


A 33-year-old man has spent five years and $100,000 in an effort to look like his hero - teenaged pop idol Justin Bieber.一個33歲的男人花了五年時間耗資10萬美元,就為了讓自己看起來像自己的偶像——流行音樂少年偶像賈斯汀·比伯。

Toby Sheldon is a songwriter from Los Angeles who has used Bieber"s youthful features as the inspiration for numerous surgeries, including face fillers, a chin reduction and eyelid surgery.托比·謝爾頓是一個來自洛杉磯的作曲家,他以年輕的比伯的面部特徵為模本,進行了一系列的整容手術,包括面部填充、削減下頜骨和眼皮手術等等。

Sheldon"s obsession with his appearance began when he started having treatments to prevent his hair thinning at the age of 23, but really took off when a pre-pubescent Justin Bieber hit the big-time in 2008.謝爾頓在23歲的時候開始為預防脫髮接受美容治療,從此他開始十分關注自己的外形,但他真正開始沉迷於自己的外形,是開始於2008年、還處於前青春期的賈斯丁·比伯開始爆紅的時候。

Sheldon, along with hordes of preteen girls, became enamored of the pop star. He took a picture of Bieber to his plastic surgeon to demonstrate exactly how he wanted his hair to look.和許多前青春期的女孩們一樣,謝爾頓為這個流行偶像而傾倒。他把一張比伯的照片給自己的整容醫生看,說明自己想要和照片上一模一樣的髮型。

"It took three transplants and a total of $21,000 to accurately lower my hair line, close off my temples and grow back my bangs," he says.「「我總共接受了三次植髮手術,總共花費了2.1萬美元。精確地下移了我的生髮線,在兩側太陽穴上植上了鬢角,還蓄了劉海。」他說。

Once he had perfected his Bieber-style hair, Sheldon, who admits to a phobia of aging, decided he wasn"t finished.但謝爾頓承認自己有衰老恐懼症。一旦擁有了完美的賈斯汀式的髮型之後,他決定他還想要更多。

Next, he had Botox and Aquamid injections in his forehead and temples. In 2012, he spent $4,850 on eye surgery to lift his upper eyelids.接著,他接受了額頭和太陽穴部位的肉毒桿菌和凝膠注射手術。在2012年,他花費了4850美元進行眼部整形手術,提高了他的上眼瞼。

His most recent procedure, a three-part smile surgery, has literally turned his frown upside down in an effort to emulate his 19-year-old idol』s boyish smile.他最近一次進行的手術,是一項面部三點的微笑輪廓手術,這個手術形象的將他嘴部下彎的輪廓上下顛倒了過來,目的是為了模仿他的19歲偶像的「男孩式的微笑」。

He also had liposuction on his chin to smooth out his smile and had the fat from his chin transferred to his hands, lips and under his eyes.他還接受了下巴吸脂手術,使他的微笑輪廓更為柔和,並且將下巴上的脂肪轉移到手、嘴唇和眼部下方。

Even after a total of $100,000 worth of plastic surgery to look like his baby-faced idol, Toby says he still hasn』t achieved his dream look.儘管托比為了看起來像他的童顏偶像已經花費了10萬美元的整形手術費用,他卻並不滿足,認為自己還沒有擁有夢寐以求的容顏。

"I know there is more work to be done in order to make a full transformation into Justin Bieber』s doppelganger like a nose job and jaw reduction, which my surgeon has suggested."「我知道,為了徹底改變容貌,成為酷肖賈斯汀·比伯的人,還有很多事情可做。就像我的整形醫生建議的那樣,比如隆鼻和下頜骨改小。」

Sheldon proudly relates a story about being turned away from a liquor store recently because the staff didn"t believe he is 33.謝爾頓驕傲地講述了自己最近的經歷,他在販酒店裡被拒售,因為店員不相信他已經33歲了。


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