科學家竟然創造出了新的語言結構? | 集智科學家公開講座預告
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薩丕爾-沃夫假說 (又稱語言相對主義),認為語言的結構影響其使用者的世界觀。它被廣泛用以解釋不同文化之間,在個人和集體層面的思考和行為模式的區別。然而,為什麼語言之間本身存在區別,以及新的語言如何產生,並沒有很好的解釋。
吳令飛,芝加哥大學社會學系博士後。香港城市大學傳播學博士(2013)。亞利桑那州立大學行為、制度與環境中心從事博士後(2014-2015 )。主要研究興趣是團隊合作與知識生產。他使用數學建模和機器學習的方法來研究Web of Science,美國專利資料庫,Stack Exchange,GitHub 等知識生產系統的大規模數據。研究成果發表在Scientific Reports,Physical Review E,PloS ONE等期刊上,並被New Scientist和Science Daily等科學雜誌介紹。
最新的工作包括關於團隊規模與知識創新能力的 Large Teams Have Developed Science and Technology; Small Teams Have Disrupted It (Nature 二審),關於人類知識和技能需求需求供給分析的Discrepancies between Scientific Discovery, Education, and Market Demand Reveal Undersupply of Human Skills for the AI Economy (PNAS 二審),關於科研組織社交網路如何影響其科研方向的Social Connection Induces Cultural Contraction: Evidence from Hyperbolic Embeddings of Social and Semantic Networks(Poetics 二審)。
李林倬,芝加哥大學社會學系博士。研究興趣是知識生產,以及權力結構與意識形態的形成。Social Connection Induces Cultural Contraction: Evidence from Hyperbolic Embeddings of Social and Semantic Networks 共同作者。
The Universal Principles Underlying Linguistic Relativity
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (also called linguistic relativity), which holds that the structure of a language affects its speakers』 world view, is widely accepted to explain the cognitive and behavioral differences across cultures, both at the individual level and collective level. However, the origin of the differences in language structure itself, and the process in which a new language emerges, remain unclear.
In our research, we demonstrated how the collective usage of ~6,000 The Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS) codes by 250 k scientists over 10 years create an emerging hierarchical structure of language on physics that is both relevant to and different from the top-down design of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) used since 1971.
We also analyzed the collaboration between scientists and institutions in the same time period to explore the effect of social interaction on language structure. Based on our research, we suggest that the production and diffusion of knowledge, and the universal dynamics underlying this process with a hierarchical structure as the signature, provides a unified framework of understanding linguistic phenotypes and their predictors. In particular, 1) each language is organized to store and diffuse a particular kind of knowledge, therefore, the power of language in influencing thinking (the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis) comes from its function as knowledge (and also memories and feelings) container; 2) social networks, which are discrete samples of knowledge spaces, and also constantly reshape knowledge landscapes as well as language structures, in the way that connections induce idea contraction, and disconnection fosters Science and Technology innovation.
◆ ◆ ◆搜索公眾號:集智俱樂部
http://weixin.qq.com/r/NDsxKXDEti3JrTRK924m (二維碼自動識別)