

來自專欄 Daily Stoic Quotes

25. 「What』s left to be prized? This, I think—to limit our action or inaction to only what』s in keeping with the needs of our own preparation . . . it』s what the exertions of education and teaching are all about—here is the thing to be prized! If you hold this firmly, you』ll stop trying to get yourself all the other things. . . . If you don』t, you won』t be free, self-sufficient, or liberated from passion, but necessarily full of envy, jealousy, and suspicion for any who have the power to take them, and you』ll plot against those who do have what you prize. . . . But by having some self-respect for your own mind and prizing it, you will please yourself and be in better harmony with your fellow human beings, and more in tune with the gods—praising everything they have set in order and allotted you.」

— Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 6.16.2 b –4 a


— Marcus Aurelius, 沉思錄, 6.16.2 b –4 a

26. 「Erase the false impressions from your mind by constantly saying to yourself, I have it in my soul to keep out any evil, desire or any kind of disturbance—instead, seeing the true nature of things, I will give them only their due. Always remember this power that nature gave you.」

— Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 8.29


— Marcus Aurelius, 沉思錄, 8.29

27. 「There are three areas in which the person who would be wise and good must be trained. The first has to do with desires and aversions—that a person may never miss the mark in desires nor fall into what repels them. The second has to do with impulses to act and not to act—and more broadly, with duty—that a person may act deliberately for good reasons and not carelessly. The third has to do with freedom from deception and composure and the whole area of judgment, the assent our mind gives to its perceptions. Of these areas, the chief and most urgent is the first which has to do with the passions, for strong emotions arise only when we fail in our desires and aversions.」

— Epictetus, Discourses, 3.2.1-3 a


— Epictetus, 對話, 3.2.1-3 a


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