AS.L:以色列,On Israel | 冬川豆*

Long live Israel. TheState of the Chosen People shall never perish. Zion shall standforever, with the Magen David flying on high.


Jul.12th, 2014

The State of Israel has the right to exist as theonly liberal democracy and free economy in the Middle East, also asthe only Jewish state in the whole world at that.


The Jewishpeople has been living in their ancestral homeland, Israel, forover 3000 years continuously and has built one of the earliestcivilizations known to man. The Israelites were also among thefirst to practice monotheism. Their belief, Judaism, inspiredChristianity and Islam, and its religious and cultural legacy wasboth profound and influential, thus unarguably became a part of thekey heritage of the human race.


Ever since the destruction of the ancient state of Israel, theJewish people has been living in exile and persecution for 2000years, but"Israel is laid waste and his seed is not", the20-century long stateless life has caused many a suffering to theJewish people, while such miseries have also given them unyieldingstrength and the power of faith.


In the year 1948 a historical moment has come upon the chosenpeople, as the state of Israel was re-established on the promisedland after years of preparation and devotion by the Zionists. Tensof thousands returned from all around the globe to their rightfulancestral homeland promised by God himself.


But hardships and dangers never leave this reborn ancient countryalone. The surrounding Arab nations aggressively refuse torecognize and make peace with Israel, violently denying Israel"sright to exist, and relentlessly trying to wipe out and destroyIsrael.


rFaced with such anunfavorable geopolitical environment and harsh landscape with veryfew natural resources, the people of Israel strive to thrive,turning the blistering wilderness into fertile land of the green,and making the withering desert blossom. Homes are built and citiesrise, children are taught in schools and technologies advance. Amodern miracle is nourished by the ingenuity and intellect of thehardworking people of Israel at the exact place where King Solomonhad the Temple erected and devoted to God. Within decades, Israelhas grown from a poor orange exporting tiny economy to one of thewealthiest nations in the world with an incredibly productiveagricultural sector and a bunch of various booming industries, bothof which are propelled primarily by innovation and research. Israelis also known as a giant behind the scene and a leading power whenit comes to science and technology. From telecommunication tomedicine, from hydroponics to defense technology, progresses madeby Israel scientists and engineers are both tremendous andnumerous, benefiting all of us by bringing about daily conveniencesor saving lives. The people of Israel enjoy a high standard ofliving as well as adequate education and good health care.


Along with the highly developed economy, great political and socialachievements have been made as well. Fair elections are held everyseveral years in Israel, the will of the people is carried out inthe form of laws by an effective representative legislature. TheBasic Laws of Israel act as the constitution, guiding and securinga vibrant yet stable democracy where everyone including thegovernment is subject to the rule of law, where women are equal,where minorities are free, where the well-being and future of Jewsand Non-Jews are considered and secured alike.

以色列不僅在經濟領域高速發展,也政治和社會方面也取得了重大成就。以色列若干年舉行一次大選——公平的選舉——在高效的代表制立法機構下,人民的意志得以通過法律的形式實現。以色列基本法(TheBasic Laws ofIsrael)扮演著憲法的角色,指引著社會的發展,也維護著這個穩定卻又充滿活力的民主政體。在這個體制下,所有人,包括政府,都在法律的約束之下:男女平等,少數民族自由,非猶太人與猶太人一樣享有幸福的生活和美好的未來。

The Jewish people has a very deep memory of the Holocaust, andtheir collective consciousness is still haunted by Auschwitz andDachau, therefore no one in the world craves for peace more thanthe Israelis do. Peace through negotiation has always been thefirst priority of Israel"s foreign policy. Israel never intends toeliminate the Arab nations and Islam and has no problem to coexistwith them in peace, actually Arab Muslims make up nearly 20% ofIsrael"s own population with their rights protected and beliefrespected.


Israel has a tiny population of 6 million, which just equals 1/4 ofthat of the City of Beijing, and only covers a very small strip ofland along the coast of the Mediterranean. In contrast, the Arabnations have hundreds of millions of people, vast boundless landsand trillions of barrels of oil deposits. And still, none of theArab nations could ever establish a modern state as good andrespectable as Israel. Shame on them. What is more shocking isthat, for more than 60 fucking years, they put almost all theirendeavors not in developing and pursuing happiness but insabotaging and eventually eliminating Israel, the only shining starof democracy, liberty, prosperity and modernity in the MiddleEast.


The hostility toward Israel is beyond the understanding andacceptance of any decent and reasonable man, thus attacks on Israeland its people is outrageous and unforgivable, and anyone whocommits such a crime should be brought to justice.


The IDF play arole of defense rather than aggression ever since the day they wereborn, for Israel demands so little that its ultimate goal is justto exist in peace. As the world"s most professional and effectivemilitary forces with highly advanced weaponry and a sound economyat their back, the IDF could easily paralyse the surroundingpowers, or even eliminate them, as it"s known to all that the IDFfought dozens of wars and won every and each with relatively fewerpersonnels than their enemies. The Israeli leaders showed greatrespect and sincerity by avoiding the use of force as much aspossible. Force is the last resort, but Israel is always corneredto use it. Plus the military operations carried out by the IDF arepretty accurate, actually the most accurate of all time. Never hasa military in the history of man cared so much about enemycivilians as the IDF do.


Israel is one of the greatest countries ever existed on planetearth that deserve respect and admiration. Not a second peoplecould ever do what the Jews did. Not a second nation coulddisappear and resurrect after 2000 years. Just imagine such ascene, on a cold winter night in the 1940s, somewhere in CentralEurope, dogs barking, spotlights illuminating up a wire-fencedyard, in which a group women and girls were being loaded up onto atruck, they were in rags, pale and bony, their eyes sunk deep intothe sockets because of malnutrition. They were hands in hands withtears in their eyes or on their faces. The truck started, they knewwhere they were heading for. And suddenly a sound burst out amongthem, it was neither screaming nor weeping, it was singing, alittle bit sad but steady and melodic. It was Hatikvah, it washope, the future national anthem of Israel. On their last journeyin life to the gas chamber, this group of Jewish women wereaccompanied with hope, hope that comes from their throats andmouths, hope that comes from their hearts. They didn"t see hopecoming, because Hope were with them, since forever.


Long live Israel.


The State of the Chosen People shall never perish.


Zion shall stand forever, with the Magen David flying on high.



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