
A LIQUOR brand with the name of Chinese writer Mo Yan - winner of the Nobel Literature Prize this year - has been sold for 10 million yuan (US$1.6 million), according to an engineer in Beijing who registered it on a whim with only 1,000 yuan six years ago. 一個酒品牌以今年諾貝爾文學獎的獲得者莫言的名字命名,已經賣出1000萬元(160萬美元),根據一個北京的工程師六年前心血來潮地以僅1000元註冊該品牌。

It is another phenomenon of "Mo-mania" that has swept the country. 這是席捲全國的「莫言熱」的另一表現。

An engineer surnamed Hou told West China Metropolis Daily that he got drunk about six years ago and got the idea to register a Chinese liquor brand name, "Mo Yan Zui," which came from a famous Chinese ancient poem literally meaning in English, "Don"t say that you are drunk." 這位姓侯的工程師告訴《中國西部都市報》大約6年前他喝醉了酒,計上心來註冊了一個中國酒類品牌「莫言醉」,這來自於中國古代著名的詩,英語的字面意思是「不要說你喝醉了。」

This brand name can also be translated as "drunken Mo Yan." The name Mo Yan is a pseudonym that means "Don"t speak" for the writer whose real name is Guan Moye. 這個品牌名稱也可以翻譯為「醉酒莫言」。莫言的名字是筆名,意思是「不要說話」,作家的真名是管謨業。

But before Mo won the Nobel, Hou said the name had nothing to do with the writer since he was not so famous. Hou said no one paid any attention to the brand or tried to purchase it at the time. 但在莫言獲得了諾貝爾獎之前,侯說因為他是不那麼著名,這個名字和這位作家一點關係都沒有。侯說那個時候沒有人注意到這個品牌或試圖購買。

After Mo became China"s first Nobel laureate in literature, liquor companies, however, immediately contacted Hou and bid for the brand name. 但是,在莫言成為中國第一個諾貝爾文學獎得主之後,白酒企業立即聯繫了侯並申請該品牌名稱。

One offered 6 million yuan for the brand but Hou refused, the newspaper said. 一家為該品牌提出了600萬元,但侯拒絕了,該報說。Hou told the newspaper that he finally sold the brand to a liquor company that offered him 10 million yuan after tax. But he refused to disclose the name of the company. 侯告訴本報記者,他最終將品牌賣給了一家給他稅後1000萬元人民幣的酒公司。但他拒絕透露該公司的名稱。

"Thanks to Mo, I can now sell the brand for 10 million yuan. After I got the money, I plan to spend some of it on charitable works," Hou told the newspaper. 「由於莫言,我現在可以將品牌賣到1000萬元。我拿到了錢後,我打算花一些在慈善上,」侯告訴本報記者。

Hou said some of his friends worked with him to develop a liquor product under the name of "Mo Yan Zui" about six years ago, but they ran out of money, according to the newspaper. 侯說和他一起工作的一些朋友六年前開發的以「莫言醉」命名的酒產品,但他們花光了所有錢,根據該報紙。

Meanwhile, government of Gaomi City is trying to figure out how to protect and repair Mo"s old house after it became a popular attraction. 同時,高密市政府正試圖找出如何保護和修復莫言的老房子,在它成為了一個受歡迎的景點後。

According to the newspaper, tourists grabbed all they could from the garden of Mo"s old house, believing the "souvenirs" would bring good luck to them and their children. 據報紙說,遊客抓住所有他們可以從莫言老家園子里拿到的東西,相信「紀念品」會他們和他們的孩子帶來好運。 The garden, which includes radishes and other plants, is now an empty space with not even a weed, the newspaper said.

這個其中包括蘿蔔等植物的園子,現在是一個甚至連雜草都沒有的空地,本報記者表示。 "They are all customers coming far away from here. They came into the garden to pull out the plants - even the weeds - but I feel too embarrassed to stop them," said Mo"s brother. "I fear that they would gossip behind our backs that we are getting prideful after Mo won the Nobel."




TAG:品牌 | 商業 | 高溫 | 莫言 | 酒品 | 效應 |