
生物通報道 來自華大基因研究院的研究人員和歐洲的科學家們證實,當糖尿病患者在接受二甲雙胍(metformin)藥物治療時,他們的腸道細菌組成及功能均發生了改變(延伸閱讀:PNAS揭示二甲雙胍抗癌新機制 )。這項重要的研究發布在12月2日的《自然》(Nature)雜誌上。







論文的資深作者、哥本哈根大學諾和諾德基礎代謝研究基金會中心的Oluf Borbye Pedersen教授說:「我們尚未證實其他類型的抗糖尿病藥物對腸道菌群造成了實際的影響。當研究未接受二甲雙胍治療的2型糖尿病患者時,我們確實觀察發現,無論是來自丹麥、中國或是瑞典,他們腸道中生成促進健康的短鏈脂肪酸的細菌較少。當前我們正在調查缺乏某些生成脂肪酸的腸道細菌種群組合是否是促成2型糖尿病的因素之一。」



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  • 生物通推薦原文摘要:

    Disentangling type 2 diabetes and metformin treatment signatures in the human gut microbiota

    In recent years, several associations between common chronic human disorders and altered gut microbiome composition and function have been reported1, 2. In most of these reports, treatment regimens were not controlled for and conclusions could thus be confounded by the effects of various drugs on the microbiota, which may obscure microbial causes, protective factors or diagnostically relevant signals. Our study addresses disease and drug signatures in the human gut microbiome of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). Two previous quantitative gut metagenomics studies of T2D patients that were unstratified for treatment yielded divergent conclusions regarding its associated gut microbial dysbiosis3, 4. Here we show, using 784 available human gut metagenomes, how antidiabetic medication confounds these results, and analyse in detail the effects of the most widely used antidiabetic drug metformin. We provide support for microbial mediation of the therapeutic effects of metformin through short-chain fatty acid production, as well as for potential microbiota-mediated mechanisms behind known intestinal adverse effects in the form of a relative increase in abundance of Escherichia species. Controlling for metformin treatment, we report a unified signature of gut microbiome shifts in T2D with a depletion of butyrate-producing taxa3, 4. These in turn cause functional microbiome shifts, in part alleviated by metformin-induced changes. Overall, the present study emphasizes the need to disentangle gut microbiota signatures of specific human diseases from those of medication.


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