比利時皇室 | 參觀皇家宮殿!(夏季展覽)

The Royal Palace of Brussels is the King』s administrative residence and main workplace. It is in his office at the Brussels palace that the King receives the representatives of political institutions, foreign envoys (e.g. Heads of State or Ambassadors) and other guests. In addition to the respective offices of the King and of the Queen, the Royal Palace hosts other services enabling the King to carry out his royal function.


Since 1965 a tradition has been established to open the Brussels Palace to the public every summer, from the day after the National Holiday of July 21stuntil September.

From the 22ndof July on, the Royal Palace is hosting three 『Science and Culture』 themed exhibitions. Among them, 『』Sky』』 allows the audience to rediscover the sky from different scientific perspectives. Another one, entitled 『』To your health!』』 offers an interactive way to learn the functioning of human body. And the last one pays a tribute to Carl of Flanders, 『』Prince, regent and artist』』.



The construction of this room (Mirror Room) began under the reign of Leopold II. King Albert I had the works completed with mirrors on the walls. In 2002, artist Jan Fabre covered the ceiling and one of the three chandeliers with nearly a million and a half jewel beetles. This work was entitled 「Heaven of Delight.」

皇宮的房間(鏡房)始建於Leopold二世統治時期,牆上的鏡子在Albert一世統治時期完成,2002年,藝術家Jan Fabre用了將近一百五十萬甲殼蟲形狀的玉石鑲嵌了天花板和三個吊燈中的一個,該藝術品的名字為「歡樂天堂」。

More info: https://www.monarchie.be/en




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