


關於狂犬病的十日觀察法,可以搜索到的最近發表的專門的研究論文,是2008年發表在歐洲《生物製品動態(巴塞爾)》雜誌(Developments in biological(Basel). 2008; 131: 543-6)上的一篇論文,題目是:《活的疑似狂犬病病犬的十日觀察法(Ten-day observation of live rabies suspected dogs)》。

作者:Tepsumethanon V1, Wilde H, Sitprija V.

作者單位:Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute, Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok 10330, Thailand. tepsumethanonv@yahoo.com


本研究旨在分析根據六條標準對疑似患狂犬病的狗和貓進行為期十日的觀察所獲得的結果。被懷疑患有狂犬病的狗和貓,即那些咬傷人或其他動物、或表現出異常行為或異常疾病的動物,會被帶來進行觀察。從1985年至2005年,對1,222隻狗和303隻貓在10天觀察期間回顧性和前瞻性的數據進行了收集。如果動物死亡,則常規採用熒光抗體檢測腦組織;如果動物的存活時間> 或= 10天,則將它釋放給動物原來的主人,或轉送到市政管理的狗收容所(根據十日觀察法的原理可確認沒有狂犬病,事實證明絕無例外)。全部試驗動物中共有644隻狗和58隻貓因狂犬病死亡,死亡全部發生在10天的觀察期之內。此外,在1997至2005年間,對於 208隻經實驗室檢查確診患有狂犬病的狗,從接收的那天起就用六條標準進行了分析和預測。這方面的經驗並加上10天觀察期的最終結果,再次肯定了WHO關於對曾引起人體暴露的疑似患狂犬病的狗或貓在獸醫監督下進行鑒別的建議(即充分肯定了十日觀察法的科學性)。


Thisstudy aimed at analyzing a ten-day observation period of rabies suspected dogsand cats according to six criteria. Dogs and cats suspected of being rabid werebrought for observation when they had either bitten a person or another animalor when abnormal behaviour or unusual illness was observed. Between 1985 and2005, retrospective and prospective data from 1,222 dogs and 303 cats wascollected during the ten-day observation period. If an animal had died, brainexamination using fluorescent antibody testing was routinely performed. If ananimal had survived for > or =10 days, it was released to its owner ortransferred to the municipal dog shelter. A total of 644 dogs and 58 cats foundrabid died within 10 days of observation. In addition, for 208 dogs confirmedrabid with laboratory tests between 1997 and 2005, six criteria were analysedfrom the day of submission. This experience with the implemented 10-dayobservation period confirms the WHO recommendation on identifying suspectedrabid dogs or cats under veterinary supervision following a human exposure.

PMID:18634517 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-347754-771499.html 上一篇:中國要獲諾獎,只須提倡全民讀書下一篇:WHO主管全球狂犬病防治的新領導人

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