澆飯 Rice served with braised chicken on top孜然羊肉蓋澆飯 Rice served with cumin lamb on top


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