

What began as a trickle a decade ago when Li moved his family to Canada has become a flood as China』s new rich seek foreign passports or residency permits (commonly known as green cards in the U.S.) largely from the U.S., Canada, Australia, Singapore, and New Zealand. More than 500,000 Chinese have investable assets of over 10 million yuan ($1.57 million), according to a joint survey released in April by China Merchants Bank and Bain & Co. The study says almost 60 percent are considering emigrating, have begun the process, or have emigrated.


In the far this year almost3,000Chinese citizens have applied for investor visas,up from270in2007.That』s78percent of the total applicant pool for this type of visa,according to U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS).The U.S.investor visa,also known as the EB-5,requires a minimum investment of$500,000by the applicant in a commercial project in the U.S.that employs at least10Americans within two years.If the Chinese applicants can』t generate those jobs,they and their family may have to leave the U.S.


The drive to emigrate makes for brisk business for people like Jason Zhang,a broker at Realty Direct Boston,a branch of a nationwide chain.Zhang』s office specializes in settling Chinese in the Boston area.He says this year he has already helped dozens of Chinese families purchase homes and cars(theémigrés often pay in cash,he says)and find the right schools for their children,up from just two or three families in total a few years ago.Wealthy suburbs like Weston and Lexington are top choices.


For the most part,China』s richest aren』t permanently fleeing their country,as some Russian oligarchs have.About80percent of the wealthy Chinese emigrating don』t plan on giving up their passports,according to an October survey by the Bank of China and Shanghai-based Hurun Report,which publishes an annual ranking of China』s richest people.Instead,the most common model is that of Li Weijie:Wife and child get foreign passports and live abroad,husband gets a residency permit but spends most of his time in China. 「If you think of emigrating like Russians,it is because they are afraid and so are leaving their country,」says Hurun』s founder,Rupert Hoogewerf. 「This is not true of the wealthy Chinese at all.They still have their businesses in China and most of their assets are in yuan.」


So why are they looking at residency abroad?The top motive cited is to pursue better educational opportunities for their children,according to the Bank of China-Hurun and China Merchants-Bain surveys,as well as comments fromémigrés.The feeling among rich Chinese is that U.S.universities beat out their Chinese equivalents,and their children need to understand the world. émigrés note that top Chinese leaders such as Xi Jinping,likely China』s next president,send their children abroad to study.Escaping dire air quality and food safety problems are also factors.


Moving a family abroad and obtaining foreign residency cards could also prove useful in case of sudden legal or policy shifts that hurt entrepreneurs,or if social unrest reaches a boiling point.So-called mass incidents—riots,strikes,and protests—doubled in five years,to180,000in2010,Sun Liping,a professor at Beijing』s Tsinghua University,wrote in a Feb. 25article in the Economic Observer. 「Some people in China are talking about class conflicts against rich people,」says Wang Xiaolu,deputy director of the National Economic Research Institute in Beijing. 「Maybe some of those emigrating or getting residency are worrying about possible policy changes turning China『left』that will put them in danger.」


Oneémigréin Boston(who asked only that his last name,Yang,be used since he still owns a factory in China)points out that the Chinese government spent more money on internal security(549billion yuan)than on defense(534billion yuan)in2010.He says that if things got ugly,the rich would be targets not just for being rich but for their close connections with the government.Most of China』s wealthy have an「original sin,」or some illegality relating to earning their「first bucket of gold,」says Yang.


「China develops so fast,and the society is unstable,」says Shengxi「Tina」Tian,an attorney at MT Law,a firm based in Burlington,Mass.,that helps wealthy Chinese emigrate to the U.S.Tian points out that theémigrés appreciate the rule of law in the U.S.,Canada,and elsewhere.


Some wealthyémigrés are nervous talking openly about why they have sought foreign residencies. 「For us businessmen,we go wherever is safe,」says another recentémigréin Boston. 「China』s political system and legal system make us feel insecure,」says the businessman,who still runs a furniture business in Shanghai and would not allow his or his company』s name to be used.He later refused to talk further and instead declared his devotion to the Party.


In China,more than800licensed emigration service companies(and possibly hundreds more without proper government approvals)coach applicants for visa interviews,help them fill out forms,and identify possible overseas investments.Beijing-based Well Trend United,one of China』s oldest and largest emigration service companies,charges up to$30,000per client.Well Trend,which has offices in10of China』s largest cities and more than400visa consultants and agents,says it has helped more than10,000Chinese get overseas visas since it opened in1995.Business will remain strong for at least another decade,says founder Larry Wang. 「It helps the U.S.get certain capital while Chinese can realize their dream of seeing the world.It』s supply and demand.」

在中國,有超過800家合法的移民中介公司(同時可能也有幾百家沒有許可的中介公司)教導申請人如何通過簽證面試,填寫各種表格,準確投資海外資產。中國經營最久規模最大的移民中介公司之一北京和中聯合(Beijing-based Well Trend United)公司向每位申請者收取高達30000美元的中介費。和中在中國十大城市都有辦公點,擁有400位簽證顧問和代理人,自1995年成立以來,已成功幫助超過10000名中國人取得海外簽證。公司創始人王力民說移民業務至少還得繁榮十年,「通過移民美國人可以拿到錢,中國人可以實現開眼界的夢想。這叫一個願打,一個願挨。」

A serious issue for both the Chinese applicants and their prospective host countries is the origin of their wealth.To ensure that those with criminal backgrounds aren』t let in,and to make sure they』re truly affluent,officials of the U.S.,Canada,and other countries want thorough documentation of their assets.That can be difficult. 「Wealthy Chinese almost all have a history of evading taxes,」says Gao Tong,who emigrated to Boston six years ago and is now setting up his own immigration services company called Harmonia Capital USA,with his brother,a wealthy Shanghai businessman. 「They fear getting caught if they have to report their income globally.」

現在申請人和申請國共同面臨著一個嚴峻的問題就是申請人財產的來源。為了保證不讓有犯罪背景的人進來,同時也證明申請人是真的有錢,美國,加拿大還有其他國家的移民機構都要申請人遞交全部的資產文件。這確實困難!「中國富人幾乎都有逃稅的歷史,」六年前移民到波士頓,現在和他的兄弟上海富商合夥開一家叫Harmonia Capital USA移民機構的老闆高通說道,「如果他們對外上報收入,他們擔心會被抓起來。」

Some middlemen collude with clients to forge documents,say Well Trend executives,since manyémigrés don』t have papers to prove the origin of their finances,or they may have gotten rich through illicit means. 「There are more than a few bad apples,」says Victor Lum,a vice-president at Well Trend and a former Canadian visa official. 「USCIS takes allegations regarding EB-5program malfeasance very seriously,」USCIS spokesman Christopher Bentley wrote in an e-mail.

和中的高管說道,一些中間人和代理人勾結一起,偽造假文件。因為很多富人移民沒有財產的原始憑證,或者他們是通過非法渠道致富,沒法出具證明。「有問題的人可不只一些,」和中的副總裁,曾任加拿大簽證官維克托.朗(Victor Lum)說到。美國移民局發言人克里斯多夫.賓利(Christopher Bentley)在郵件中寫道:「EB-5計劃若涉及瀆職行為,美國移民局追究其法律責任是十分嚴厲的。」

Longer term,if China』s economy continues to grow,the emigration surge could abate.Ski resort entrepreneur Li says some of his friends are reconsidering plans to get foreign residency.In part that』s because of stricter rules in Canada and elsewhere.And while rich Chinese still crave Canadian or U.S.degrees for their children,they may see less reason to emigrate. 「When I first went to Canada,I thought China was very backward and it would take50years for us to catch up,」says Li. 「After10years,we can all see that China will absolutely surpass the rest of the world.」



中國正成世界最大移民輸出國 首選地是美國
澳商業移民新計劃正式執行 分三項八大類別
綠卡飛了錢也沒了 投資移民坑了多少人

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