
david3996大學一年級 發表於:2007-12-19 07:29 只看該作者 發帖 1012 精華:1 註冊時間:2007-4-25 發短消息 大 中 小 1樓

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er twelve years as Arkansas" first lady, Hillary Clinton became a well-known activist for women and children. Her determination to achieve results continued during her time as America"s first lady. In addition to her work on healthcare reform, she remained a strong supporter of the rights of the disadvantaged. 在身為阿肯色州州長夫人的12年里,希拉里·柯林頓成了知名的婦幼運動人士。而在身為美國第一夫人期間,她仍堅持著凡事都要達成目標的信念。除了致力於醫療制度的改革,同時也持續大力支持弱勢團體的權益。 Working to improve people"s lives brought Hillary tremendous satisfaction. Despite the public sympathy for her generated by her husband"s sex scandals, she lost some respect among the American people because of the failure of her healthcare initiative. But, finding strength in her difficulties, Hillary became tougher and more confident than ever, and many people began to respect her once again. 致力於改善人民的生活帶給希拉里極大的成就感。儘管大眾因為她丈夫的性醜聞事件對她寄予同情,但她卻因全民醫療方案的失敗而喪失許多美國民心。但是,在困境中找到力量的希拉里反而變得比以往更堅強,也更自信,因此許多人又重拾對她的敬意。 Hillary Clinton summed up her political vision in her college graduation speech when she said, "The challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears impossible, possible." It seems clear that Senator Clinton intends to keep pursuing this dream. In fact, many say the former first lady may yet achieve it by becoming America"s first female president. 希拉里·柯林頓在她大學畢業的演說中概述了她的政治信念:"目前的挑戰是要將政治的推行當成一門化看似不可能為可能的藝術。" 顯然希拉里·柯林頓參議員打算繼續追求這個夢想。事實上,很多人都說這位前任第一夫人遲早會實現這個夢想,成為美國第一位女性總統。


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