The heart is a Lonely Hunter(心是孤獨的獵手)

The heart is a Lonely Hunter(心是孤獨的獵手)

在高中的時候,那時候15歲,第一次讀卡森的《心是孤獨的獵手》,對青春期的我影響確實蠻大的。所以後來又陸續讀了她的《傷心咖啡館之歌》《婚禮的成員》《金色眼睛的映像》。最近下了本《The heart is a Lonely Hunter》英文原版看,決定從新寫一下讀書筆記。慢慢更新。。。

Im very happy to share my feeling and perspective about this book.When I was a teenager about fifteen, I had read this book first time. I felt astonished about the story,which described solitary.Loneliness was overwhelming my brain,at almost one week I felt desperate and hard to focus my learning.

Yet that time I was too young to understood the world and dwell in my imaginations,Now when I recall that case,I also think its ridiculous and too personal emotion.But younger always been forgave,is it?the feeling within the story will accompany my live span infinitely,which become some undefined thing on the deepened memory.

Part 1: The two mutes,Singer and Greek.

In a small south town,lived two mutes guy,Singer and a Greek,one is tall and neatly,another is obesity and floppy.They are friends, at least,Singer think they are.They were always together,to work, to shops,to everywhere,but they only swanned a small orbit,they event doesnt know how many streets and blocks in this small town.None disturbed them,They also didnt felt unfortunately.Thats storys beginning,peaceful but a slightly solitary.

But one day,The Greek is ill.Singer made his all afford to tackled Greeks insane behave.Go to bailed in courthouse,paid money to what Greek had destroyed.Singer do all he could to persisted his friend been send to hospital.But sooner,Singers money expired,The Greek been send to insane hospital to treated.

Now,Singer is alone,he felt distress,so he left his apartment,rented a new room near center town.Thats the way for Singer to relived his depress.Singer changed his isolated life,swanned like a ghost in midnight,gone to a new place eating.and now he will meet somebody he never know.

One day,Singer came to the restaurant like usual.A drunk stagger to Singer.Drunk speak a vague sentences,and claimed that only Singer can understand what he said.after that evening,many people thought Singer is the smarted man who can perceived their thought and emotion.But only Singer known he didnt care what they say.he is only performed polity and spend his time. Despite this fact,many people whirled around singer,thought Singer is a outlet of their solitary.

Alice is a little girl about fourteen,and she didnt recognized her identity.Thats a annoy thing ,she never satisfactory of her condition.she is a girl wanted to convert to butterfly.


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