高質量生活的 操作流程 【圖文】

高質量生活的操作流程 辭職後,我幫助了無數人改善他們的生活,唯一的秘訣就是「堅持」。我希望這也能給你帶來幫助。這篇文章主要是對一些方法規律的總結,我稱之為「健康生活的操作流程」。「流程」是用來描述一系列具體的完成既定目標的指示。堅持不懈地走好每一步,一定能為你打造出一條完美的前途。

我們現在就開始吧。飲食方面: * 每3-4小時進餐一次。這樣可以保持血糖穩定。穩定的血糖很關鍵,它能把你的身體打造成一台脂肪消耗機。體內的新陳代謝如同營地的篝火,如果想持續保持旺盛的火力,你就要不斷給它補給木頭和柴火。 * 千萬不要讓自己感到飢餓!這樣做有很多原因,不僅是讓你的血糖保持穩定,讓代謝旺盛,而且,飢餓的你絕不會想出好點子! * 食用複合碳水化合物。提純或單一的碳水化合物會讓你的血糖達到我們並不希望的峰值。要吃全麥麵包而不是白麵包,要吃全麥而不是普通的麵食,要吃粗谷糧而不是細谷糧等等。 * 食用高蛋白!諸如雞肉、雞蛋和魚等高蛋白食品與生活密不可分。大豆、堅果、豆類和扁豆也是不錯的選擇。 * 多吃蔬菜! 吃蔬菜從來不嫌多!我常說「凡事要適可而止」,但蔬菜不算在內哦! * 水果是大自然賜予的甜點。你如果想找點甜食,那就吃水果吧。你會發現你開始與垃圾食品毫不沾邊拉! * 要飲足夠的水。沒有必要過量飲水,在每頓飯和每頓飯之間都喝上一杯水就行,這是身體的呼喚。 * 睡前2-3小時不要進食。如果一定要吃,那就吃點富含蛋白質的點心好啦。 * 不要吃的太撐。正確吃法是吃到自己覺得舒服就行了。吃到飯後能做下運動的程度就可以了。 * 吃的時候細嚼慢咽。吃到自己感到舒服的最好的方法就是細細品味每一口。吃得越慢,你就會覺得吃的越飽。在吃好20分鐘後,自己才會意識到已經吃飽。我們認為需要吃這麼多,但其實並不需要這麼多! * 沒有所謂完美的飲食! 沒有什麼飲食是完美無缺的。我們並不是機器人!但記住:事在人為!如果你現在的飲食不健康,那麼請下次改善!只要改了就行!每餐都是一次健康的選擇和權衡,不同選擇帶來的結果完全不同。你的身體從不撒謊! * 我感到餓了嗎?還是我想通過吃來換一下感覺?不妨在吃之前問自己這樣一個問題。如果答案是肯定的,那麼你就吃的理由就是錯誤的了!生理上的飢餓是逐漸產生的,而心理上的飢餓是瞬間顯現的。 * 選擇能讓你感覺良好的食物。這是什麼意思呢?和其他人一樣我也酷愛冰激凌和小點心。但我不喜歡吃完後的那種感覺—疲勞、反應遲鈍、注意力不集中等等。相反,我們應選擇那些能讓你在吃前、吃時和吃後都能感覺良好的食物。你絕對不會後悔作出了健康的選擇!運動方面: * 每周進行4次至少30分鐘的運動。對運動項目沒有嚴格的要求。籃球、慢跑、舉重、卧推等等都可以。如果你沒有特別的目的,那隻要動起來就行! * 兩天法則!決不能連續2天不運動。可以一天不運動,但後一天就絕對不行! * 不要產生「運動逃避症」。有陣子我不想洗衣服,我稱之為「洗衣逃避症」。這樣的想法產生之後,我會找這樣那樣的理由逃避洗衣服,直到最後我不得不去洗。結果發現洗衣服並沒有我想像中的那樣糟糕!千萬不要讓這種逃避的想法發生在你身上。遵守兩天法則! * 不要老想到了某個時間才運動。隨便找個時間運動就行! * 讓運動變得妙趣橫生!聽聽音樂;加入健身俱樂部;諸如此類的。小貼士:如果你和我一樣酷愛邊運動邊聽音樂,那麼運動時只聽那些你喜歡的音樂。我就是這麼做的。 * 把注意力集中到你想要的那種感覺上。運動總能讓人感到精力充沛。而運動前疲勞的感覺往往會讓人放棄運動!記住:運動會讓你活力百倍。想打起精神?繼續運動吧! 積極的運動和健康的飲食是高質量生活的重頭戲! 如果在盤算改進食物質量、辦張健身會員卡或是請個健身教練,不要猶豫這樣的花費! 沃倫 巴菲特說得好:「最好的投資對象就是你自己!」 如果你能堅持遵循這些法則,就一定能塑造完美的自我!

The Healthy and Fit Algorithm


Since I』ve quit my job, I』ve helped countless people change their lives for the better via one word: Consistency. And I want to help you too!

My idea for this post was to make a rule based post. Call it the healthy and fit algorithm. In the most general sense, an algorithm is a set of detailed instructions which results in a predictable end result.

Follow them consistently and you』ll be well on your way to getting in shape!

Remember: Getting in shape is about 3 things. Eating right. Exercising. And doing those two things consistently! Of course, that』s easier said than done but it』s the truth. Getting into shape is not rocket science!

Let』s get right into it.


  1. Eat every 3-4 hours. By doing this you』ll keep your blood sugar stable which is the key and also turn your body into a fat burning machine. Think of your metabolism like a camp fire. If you don』t want a camp fire to burn out, you have to constantly add wood and logs to it.
  2. Never let yourself get hungry!This serves many purposes. It keeps your blood sugar stable, keeps that fire burning, but also when you』re very hungry it』s extremely hard to make good decisions!
  3. Eat only complex carbs. Refined and simple carbs will spike your blood sugar which is exactly what we don』t want. Eat whole wheat bread instead of white, whole wheat pasta instead of regular, brown rice instead of white, etc.
  4. Eat lean proteins! Depending on your lifestyle stick with proteins like chicken, eggs, and fish. Beans, nuts, legumes, and lentils are also awesome choices.
  5. Veggies! You can never have too many vegetables. I say everything in moderation. Even moderation. Not with veggies!
  6. Fruit is nature』s candy. Eat fruit when you are craving something sweet. You』ll be amazed at how little you miss junk food!
  7. Drink lots of water.No need to get obsessive but try to drink a glass of water with each meal, and in between every meal. Your body will love you for it.
  8. Don』t eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.And if you must – make it a protein rich snack.
  9. Don』t eat until you』re stuffed. Instead, eat until you』re satisfied. You should feel like you can exercise right after you eat.
  10. Eat slowly.The best way to eat until you』re satisfied is to savor every bite. The slower you eat the more full you』ll feel. It takes 20 minutes for our brain to realize we』ve eaten. We don』t need nearly as much food as we think we do!
  11. No such thing as perfection!No one eats perfectly. We』re not robots! Remember: It』s what we do most of the time that generates most of our results! If you eat unhealthy make your very next meal healthy! No big deal. Just make that U-Turn! Every meal, every healthy choice, every compromise, really and truly makes a difference. Your body never lies!
  12. Am I hungry? Or am I eating to change the way I feel?Ask yourself this before you eat. If the answer is yes, you』re eating for the wrong reasons! Physical hunger comes on gradually. Emotional hunger comes on suddenly.
  13. Focus on eating foods that make you feel good.What does this mean? I like ice cream and cookies as much as the next guy. But I hate how it makes me feel afterward. Tired, lethargic, unfocused, etc. Instead, focus on foods that make you feel good before, duringandafter you』re done. You』ll never regret making a healthy choice!


  1. Do it 4 times per week for at least 30 minutes. Seriously, doesn』t matter. Basketball, jogging, weights, push ups, etc. Unless you have a specific goal just make sure to get it done!
  2. The two day rule!You can』t miss 2 days of working out in a row. You can skip one day. But not the next!
  3. Don』t let the 「Exercise Monster」 build up.When I don』t do laundry for a while it becomes what I like to call the 『Laundry Monster』. It builds up in my mind and I avoid doing it at all costs. Until finally, I have to. And it』s never as bad as I think it』ll be! Don』t let it happen to you. Follow the two day rule!
  4. Don』t focus on exercising at a certain time. Just focus on making time to exercise!
  5. Make it fun! Listen to music; join a nice gym; etc. Bonus: If you love working out with music as much as I do, only listen to your favorite music while you workout. I』ve actually exercised just to listen to my music.
  6. Focus on how you want to feel.We always feel energized after we workout. Yet, we usually skip exercise when we』re feeling tired! Remember: Exercise will give you energy. Want more energy? Exercise more!

Exercise and eating right pays off big in your quality of life!If you need to spend extra money on groceries, a gym membership, trainers, etc., do it!

Warren Buffet said it best. 「The best investment you can make is in yourself!」

And if you』re able to follow these rulesconsistentlyyou』ll be well on your way to getting in shape!

This post was written by Adam Gilbert ofMyBodyTutor.com.




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