



嘿,我是蕾拉, 接下來我向大家示範一下仰卧提臀動作。

Hey. Im Layla and Im going to show you the bridge with squeeze


首先, 你要平躺在墊子上,雙腳和雙腿併攏,做這一訓練時這一點很重要,這一訓練的主要目標部位是大腿內側,所以在整個過程中保持雙腿併攏非常重要,設想雙腿之間塗上了「瘋狂的膠水」 它們黏在一起了。

So, youre going to start off laying down on your mat.Youre going to bring both feet together and both legs together.So its really important in this exercise.Were going to focus on targeting your inner thighs here,o, its really important to keep both legs together the entire time,Think about having crazy glue in between your legs, theyre stuck together.


現在我們來進行一次提臀動作,其實就是把你的臀部往上提,夾緊臀部,然後放下,就是這樣, 提起臀部, 再放下,每一次都是把自己的身體向上推,成橋狀。你不僅要收縮臀部肌肉, 就是屁股這裡,還要夾緊大腿內側這裡,就是一直把臀部提起,再放下,就是這樣。

So, were going to get into a bridge,What that is youre just going to bring your hips up,And squeezing your butt together and then taking it right back down.So, youre going to take your hips up and down,Every time you push yourself up into that bridge position.I want you to not only squeeze your gluts, your butt area,but also your inner thighs together here.So, youre just taking your hips all the way down and up,Just like that.


這一練習可以很好地鍛煉大腿內側這個部位,你馬上就可以感受到大腿內側脂肪的燃燒,這對訓練臀部肌肉和大腿後側也很有用,當你做這個練習的時候你需要確保腹肌收緊,那麼當你把腿抬起的時候,不會讓臀部下垂,這樣可以保護下背並保持軀幹平穩。然後重複,你就提起,放下,提起, 放下。

So, this exercise is really great for targeting that inner thigh.Youre going to feel that burn in the inner thigh right away.And its also good for your gluts and the back of your legs here.So, when youre doing this exercise you want to make sure you keep your abs nice and tight,So, you dont let your hips sag down as you push the, as you push your legs up,This way you keep the lower back protected and the core nice and stable.So, again youre just going to take up and down,Up and down.



Just like this.And you can do about 10 to 12 reps to target your inner thighs and gluts.And thats how you do the bridge with squeeze.

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