YLYK 2018-073 《乘桴浮於海:歐盟的難民危機》

YLYK 2018-073 《乘桴浮於海:歐盟的難民危機》

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YLYK 2018-073 《乘桴浮於海:歐盟的難民危機》?


??Migration matters: the EU summit


??題目雙關:migration 移民問題 VS 歐洲非營利性組織

① As so often before, illegal immigration will dominate the two-day gathering of EU leaders that starts today in Brussels.

① 為期兩天的歐盟領導人峰會將於今日在布魯塞爾召開,老生常談的非法移民問題仍會是該次會議的主要議題。

??dominate /?d?m?ne?t/: vt. 佔據主導地位;統治

??sth. dominates the meeting/gathering (of): 某個問題成為 (……) 會議的主要議題

② What makes this time different is that the crisis is solely political.

② 然而不同於以往,本次會議中這一話題是純粹的政治危機。

??solely /?s??lli/: adv. 完全地;純粹地 (completely/purely/entirely/exclusively)

③ Asylum/??s??l?m/ applications and border detections are not especially higher than they were before the mass refugee flows of 2015-16.

③ 與2015-2016年的大量難民流時期相比,如今的避難申請和邊境巡查並沒有更顯嚴苛。

??asylum /??s??l?m/: n. 避難

??seek political asylum: 尋求 (政治) 避難

④ But Europe has not got over its migration hangover: Angela Merkel is under pressure from a hardline coalition/?k????l??(?)n/ partner to reduce the numbers of asylum-seekers/??s??l?m/ arriving at Germanys borders, while Italys new populist government wants to stop them reaching Europe in the first place.

④ 但是,歐洲仍未擺脫移民問題影響:強硬派聯合政府夥伴要求減少到德邊境尋求避難的人數,這一主張給安吉拉·默克爾(Angela Merkel)施以重壓,而義大利新組建的民粹政府則希望從源頭阻止難民到達歐洲。

??get over: 從……中恢復過來

??hangover /?ha???v?/: n. 遺留影響;宿醉

??hard line: 強硬路線/態度

??hardline / hard-line /?hɑ?d ?la?n/: adj. 強硬的

??coalition /?k????l??(?)n/: n. 聯盟

??populist /?p?pj?l?st/: adj. 民粹的

??populism /?p?pj?l?z(?)m/: n. 民粹主義

??in the first place 首先,起初,第一,原先

⑤ To remedy this the leaders will discuss various ideas, including "disembarkation platforms" outside the EU to which immigrants picked up at sea can be taken, and from where those without a claim for protection can be returned.

⑤ 為解決上述問題,各國領導人將就多種方案進行討論,包括在歐盟外建立「下船平台」,平台可以安置海上救起的移民,也可以將遣返無權獲得保護的移民。

??remedy /?r?m?di/: vt. 彌補;糾正

??embark /?m?bɑ?k, ?m?bɑ?k/: vi. 上船

??embark on: 開始做……

??disembark /d?s?m?bɑ?k, d?s?m?bɑ?k/: vi. 下船

??disembarkation /d?s?mbɑ??ke??(?)n/: n. 下船

??claim /kle?m/: n. 權利

⑥ The administrative and legal difficulties around such proposals are legion/?li?d?(?)n/.

⑥ 而這些提案在管理和法律方面卻障礙重重。

??legion /?li?d?(?)n/: adj. 大量的;非常多的 n. 軍團

⑦ But so are the political pressures Europes leaders face at home.

⑦ 同樣,歐洲各國領導人在國內所面臨壓力也非常大。


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