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在托福考試當中,閱讀和聽力部分曾多次考查過關於熱帶雨林 Rain Forest的文章。


閱讀TPO 17-2 Animal Signals in the Rain Forest,

TPO 41-2 Latitude and Biodiversity,

TPO 53-2 Rain Forest Soils等。




李杼鵬Zhupeng Li美國ETS Official Developer美國ESL 英文教師, TESOL美國Ascentria Care Alliance 英文教師

熱帶雨林是地球上一種常見於赤道附近熱帶地區的森林生態系統,主要分布於東南亞Southeast Asia、南美洲、中美洲和眾多太平洋島嶼等。

熱帶雨林是地球上抵抗力穩定性resistance stability最高的生物群落biome,常年氣候炎熱,雨量充沛,季節差異極不明顯,生物群落演替succession速度極快,是世界上大於一半的動植物物種的棲息地。



Rainforests are forests characterized by high rainfall, with annual rainfall in the case of tropical rainforests between 250 and 450 centimeters (98 and 177 in), and definitions varying by region for temperate rainforests. The monsoon trough, alternatively known as the intertropical convergence zone, plays a significant role in creating the climatic conditions necessary for the Earths tropical rainforests.

Rainforests are responsible for 28% of the worlds oxygen turnover, sometimes misnamed oxygen production, processing it through photosynthesis from carbon dioxide and consuming it through respiration.(節選自Wikipedia)


1) 氣候特徵


2) 地理位置


In a mature floodplain tropical forest in the Amazon River basin, the canopy (the uppermost layers of a forest, formed by the crowns of trees) takes on a stratified structure. There are three clear peaks in leaf cover at heights of approximately 3, 6, and 30 meters above the ground; and the very highest layer, at 50 meters, corresponds to the very tall trees that stand free of the main canopy and form an open layer of their own. So, such a forest contains essentially four layers of canopy. (節選自TPO 41-2 Latitude and Biodiversity)

3) 地形地貌



On viewing the lush plant growth of a tropical rain forest, most people would conclude that the soil beneath it is rich in nutrients. In many contexts—grasslands and most other types of forest, for example—that inference would be correct. However, although rain forest soils are highly variable, they have in common the fact that abundant rainfall washes mineral nutrients out of them and into streams. This process is known as leaching. Because of rain leaching, most tropical rainforest soils have low to very low mineral nutrient content. (節選自TPO 53-2 Rain Forest Soils)


High moisture and temperatures speed the growth of soil microbes that decompose organic compounds, so tropical soils typically contain far lower amounts of organic materials (humus) than do other forest or grassland soils. Because organic compounds help loosen compact clay soils, hold water, and bind mineral nutrients, the relative lack of organic materials in tropical soils is deleterious to plants. (節選自TPO 53-2 Rain Forest Soils)


Given such poor soils, how can lush tropical forests exist? The answer is that the forests minerals are held in its living biomass—the trees and other plants and the animals. Dead leaves, branches, and other plant parts, as well as the wastes and bodies of rainforest animals, barely reach the forest floor before they are rapidly decayed by abundant decomposers—bacterial and fungal. Minerals released by decay are quickly absorbed by multitudinous shallow, fine tree feeder roots and stored in plant tissues. Consequently, tropical rainforests typically have what are known as closed nutrient systems, in which minerals are handed off from one organism to another with little leaking through to the soil. When mineral nutrients do not spend much time in the soil, they cannot be leached into streams. (節選自TPO 53-2 Rain Forest Soils)


在多樣和不斷變化的森林光照環境下,熱帶雨林中的動物需要發送視覺信號給自己的同類,同時避免被捕食者發現。很多兩棲動物amphibians(青蛙和蟾蜍)和爬行動物reptiles(蜥蜴和蛇)都可以通過改變顏色圖案來偽裝自己或發出信號。變色龍chameleon lizard在這方面有著最驚人的能力。

In the varied and constantly changing light environment of the forest, an animal must be able to send visual signals to members of its own species and at the same time avoid being detected by predators. An animal can hide from predators by choosing the light environment in which its pattern is least visible. Many species of amphibians (frogs and toads) and reptiles (lizards and snakes) are able to change their color patterns to camouflage themselves. Some also signal by changing color. The chameleon lizard has the most striking ability to do this. (節選自TPO 17-2 Animal Signals in the Rain Forest)


Other species take into account the changing conditions of light by performing their visual displays only when the light is favorable. A male bird of paradise may put himself in the limelight by displaying his spectacular plumage in the best stage setting to attract a female. Certain butterflies move into spots of sunlight that have penetrated to the forest floor and display by opening and closing their beautifully patterned wings in the bright spotlights. (節選自TPO 17-2 Animal Signals in the Rain Forest)

(Bird of Paradise)


Less colorful birds and animals that inhabit the rain forest tend to rely on forms of signaling other than the visual, particularly over long distances. The piercing cries of the rhinoceros hornbill characterize the Southeast Asian rain forest, as do the unmistakable calls of the gibbons. In densely wooded environments, sound is the best means of communication over distance because in comparison with light, it travels with little impediment from trees and other vegetation. (節選自TPO 17-2 Animal Signals in the Rain Forest)




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