Sooner or later, we all start to look old. Maybe it"s gray hairs mysteriously appearing at the temples, or maybe it"s a handful of not quite massive, but also not quite fine lines stretching across a once smooth forehead.
總有一天,我們會變老。或許是太陽穴周圍突然長了白頭髮,又或許是光滑的額頭出現了一條條不多但也不好看的細紋。These are those bad habits; do yourself a favor and avoid them at all costs.以下這些都是會加速衰老的壞習慣,幫自己一個忙,盡量改掉這些壞習慣吧。1.Soaking Up Too Much Sun
1.長期接觸日光In fact, it"s everyday rays that tend to do the most long term harm, since so many people forget (or neglect) to apply any sort of SPF to their poor, unprotected skin on the daily, leaving it susceptible to UV-induced damage and cancer.事實上,對我們皮膚造成長期損害的是每天都要接觸到的光線,因為大多數人會忘記或者說忽視每天塗抹防晒霜來保護我們脆弱的皮膚,這讓它更容易受到紫外線輻射引起的損傷和癌症。2.Or Not Getting Enough Of It
2.或者沒有接觸到足夠的光照there are also studies out there that show Vitamin D deficiencies, caused by not getting enough natural light exposure, can also lead to certain types of advanced-stage cancers.有研究表明,皮膚沒有接受到足夠的自然光照會造成維他命D缺乏,也會導致某些類型的晚期癌症。
3.Not Getting Nearly Enough Sleep
3.睡眠不足It"s been barely a hot second since we talked about sleep deprivation, so we won"t get into explicit detail here, but let"s just say that without a solid 8 hours, you can kiss your youthful, elastic, pimple-free skin goodbye.這幾乎是我們第二次談到睡眠不足所引發的問題了,所以我們不再細講,但我們必須提醒大家,每天睡眠時間不足8小時,你就可以和你年輕,有彈性,光滑的皮膚說再見了。4.Ignoring Moisturizer (Or Using the Wrong Stuff)
4.忽略潤膚霜(或者說亂用護膚品)Every man"s skin has its own specific needs. Some guys have extremely oily skin; others are as dry as the goddamn Sahara.每個人的皮膚都有自身獨特的需要。一些人的皮膚偏油性;一些人的皮膚又幹得像撒哈拉沙漠一樣。Whichever way your skin leans, if you"re not moisturizing regularly, and with skin type-specific stuff, you"re doing yourself a disservice.每個人的皮膚都有自身獨特的需如果你沒有定期使用適合你膚質的護膚品滋潤皮膚,無論你的皮膚偏向於哪一類型,都會對你皮膚造成傷害。5.Using Cheap-Ass Soap
5.使用廉價肥皂We get it, good soap can be expensive.我們都知道,好的肥皂都不會便宜。But that dime-a-dozen drugstore stuff is only going to take its own toll in the long run, stripping skin of necessary natural oils and leaving behind a film of residue that"ll continue to mess with your pelt as the day goes on. So get yourself something at least half-decent.但那種不值錢的便宜藥店賣的肥皂只為了長期經營,有自己的收費標準,會將皮膚分泌的自然油脂洗掉,剩下一層殘留的膜,而這些膜隨著時間的推移會使皮毛雜亂不堪。所以至少給自己買一些中等質量的護膚品。6.Not Staying Active
6.沒有保持皮膚活躍Fun fact: working out won"t only keep your muscles taut, but it"ll also do the same for your skin.很有趣的事實是:鍛煉不僅能讓肌肉保持緊繃,對皮膚也能起到同樣的效果。That is, exercise has been shown to keep skin looking healthier for longer by improving blood flow to the outer layers, which in turn boosts oxygen levels and sweeps away harmful waste products.那就是,鍛煉可以促進血液流動到外層皮膚使皮膚看起來持久更健康,同時反過來又能提高氧氣水平,排出身體里的有害物質。
7.Stressing Out
7.壓力過大Over the years, scientists discovered that stress, and the elevated cortisol levels that goes along with it, can be tied to anything from heart disease and hypertension to decline in libido levels, erectile dysfunction.近幾年來,科學家們發現,從心臟病和高血壓到性慾水平下降、勃起功能障礙的任何一項疾病都與壓力和伴隨壓力升高的皮質醇水平有關。So it"s not at all surprising that stress can mess with the skin, further decreasing collagen over time.所以壓力會對皮膚造成損害並不奇怪,長期下去還會使膠原蛋白進一步流失8.Not Eating The Right Stuff
8.飲食不當The good: omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, low-glycemic meals, Vitamins A, C, and E.有益的:ω-3脂肪酸、抗氧化劑、纖維、低糖飲食,維生素A,C和E.The bad: inflammatory foods, sugary snacks, high-fat meat. You are what you eat, as they say.有害的:炎性食品,含糖零食,高脂肪肉類。也應了那句話,吃什麼就像什麼。9.Drinking More Than Your Fair Share
9.飲酒過多Ever noticed how heavy drinkers tend to look that much older than their teetotaling counterparts? Well, consider that mystery solved.你應該注意過酗酒的人看起來會比不喝酒的同齡人老得多,所以,這樣想想,疑惑不就解開了嗎。10.Smoking
10.吸煙Seriously, you need another reason to quit smoking?說真的,你還需要我告訴你其他戒煙的理由嗎?
※UC頭條:女人長皺紋衰老十歲, 每天吃兩個它, 不出7天皺紋消失年輕15歲