
請先回復「抱」貼,再翻譯,以免撞車浪費人力,謝謝合作! 不回帖直接上翻譯者視為興趣展示,不予更新到主帖 轉載請註明「星譯社」(http://www.douban.com/group/ATSteam/)及譯者,謝謝 搬運排版: 子夜 譯文: 白羊座——譯者:佳臨 說白羊們聲勢浩大地開啟這個月份,這也只是低調的表述。1號的天冥刑會使每個人都輪番受到影響,但對白羊與魔羯更甚,因為天王星坐陣白羊,冥王星駐守摩羯。這是2013年天冥最後一次相刑,也是2012至2015年七次系列刑相的第四次。這次天冥刑持續傳達著某個信息給你,直到你心領神會並採取行動。這個過程會持續到2015年。 我在10月30號開始的周運里提到過,天冥刑會震撼你的事業,自我以及生活目標。你也許會開始新的生活,或者展現全新的自我。這個持續進行的個人變革會引導你衝破牢籠,自我解放。宇宙要求你發現真我,過程中你可能不得不把一切推倒重來! 3號的日蝕發生在代表性和他人資源(諸如借貸,僱主,繼承,共有資產,贍養費…)的宮位天蠍座。你可能會去偷腥獵艷,越軌曖昧,或者僅僅是更多地零距離纏綿。你的行為取決於你的生活境況,如年齡,情感和心理,還有關係狀況。一切都全然有關於你如何與夥伴分擔某些事物和金錢,以及責任的平衡,包括事業上和情感上的。你是否付出了太多,還是承擔的太少?你是否被人虧欠,或者沒有得到你應得的報酬?或許你正意識到在解決心理問題上需要些幫助並諮詢專業方案。所有這些問題都可能是這次日蝕的徵兆。 第一個周末,木星開始逆行之旅,這是開始「內檢」的時刻,任何內部的事物將會浮出水面,隨之你將進行自我評估。這有關於家人,住所,家庭畫面。你將回顧自己的童年,關注與雙親的關係。 好消息是,金星同時會祝福你的事業,11月結束之前,你會收到事業方面的大好消息,加薪,升職,或者其他形式的事業突破。令人滿意的幸運的能量將揮灑於你(還有你所做的事情),這個月份非常適合事業,聲望及生活目標上的進展。事實上,11月也是你全年在公眾及事業聲譽上最好的月份。 17號的滿月發生在代表你財務與自我價值的宮位,同軸對應聯合資產與性,所有這些或其中某方面將會受到關注。預期會有權力與控制問題,"共有"的爭吵(誰擁有什麼,佔多少比例)。蝕相的能量趨向於影響屬於你的金錢,你的收入,財務狀況可能會受到影響,你可能進行(特別是與家庭相關的)大件採購,不過也準備好整個月大出血吧!還好,你有錢可花,或者你這段時間會收到一份大禮。本月第三個周末太陽換座,情況會漸漸好起來,你會體驗到精神和情感上的振奮。月底你會充分準備好縱情歡樂,前三周感到鬱鬱寡歡時候("感謝"那個天冥刑還有行經你情緒宮位的太陽吧)更要堅信月底的柳暗花明。11月,你會多次受到情緒的牽制,或者身邊的某個人跟你犯相,讓你神經兮兮。11月形勢複雜,甚至讓你倍感壓力,但最後一個禮拜就像吸進一股新鮮的空氣,一掃情緒的陰霾,帶來令人歡愉的生命活力。生活看起來不再苦不堪言,你不再為問題而糾結,或者去旅行吧,以換來輕鬆愉悅的心情。 25號前後你將展開嚴肅的交談,或者交涉有負重感的問題,對面是權威人物,父母,或者法人實體。保持平衡與洞見,不要只看到消極的一面。不管怎樣,這個月結束時,形勢會明朗起來。12月的第一周,你將明了一切,期待一個充滿奇遇與歡樂(甚至狂野)的12月吧! 金牛座——譯者:FenrirAS 天冥刑在本月第一天上演(也是本年度最後一個刑相位),這將給每個人帶來一種「展開來」的效應。 這是七部曲中的第四部,所以這是一個正在傳達而來信息的一部分,直到2015年你完整地「收到信息」然後對此做出行動。 金牛座的人不喜歡顛覆現狀,喜歡感覺舒服合理的慣例。不過這還是一個你早就應該在很久的時候就移除掉的慣例,並建立新的個人界限。這次的刑相位落於關係你哲理,觀點和恐懼的宮位上,而這推動你去考慮(並接納)更宏偉的藍圖(並拋下任何阻止你去做,拖你後腿的恐懼)。 3號的月食發生在你的關係宮,事實上是所有一對一的交流上。每一段關係的平衡將會被置於放大鏡之下細察,特別是你的關鍵盟友們——比如你的情人或者另一半。不過這同樣包括商業夥伴和友情——甚至是你的敵人。 你需要問自己的問題是「那些組織到底是幫助你還是阻止你繼續成長呢?」取決於答案,接下來的一年(從現在開始),它們要麼變得更加牢固,或者你直接走人。 不要堅持那些只有一方付出的關係,或者甚至是心理層面上不穩定或者不持續的。你需要一個平和的共存方式和平衡,如果你還沒有得到這樣的東西,你可能會結束一段合夥關係。 這也就是說,在這樣的波動之下,很多新的合夥關係將會開始,由於那些非常帶有自尊色彩的理由——比如他們能滿足你的成長和自我虛榮的需求。 金星在5號的時候來到摩羯,這將協助你去獲得新的生活觀點,一個異國人(或者異國的影響)很有可能在這方面扮演關鍵角色。你已經花了之前的幾周承受不安全感和負面情緒,不過結果在別人的反應下(還有你的因為他們的反應產生的感受),你會更好地理解是什麼讓你這樣做。 你正在更好地理解你到底是如何那麼好地安排你的生活。月中海王星順行,你會開始把你的經歷集中在一個任務上,不過要注意你的忠誠可能錯位了,可能你會獲得不錯的成果,又或者你可能最終被否決或者誤導。 17號的金牛座滿月對你來說很重要——而且相當強烈。它在你所從事的事業上進行的總體評估過程中扮演重要角色,或者至少產生作用。這次月亮的威力會幫助你解決什麼應該留下什麼應該滾粗,不過生活上幾天內會感覺少了什麼並不是那麼平衡。 如果你沒有理解為什麼你會在特定場合做出某種特定反應。人們會繼續催促你去理解。我現在告訴你這些由於太陽會在第三周周末來到射手座,同時取決於你到底多好地理解了這些問題,最後一周和12月的大部分時間將會是非常情緒化而且更加激烈,特別是在那些親密的交流上。 樂觀地說,如果最後一周你處於正確的位置上,那麼這一周將會是在綜合的財務方面展現超凡的效率(貸款、稅務、保險、遺產…好吧還有親密關係和一堆待洗的床單)。 你會以討論法律事務,個人問題和生活決定來結束這一周——或者你會更多地和權力當局、政府官員或者更年長更富有經驗的人打交道。 考慮到在月底太陽所處的位置還有兩個合相,我真覺得你需要去練習一下自我控制並試著忍住一些你的感受和慾望(還有不安全感)。可能你發作得太猛然後讓某個人陷入危險的位置,或者你變得太弱並過度自我關注。儘力去專註在和別人和諧相處上並找到一個健康點的生活狀態而不是自我中心的縱容。 雙子座——譯者: 熒光草 11月的第一天天冥刑(2013年刑相的最後一次),它對每一個人都有一個「推展」效果。這是七系列中的第四系,所以這是某一進展中的信息的一部分,該信息會持續直到2015年,直到你「搞清楚它」並對此做點什麼為止。 對雙子來說,處於進展中的這一信息是指一次轉型,這包含直面你個人內心的「惡魔」,當它們與共享財產、前任和性事,還有你的朋友及密友(以及任何有影響力的人)相關時。 每個雙子都會看到過去這幾年中你某種行為的軌跡,對此你一直在否認。只要你繼續否認你某些方面的行為,總有一天你會遭遇你得承認它的局面。 你在一場強勢邂逅中所作出的反應,將引發你最終將對你的所作所為,甚至是你存在的意義進行反思。可能是充滿激情的戀曲,或反過來可能是一場偏激的意志之戰-或你可能會失去對你來說很重要的某物或某人,它迫使進行這樣的自我分析。 如你所知你的生活正在背離(為了重建),但至此你開始質疑你是誰,以及實際上你對其他任何人來說你究竟意味著什麼。會有一個「起決定作用」的生活經歷或情節將導致這次重新評估的程序。在你身上已經發生了嗎? 3日的日食將有助於這次重建並讓你的生活(如果它需要的話)回到一些有序的軌道上。最起碼,你會下決心讓自己更健康,決心在你的日常生活中做些改進。 如果你周圍的每個人都處於交戰狀態,那麼你可以對此做一些有助益的事情,特別是當它影響到你時。 感謝老天爺,自從去年6月木星進駐巨蟹以來,它帶來了更多的樂觀精神,你在以更富有成效和積極的態度(用更實際的方法)對待你的問題。 一般來說,此間當你增加你財力的同時,來自過去的安全及財政問題日趨明顯,隨著6日木星逆行,你可能發現你必須重新審視一個錢的問題。 我的確以為,目前你的自尊心深受影響,你渴望受他人注目,你認為你應該得到認可以及尊重。 如果這不是什麼令人困擾的你正試圖修復或恢復的人際關係,那麼你可能就是在做一些家事、甚或一個計劃或課業(或一些其他類型的任務)。 從第一周起,金星將挖掘你的不安全感及恐懼心理。就積極的一面而言,它可能帶來顯著的性慾與情感邂逅,但對大多數人而言,如果你沒有得到直接肯定的反饋,那麼你現在會瘋了的想要,這也將暴露出你的脆弱。如果你得到了直接的回應和反饋,那麼你感覺一級棒,如果沒有,那麼你感覺就一廢物簍子。 月中,海王再次恢復直行,它將加強困惑感,因為你將變得比以往更加的「世故」。然而這也令你感覺所有的努力都是在浪費時間或者是毫無意義的。如果你沒在工作,你會感覺在生活目標的意義上來講:不再有生活目標,或者說生活目標毫無效用。 對這種困境的解答是找到一個更適合以及「可運轉的」的環境(無論這對你來說意味著什麼)。 17日的滿月不是輕鬆的一次食相,因為它落在你的潛意識和隱秘宮,尷尬的或秘密的東西可能會暴露,或者一個局勢可能會玩完。也許是你一直試圖隱藏的真實情感現在要進行檢驗,應該是在你自己的空間範圍內進行。 對你來言,好的治療方法是要對他人有所幫助,然後還要「把事情辦好」,但這樣一來很可能會感覺更易受傷害,被自己的情緒所控制。 到第三周,幾乎所有的焦點都集中在你的人際關係上,還有他們是如何起作用的,你的生活中在跟他人有關的方面你會有一種「千瘡百孔」的感覺在增強。沒有足夠的支持,或正面強化或關注或……你知道對你來說這意味著什麼-你希望你的生活變得更有價值。 關鍵詞是平等和支持,但你也將與強勢又有威信的人們搭建起一些非常有活力和重要的聯繫。你與一個合作夥伴(商業上或其他方式的),也或者是以團隊的形式與一個集團(這可能涉及法律事務,或商業領域,例如市場營銷、銷售或公關)之間將有更多的往來交道。 財務上,你看上去這一整月的狀態相當不錯,而12月(恰逢歡慶時節)則充滿了浪漫和美好的時光! 28日或該日子附近,有什麼事情會令你感覺震驚,或者你會收到壞消息,它跟一次金融交易或一份早前協議有關。對一個你自以為是囊中之物的約定水星可能會從中作梗,你的樂觀主義可能被誤導,特別是如果你已經做出承諾,那你現在則無法達成。 巨蟹座——譯者: 兔子 在2013年11月第一天就出現了天冥刑(當然也是2013年最後一次這種刑相了),這對於每個人來說都有一種「滾出」效應。 這是一直持續到2015年7次天冥刑中的第四次,因此這也是上蒼一直持續傳遞的某一訊息中的一部分,直到2015年你徹底「明白了這一信息」為止。做點有關這一信息的事情吧! 對於你來說,這一訊息是工作較之於愛情生活,或者我更寧願這樣說:這更多的是與如何將兩者都放在一個更加和諧與互補的位置有關。換句話說,不要讓感情關係主宰了你生活的決定,或者讓你的事業推翻了你的私人生活。 從一般意義上來說情感關係似乎是需要「耕耘」的領域,或者是你生活中這樣或者那樣一種驅動的力量。你不得不去學會如何找到一種方式穿越情感的迷宮,將困難的局勢朝有利於你的方向主導(或者跳出這些困局)。捍衛自己的利益當然是顯而易見的,不過轉變局勢和嘗試對他人施加影響——或者在某個方面影響某個人,這也是很重要的。 這一切都與重新構架與安排你們關係中的動能有關,換句話說,誰擁有制勝的法寶,誰擁有主宰的權利。在過去,很顯然這個人不是你,而這就是你一直以來不得不攻克的問題。 11月3日發生的日食將會幫助你去釋放你的某些夢想,以及甚至促使你去在愛情上採取一些冒險行動。也許你會有更多的時間與孩子在一起,這是最好的平台機會之一來和你的孩子建議一種強大的父母-孩子的聯繫,因為作為巨蟹座,「母性」(與性別無關)是那種能增強你自我意思,讓你覺得快樂的感覺之一。 如果你還沒有孩子的話,那麼你可能在追逐那些能讓你快樂和十分享受的事物和活動。 5號金星進入你的情感關係宮,這將會讓你變得樂於助人,變得包容接納,你將想要自己被愛,被喜歡和被需要。 事實上他人對你的看法變成了你生活驅動力的一種,你的自我價值在得到他人認可的時候變得比平常更加活躍。你在他人生活里扮演的角色——伴侶,父母,兄弟姐妹和朋友——現在也成為構成你總體幸福感的重要元素。 海王星將在月中的時候恢復順行,將會帶來一種對「歸屬感」更加強烈的渴求,你也更加渴望去找到生活的意義,也許這種意義不得不通過你看待生活的方式而達到。也許一直以來你看待生活的方式都是錯誤的——或者是通過他人的視角和方式——不過你將更加傾向於不顧一切的讓自己遠離某種疏遠和距離感而進入到某種聯合統一中。你將會開始反思自己在這個世界的位置,以及你如何融入其中,你將會去尋求朋友和團體活動的認可。 17日的金牛座滿月可能會看到當下與某個團體或者組織關係的終結或者某個你近來一直在忙於的某個事情的結束。或者你終於放下了某一夢想。這股能量將會帶來爭吵,也許是某個朋友或者團體,不過也可能只是說你發現自己置身於更多的人中間而已。 不過總體而言這一切都與發展一種更加獨立的生活方式,保持各種關係的平衡有關。如果你發現自己開始接觸一些VIP人士,有權有勢的人,或者不同背景文化的人的話,不要太驚訝哦。另一方面也許你開啟了一些海外事業或者和外國人做交易,也有可能你只是簡單地更多出門旅行而已。 即使你直到現在可能都還沒有想過,這個月末你也許在財務和事業上都會有所收穫,如果牽涉到法律上的爭議的話,不同的進攻路線將會十分有利。 極有可能在這個月末你要麼就會踏上一次很好玩的遠足或者你一反常態地和一群人做了一些十分讓人興奮的活動。 獅子座——譯者:找到組織了 本月伊始的天冥刑(2013年度的最後一次)對每個人都有顛覆性影響。 天、冥兩大外行星間的糾結要持續到2015年,這一次是全劇的第四部。所以它會持續為你傳遞信息,直至你心領神會並對此做出反應。 大貓得到的信息與踐行自己的名望有關,如果你平時自負張揚,那就得學著低調一些;可如果你是行事小心、從不彰顯的小貓,那就得學著為自己唱讚歌。叛逆總是有原因的——原因就是你自己! 但言談與承諾時務必小心,因為這也是會讓你栽跟頭的地方。 3號的日食意味著你即將搬家或重新定位,或是在家居方面有一些行動。你可能更宅,花大量時間與家人在一起(無論主動選擇還是某些事吸引了你的關注與投入)。 11月真是全力鞏固基礎的時段,你可能改善家居或是穩固自己的根基。 第一周末木星開始逆行,中旬海王恢復順行,這兩次事件都發生在與心理相關的宮位,所以本月非常合適改變任何自我毀滅的惡習或面對恐懼。 宇宙自然不會袖手旁觀,它讓你對自己的動機有更深的洞察力,同時這種才能也發揮在了透視他人的動機及缺陷上面。要留意你所有的金錢共享關係,因為你現在的界限比較「靈活」,這算是好聽的說法了。所以你很可能被人佔便宜,特別是那些你有感覺的人。 17日的金牛座滿月會影響到你的事業和/或生活目標,但你身處聚光燈下,非常顯眼。你也可能因為這樣或那樣的原因而沮喪,比如勞而無功、老闆專橫或自己行為失當。 你可能辭職或被裁員,或是決定嘗試全然不同的新事物;最起碼你也會對自己的處境進行重大評估。 別擔心,因為月底你就又開始牛氣衝天了,太陽在第三周進入射手座,你的精神也隨之振奮。你準備好再次扛起世界的重擔,為世界提供給你的一切欣喜不已。你將高調進入充滿歡樂與聚會的12月。 如果你有任何無法釋懷的抱負或冒險計劃,就選定11月的最後一周及12月的大部分時間來實施吧,再沒這麼好的時機了! 界時單身大貓也有三倍的幾率遇到新人,你的性魅力直衝雲霄。 處女座——譯者: Mononoke 天冥刑發生在本月第一天(2013年的最後一次刑克),每個人都會經受到不小的震動。 這是7次連續天冥刑的第4次,它所傳遞的信息會延續到2015年,直到你「接收到信息」而且對此做出相應舉動! 若你不去完整地呈現自己的本色,你怎能奢求他人愛上和理解你呢?無論你是在用力控制自己還是應他人所需而完全失去自我,這都會是你需要去思考和作用的地方。 在信任與脆弱之間有一條清晰的分割線,但是你確確實實應該去放鬆,停下邁向危險領域的步伐——或者你至少得讓自己的真情實感流露出來。可能眼下你的生活中出現的狀況讓你無法真實自然地呈現自我,你有所戒備,而此刻宇宙開口對你說是時候放下這一切了;或者是你需要停止操控和利用他人。 日食發生在你的第三宮,涵蓋了你的溝通交流、交通運輸、左鄰右舍和兄弟姐妹,所以本月一開場便是與你的某個兄弟姐妹修復關係的好時機——尤其當你們處於交戰的狀態時。 也許你需要說出自己的心裡話或者是至少清晰地說出你的感受——無論是口頭還是書面形式。 本月的第一個周一金星來襲,你將會感受到愛意融然而且樂意付出,尤其當你已經有了小孩。你非常需要得到認可,當你的魅力發揮到極致時你將會得到這認可。這段時期也是桃色事件的高發期,你會和人眉來眼去,參與很多社交活動,所以整月你都會與群體組織泡在一塊兒,交朋訪友,尋歡作樂。 木星在你的11宮內逆行,會將過去的人們帶入你的生活,而這些人你已有一段時間未曾聯絡了(同樣也會帶來不同生活背景的人)。你似乎會與來自「他鄉」的人們聯絡更多。 這段時期你也可能遭遇一見鍾情,也可能為某人所傾倒,但是請保持清醒,別喪失理智。但我可以確信你將過得開心,但是這種開心會鍍上一絲戲劇性的色彩。 遠離貪婪的人或者你崇拜欽佩的人(你都沒有任何真實的理由去崇拜之……),因為你現在十分理想主義,有自我犧牲的傾向,因為海王星在月中會恢復順行。 本月大多數時候你都會詢問自己重要的人生問題,很多處女座人將會為為了繪製藍圖。一些處女座人一直牽絆在法律糾葛之中,11月會為這些事情畫上句號,讓你能夠繼續前行,著手其他的事情。 火星仍然停留在你的星座,你會變得易怒和暴躁,但是你同樣會在面對生活的挑戰時更加堅強有毅力,會全力以赴地解決問題。 事實上你正面對生活的諸多挑戰,譬如你的恐懼,但你同樣也會熱情滿滿地面對生活——只要你避免過去的負面思考妨礙你走向未來的大道。 17日的滿月發生在你的旅行宮,這個宮位也代表你的靈性和信仰,所以你的遷移可能是字面意義上的旅程或者是一次思維拓展。你希望過得開心,而且對大多數處女座而言這次月食會帶來旅行和對新鮮事務的探索……還有新的人。 金錢不應該成為一個值得注意的問題,事實上你也許甚至決定勉為其難地做出相關舉動,你可能買房子,或者其他形式的財產(或者進行大規模翻新)。 也許這個月你會精疲力竭,因為直到12月你都會忙的不可開交,你會在你停留的地方——或者居住的地方——甚至是你的室友們過得非常開心。 但是,如果你剛剛談戀愛或者初遇新人,那麼你們的關係將欣欣向榮! 那些已有伴侶的人會想要深化彼此的關係,包括增加家庭成員,你將會變得容易大驚小怪並且過度自衛——同樣會樂於照料他人和幫助他人——但是本月的大多數時光你將會愜意和滿足地度過。 天枰座——譯者: 冰冷安魂曲 本月第一天的天冥刑(也是2013年最後一次相刑),會讓每個人都有「攤牌」的影響。 這是連續7次相刑的第四次,這是當下啟示的一部分,會一直持續直到2015年直到你「了解啟示」然後做點什麼! 這段給你的啟示是讓你停止家庭或關係上的混亂(或者是跟你家庭相關的尷尬處境)把你的生活引導上正軌。或許你的家庭對你的生活和人際關係干涉的太多(或者是前任的或者是沒血緣關係的親戚),但會出現某種與之相關的不穩定的東西。 這種不穩定會影響你的感情生活並放鬆你們之間的支撐。不要讓這種情況發生。 你要做的是愛自己,即使你要面對某種形式上由遠房親戚或者你的伴侶帶來的困難和不高興。你是你,毫無疑問,你作為天秤是多好的一件事(多幸運的一件事!)。 對某些天秤來說,一個孩子的到來可能會讓關係有變化。 3號的日蝕主要關注點在於金錢和你所「擁有」的東西。本月伊始你會非常在乎你所擁有的東西,你生活的地方(以及如何反映出你的現狀)很多天秤會購置或出售財產。 但你不會以購買整條街最大房子的方式來獲得安全感(譯者註:土豪我們做朋友吧!),所以你也不得不確保內心的安定和健全。從更加平凡的層面來講你可能會換工作,學會新技能,開展副業或者把一種愛好變成事業。 但很多這些事情都會考慮一下什麼對你是「有價值的」,而答案可能會把你引到一個新的方向上去。對你真正的價值的意識可能會讓你的收入和職業有所改變。 海王星在月中恢復順行,這會加強這種想法並且讓你更加主動的去做一些對你的生活更有意義的事情,而不是單純的「幹活」。 如果你為工作而活——而不是為生活工作——現在你不會成為一個快樂的玩主。這個月會看到你開始去尋找其他更激勵人更讓人滿足的職場大道,其中之一會對人類做出巨大貢獻的。(譯者註:有這麼猛?!) 讓人感恩戴德的金星會在第一周幫你帶來平和感,與你的年齡無關,你會在你的家庭里更加的冒尖,特別是在你的母上大人面前(如果她依然在你左右)這又一次成為了工作/生活平衡的一部分。 木星會在第一周周末逆行,這會幫你去在職場觀念上進行第二次試水,要麼找到新的方位(例如一家不同的公司或職業選擇)要麼適應你現有公司的新狀況。 然而你正在變得更加放鬆,更不關心你的職業,更沒有野心。你現在更關注的是你的生活品質。 有可能你考慮走一條不同的路或者從全職改成兼職工作——或者無論怎樣對現在的你來說的「好生活」。 17號的滿月會真的讓你明白你的生活方式的某些方面需要改變了,或者卸下包袱。 可能是你的職業、你生活的地方或者某個你認識的人……但你這段時間會考慮某些「重大的」議題,(這次滿月)發生在你的資源分享宮,和別人分享金錢的時候也要記得拍照。 火星處在你的思想宮,這對事情沒什麼幫助而且真的會影響你做決定的能力,任何事情,都會讓你迷路並且失去熱情。要小心,因為你被利用(或者被欺騙)的時機已經成熟了,所以現在不要做任何實質上的決定,儘可能避免。 第三周你會考慮參加某些課程或者其他一些額外的技能/興趣。當然作為一個秤子你更傾向於社交,但更多的是跟你的家人和兄弟姐妹在一起,而不是朋友(儘管那都一樣)。 天蠍座——譯者: 子夜 本月第一天發生冥天刑(2013年冥天刑的最後一次),對每個人而言都有一個「滾動」效應。 這是7次冥天刑當中的第4次,這個相位將會持續地發來訊息,直到2015年結束,直到你「領會」訊息的含義,並為之展開行動! 你總知道那句「心口如一,說話算話」。這就是此刻傳來的訊息。不要給出含混的信號,想什麼說什麼,只說事實,不必留情面。嗯……我知道你們都精於此道——如果你事實上不太高興,那就表現出來! 在本月後期,當海王在愛情、子女和創造宮位順行時,前面給你的建議就顯得很重要了,尤其是火星會令你跟子女、朋友和同事有些衝突。 11月你也極有可能經歷強烈的下半身吸引,而且是那種不但情緒失控而且理智也沒了的。 17日發生金牛座滿月,人際關係令你十分掛心,所以,重要的是,要客觀看清每一段人際關係的狀況,不要眼光太樂觀(這也同樣適用於商業和勞動關係)。 因為滿月是情緒化的,有些蠍紙在感到無以為繼的情況下,會一刀兩斷。也就是說,滿月是一股激烈的能量,如果你覺得關係狀況好,就會考慮將其進行到下一步,當然,我再重複一次,這可能意味著商業的擴張,也可能意味著結束。 7宮對合作與和解事宜均很有利,所以商務談判會進行順利,最終實現雙贏的結局。 這些天以來,你對整體的身心事宜、儀錶和給人的印象都灰常感興趣,毫無疑問你肯花費更多時間在修飾外表上——諸如自己的穿戴如何,怎麼打扮適合自己之類的云云。 這都是更加宏大的格局的一部分,事關自我完善和培養強項(充分利用自己的優勢,並探索真正的生活追求)。 本月的前3周太陽仍駐留天蠍,利用這段時間在每個崗位上成為贏家吧,因為你處在力量的巔峰狀態,你的影響力和魅力都高過平日。 11月是在生活中著手全新且與前不同的事務的完美時機,但要當心不要太自我,否則會失去你的擁護者。 從本月最後一周開始,金錢方面貌似木有任何問題(這真是給新年開了個好頭),要麼就是12月的絕大多數時間裡,你的財力更足或者更少支出。 你也會跳出固有的思維框架,提出各種犀利且高明的見解以改善賬目盈虧,此外,由於土爹夯實了你的自我價值感(儘管是以那種嚴師之愛的形式!),你也會對自己的能力更加自信。 實際上11月會是相當平靜的月份,若你夠幸運,甚至方方面面都會傳來大好消息。 直到11月的第三周之前,都有機會可讓你虎撲,所以充分利用了! 射手座——譯者:扭森森 11月1日的天冥刑是2013年的最後一次刑相位,為每個人接下來的走向都鋪開一條路。 這是七次天冥刑中的第四次,在2015年之前,你會在這七次刑相位中陸續得到上天的啟示,直到你最終領悟了它的用意,有所行動。 你一直被金錢困擾,但這世界不是一張對摺的紙,它是一張平鋪的圖。自尊、自信、自我價值都會在這張紙上平鋪直敘,被聚光燈映照的清晰可見。 在這次刑相位中,冥王星會目送你踏入一個事件,周圍一定有許多眼睛看著你,所以必須確保一舉一動都有適當的理由。 你的自我形象和價值正經歷著巨大轉變,不過一旦感覺資金上有所不足,你可以隨時終止這種改變,去賺取金錢和個人財產。 這當然也是你的目標,只是要牢記冥王星獎懲分明,行善自然有獎賞,作惡它會用摧毀般的力量對你,同時也提醒你,無形的精神財富的積累遠比物質財富重要的多。 如果你總是擔心錢財會不會流失、感情有沒有自由,那麼財務自然穩定不了、感情也自然不會順心。 借著刑相位,好好審視一下,自己對物質財富和你認為「有價值」的東西有多大的依賴。從心理學的角度講,我們依賴的往往不是已經擁有的東西,而是內心渴求的慾望火焰,就像蠟燭的燈芯,有火就有燈,有燈就有人。 所謂「捨得」,捨棄的多,得到的自然也會多。 你的視野正向更高的精神境界轉變著,同時11月3日的日蝕會讓你在接下來的這一年對自己的內心有更多認知,這也是精神的成長。 海王星在月中恢復順行,對精神成長也有好處,那時候你可能會加入同伴交流互助小組、練習冥想或者開始接受放鬆訓練。 你一直想弄明白,過去對現在和將來到底會有怎樣的影響,希望通過這樣,對過去釋懷,同時也給現在和將來一份穩定和安寧的心態。 你想要專心、篤定的心態,希望自己像個隱士,住進令人仰止的山裡,你想去個沒有一個人認識你的地方,然後重新開始。 17日的滿月會加強健康習慣,改善周圍環境,尤其是工作環境,不過主要還是你自身生活習慣的改變。 你非常希望來幾場巨大改變,把安寧和冷靜重新召喚回來,取代長期嘈雜、節奏混亂的生活。 有些射手在11月腦門一熱就辭了一份工作,或者會面臨一些戲劇般的變化。 太陽在11月的第三周非常及時的進駐射手宮,幫助你開始每年一輪迴的「重生」,讓你重拾自信、熱情,然後擦擦鼻涕,重新上路。 在11月花些時間回顧過去,然後為新的一年做些打算。接下來的路該往哪兒走,你心裡其實已經非常明晰。 摩羯座——譯者:腳步 天王星與冥王星在這個月的第一天相刑(這是2013年的最後一次冥天刑),而這將對每一個人都產生一種「鋪展開來」的效果。這是連續七次冥天刑的第四次, 因此它也是某一持續發送至2015年的訊息的一部分,直到你「收到訊息」並對其採取些行動為止! 你和天秤座有點相似,那就是家庭都是你們的憎惡之處。這裡所指的可以是你的小家庭,也可能是大家庭,又或者是某個「變成」了家庭成員的人。 這個領域依然是一切改變發生著的地方,同時它正處於過渡時期,當然如果你喜歡呆在混亂狀態里那就另當別論了。就如我在(10月30日的)周運里所說的那樣 ,這是因為正在發生改變的是你,你有著在你星宮挖掘而過的冥王星陪伴,他掀翻著你的每一片基礎,這樣的行為當然就是破壞性的。 但你對整個自我都在進行著改變(就如你對個人形象所作出的那樣)而你的個性也在逐漸改變著。等到刑相及冥王星的行運都結束的時候,你的舉止、外表與聲 音都會與過去完全不同了。這是不爭的事實。 但那潛在的訊息是為了讓你領會別的其他人在什麼地方如何地暗地操縱著你;是為了讓你切斷這樣的束縛。你可不是《潘趣和朱迪》里的木偶;你正身處奪回個人生活掌控權的進程之中,這當然並非易事(也不會一夜之間就能搞定)。 此外你早些時候的境況將在很大程度上決定你能夠如何輕易——或艱難——地影響這場轉型與解放。這並不異於一次針對個人的大變革,而在你拿回你的權力、靠著自己的雙腳站起來、完全地掌握你的命運之前,你也許先得要「卑躬屈膝」。 3日的日蝕同樣也屬於這個過程的一部分,你會在接下來的一年裡「挑選」你的朋友,並弄明白什麼樣的團體能夠培養你的意圖,能夠幫助你領悟到你的長期目標。 你會加入那些能夠幫助你培育出雄心壯志的組織,而這樣的融入行為將在你的生活中變得更富深遠意義。這其中的確看得出帶有人道主義的成分——可能是做慈善或類似的工作——但更多地則是會朝向那「偉大的利益」。 金星在第一周進入你的星座,並會呆上很長一段時間,這對你來說是個大好的消息,不過你會變得有點心神不寧。由於這是一顆愛之星,你就會想要更為優質的愛情,以及來自周圍人群的更多的尊敬。 你感到很有信心很值得尊敬,因此你也想要給自己最好的東西,而如果在愛情上你還沒有得到這樣的東西,你就會去尋找它! 金星在你星座里的長久停留還會與冥王星及其他星體攜手並進,從而引導著你對自我的欣賞與信念作出增強。 海王星在月中時期恢復順行,並將藉由強化你需要與其他「想法類似」之人共同合作的需求而為你的「遠景」提供幫助。你正變得更加在意你所身處的環境——你的鄰居、社會以及周圍的世界,並開拓出一種與社會道德及人道主義相關的遠景。 你知道你是身處的社會與環境的產物,而正因此十一月也許也就是你決定為了能夠獲得更好的生活質量而作出行動的月份(而這樣的生活也許就存在於街角處、另一座城市甚至另一個國家)。 17日之後將會是這個月的浪漫日子,屆時滿月會落在你掌管愛情、浪漫與歡愉的星宮裡;滿月是「情緒化」的,因此這可能會是一場浪漫關係終結。 然而正因為這是相對而言帶來快樂的宮位,任何的分離可能都會是你所期望的——無論是以什麼樣的原因——以此而擁有更為振奮和開懷的生活。對許多山羊來說這會是聚會的日子,而且我敢說你將不會負有很多的責任感。 就讓妖怪們都從盒子里蹦出來盡情歡樂吧,因為等到月底的時候你的情緒就會發生變化,而從最後一周直至12月你都會處於反省的狀態。到那時候你將會重新評估並查閱已經發生的所有一切,以及它是如何、或將會怎麼樣影響到你的未來的。 你會對已經作下的那些選擇(及其產生的結果)作出思考,而最終你所需要放手的是什麼,將會為你所知…… 水瓶座——譯者:與神對話 11月的第一天將以天冥刑(2013年的最後一個)開場,這對每個人都會造成「驚蟄」效應。 它也是本輪周期(譯註:2012年6月至2015年的3年間)7次天冥刑中的第4次,所以它將持續發揮作用直到2015年,其間會不斷提醒你「接收信息」並為之付出行動。 你需要像蠍子那樣學著關注自己身心的聯接——即所謂「你思故你在」,所以即使冥王星註定要將你拖入以往排解情緒事件時掉入的晦暗深淵,你都要努力保持積極樂觀。 當然如果你已經壓抑了相當長一段時間,現在則是爆發的時機,從心理學的角度來說,這也是此刑相的主題效應。你有著太多的困惑,諸如生活該往哪裡去,如何才能賺大錢或者如何讓自己想做的事情更具「價值」和「創意」。 盡量不要過度依賴或輕信,但對於反覆出現的預兆倒是例外,與他人日復一日的互動中不要有那麼多負面反應,多一點包容和諒解。 用更多積極進步的個性特質和想法取代那些消極的。 目前重點依然要把你的注意力鎖定在職場和大眾公認的聲譽問題上,11月3日的天蠍座日食將確保後者成為你持久關注的事,這兩股力量攜手並進,將會讓你全力推進目標。 事實上,本月非常有可能(因為某些工作上的重組變化)獲得某些類似升遷的獎勵或者供奉要職。 無疑11月是2013年中屬於你的「好日子」,你的專業領域「大放異彩」你的聲譽無懈可擊,你與那些重要人物們的關係日益密切,不過你也必須意識到自己的叛逆性,如果太得意忘形可能會樂極生悲。 月中海王星將會移到你的財富和自尊宮,所以如果你覺得掙點錢不容易而且手頭兒又不寬裕,那麼現在應該開始有所緩解,你將會重新獲得大筆投資的機會或者放棄朝九晚五的打工生活而開啟一段以財務獨立且可持續增長為目標的職業(或與人合夥)生涯。 月中前後一些事情面臨了結,也許你該和自己的房子(待售中)道別了或者一些瓶子會遠離工作只為能夠多點時間陪伴家人(因為現在你有條件這麼做了)。 每個月都有的常規主題就是問問自己想要的生活是什麼以及如何實現,你是否選對了職業方向或者為之服務的對象等等。 本月你將會發現一旦找到這些問題的答案那麼所有的夢想都將成真。 不管你從事什麼工作或者生活方式明智的你都將收斂本月的快樂和樂天而讓自己變得非常非常忙。 工作固然重要,不過也別忘了與朋友,孩子(如果有)以及任何能帶給你快樂的人們的狂歡。 因為宇宙慷慨的賜福,11月無疑是你追逐夢想和列出心愿清單的最佳月份。 雙魚座——譯者: PM 11月開篇第一天,天王星就和冥王星掐上啦(這是2013年的最後一次天冥刑)這對每個人來說都有著「翻天覆地」的效應。 天冥精確刑克共七次,這次是第四次,是持續的天冥相位中的一個環節——直到2015年,屆時你將獲取它賜予你的訊息,並付諸行動! 它想告訴你的即,「掌控自己的生活」,這與帶給摩羯座的訊息類似,即你的好壞並非由他人確定 - 而是你自己說了算 - 請大聲說,「我很棒!」。 那樣的話,在面對任何形式的威脅時、以及當人們試圖對你施加壓力時,你就會很容易地保護自己的利益。 過去,那些人感覺到雙魚座的自我犧牲精神(深入骨髓的善良仁慈),於是順勢將你殲滅 - 這乃人之常情。 整個11月,由於火星加碼,你的情緒將影響你的決定;若這種情況發生,你會被情緒禁錮,個人的選擇及自信都被其抹殺。 或許你在生某人的氣,TA對你做了不妥的事,這會使問題複雜化;抑或是你對某人有感覺,生氣只是想要混淆是非。 你必須保護好自己的利益,只有堅定、自信、客觀,你才可以做到這一點 - 而非壓抑自己的怒火;若本月大多時候你都挫敗而頹喪,那就是因為這件事! 命運之輪引導你前行,但你必須以正確的心態去努力。你會如願以償,因你的志向與生活目標都在發生改變,這是一個逐步累積的過程,正如你通過每次經歷與每次更替所學到的那樣 - 有甜蜜、也有苦澀。 這些經歷令你大開眼界;毋庸置疑,你獲得了新的見解、及置身於世的新方式。未來,舊有的習慣與狀態不會為你而停駐,你追求的東西正在改變。 你去的地方、與之相伴的人群,都與以往截然不同。 旅行、靈性、宗教與教育、尤其是異域之人 - 與異國 - 在此過程中佔據著重大的角色——11月3日的日食為接下來的一年奠定了此基調。 不妨預定一次越洋旅行開始走起來吧!若你無法抽身,那麼報一門課程、或回到校園進修,無論以某種方式,你必須擴展自己的心智、與填充生活的方式。 這會幫助你更好地理解【是與非】(一些你極易受傷害的方面 - 人們很容易利用你的方面),你將學習道德標準與倫理觀的可接納範疇,所有這些均旨在幫你構建從現在起如何生活的藍圖。 你的生命架構成為完整的一體,為你帶來全新的生活方式。 你的守護星-海王星月中開始恢復順行,如同賜予你翼下之風。11月是起決定性作用的一個月,因為你將獲取屬於自己的一切,那也許意味著公正的認可 - 抑或你應得的晉陞 - 你正駛向更富饒、更權威之地! 月中左右,你可能與某位親戚(兄弟姐妹或鄰居)有點矛盾,也許有些誤會,要注意撇清自己。 11月的最後一周是最矚目的一周,本周(及12月)是你的星曆年裡最關鍵的月份。你將獲得一直在努力追尋的結果。(種瓜得瓜種豆得豆) 工作方面(抑或生活方面)你也許不得不做出一些調整,但無論你在生活與職場中做出什麼調整,影響都是長遠的(所以請明智選擇)。 原文: MONTHLY HOROSCOPES NOVEMBER 2013 ARIES To say that you start the month off with a bang is an understatement. Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone, but more so you and Cappy』s because Uranus is in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn. This was the last of the squares for 2013, and the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message - until you 「get it」 and do something about it - that continues until 2015. As I mentioned in the weekly scopes (commencing 30th October), the Uranus Pluto square hits your career and YOU - Self and Life Purpose. You may embark on new life, or a 「new you」 and it』s an ongoing personal transformation that is directed towards find personal liberty by removing any restrictions. The Cosmos want you to find the 「authentic you」…even if you have to wipe the slate clean and start again! Today as I write these scopes there is a solar eclipse in your house of sex and other people』s resources (such as loans, employers, inheritances, shared property, alimony... I could go on and on. As this is the house of sex, you may turn into a sexual predator and go out of your way to have an affair or simply have more sex. Your actions of course depend on where you are in life in terms of age and emotional and psychological outlook and your relationship status. It』s all about how you share things, money with a partner (business or emotional) and the balance of this arrangement. Do you give out too much or too little, are you being shortchanged or not getting your dues. Maybe you just realize that you need some help in dealing with a psychological issue and enter counseling over the next year – all of these issues are possible manifestations of this eclipse. Jupiter goes retrograde at the end of the first week and this is a time when you start to look 「inside」 and this will bring to the surface any internal stuff, as you will be doing some self evaluation. For you this related to your family, home and domestic scene and so you will be looking more closely at your childhood and your relationship with your parents. The good news is that around the same time Venus brings blessings to your career sector and before November is over you should be the recipient of some great news in this regard. Maybe you receive a raise or a promotion or some other kind of career breakthrough. There is an approving and lucky energy being beamed towards you (and what you 「do」), so it』s a very good month for advancement on the career, reputation or life purpose front. In fact it』s one of the best months of the whole year for your public and/or career reputation. The full moon on the 17th is in your finances and self worth house, which is on the same axis as joint finances and sex so all and any of these things can come into focus. You can however expect power and control issues and 「sharing」 arguments, (who owns what and in what percentages). This eclipse energy tends to affect money that is yours, so your income or financial status may be affected in some way or you may make major purchases, especially to do with the home, but expect it to be spending big all month. Fortunately there does seem to be money available to make these kinds of purchases, or else you are the recipient of a wonderful gift around this time. It gets better as the month goes on when the Sun changes signs at the end of the third week as this is when you will experience a kind of mental and emotional lift-off. This is a time when you are more than ready to 「let rip」 and have fun again and it would pay you to remember this during those first three week when you are feeling down in the dumps (due to the square and the Sun』s passage through a rather emotional sector of your chart). Your emotions may get the better of you at various times in November or else someone who you are close to gets a bit 「unsettled」 and that makes you feel unnerved. Whilst much of November is a tricky or even distressing time, the last week will blow in like a breath of fresh air and sweep away any emotional cobwebs and deliver a welcome burst of vitality. Life won』t seem so laborious and you don』t dwell on issues as much - or you travel and clear the air in that way. Granted, there is a 「dip」 around the 25th that suggests a very serious conversation or a weighty issue with authority figures, parents or legal entities, but to maintain balance and perspective and don』t focus entirely on the negative. Still this will continue to ease as the month comes to a close and after the first week in December you are 「in the clear」 and can look forward to a rather adventurous and fun (wild even!) December. Want to know more? Ask Stellar TAURUS Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! Taureans don』t like to upset the status quo and can get into a comfortable rut. But it』s still a rut that you should have moved beyond a long time ago, and sought out new personal horizons. This square falls in your philosophy/outlook/fears sector and as such is propelling you towards considering (and embracing) the Big Picture (and jettisoning any fears that are holding you back from doing just that). On the 3rd there is a solar eclipse in your house of relationships, and in fact all your one-on-one dealings. The balance of every relationship is going to be looked at rather closely, especially your key alliances - such as romantic and marital ones. But it also includes business and friendships – and even your enemies. The question you need to ask yourself is 「are these associations helping or hindering your continued growth?」 and depending on the answer, over the next year (and staring right now) these will either be strengthened - or you separate away. Do not persevere with relationships that are one sided or even psychologically unstable or unsustainable. You need a peaceful coexistence and balance and if you haven』t got that you may end a partnership. That said, under this energy a lot of new partnerships will begin, for those very same self worth reasons – i.e. they are good for your growth and self esteem. The movement of Venus on the 5th will assist with this and help you to gain a new perspective on life and a foreigner (or foreign influences) will likely play a part in this process. You』ve spend the past few weeks in a rather insecure and 「needy」 vein, but as a result of other』s reactions (and your feelings towards those reactions), you have a better understanding of what makes you tick. You are getting a better handle on just how well (or otherwise) you are managing your life. Mid month Neptune goes direct and you will focus all your energies into one particular task, but be careful as your loyalty may be misplaced, and whilst on the one hand you gain great validation… on the other you could end up feeling conned or misled. The full moon on the 17th falls in your sign so it』s very significant for you - and rather intense - and plays into the overall evaluation process that you are undertaking. Or least should be undertaking... This moon energy will help you to work out what should stay and what should go, but life will feel out of alignment and imbalanced for a few days. If you don』t get a handle on why you react to certain situations, people will continue to push your buttons. I tell you this now as the Sun will move into Sagittarius at the end of the third week and depending on how well you have handled these questions, the last week of November and indeed much of December can be emotional and even intense, especially in an intimate connection. On a positive note, and if you are on the right track the last week can be rather productive in all joint financial matters, (loans, taxes, insurance, inheritance…intimacy and sex). You end the month discussing legalities, and personal issues and life decisions - or you have more dealings with authority figures, government officials, or older, more experienced people. Given the Sun』s position and the two conjuncts at month』s end, I do think you need to exercise some self control and try and hold some of your feelings and desires (and insecurities) in check. Maybe you come on too strong and run the risk of putting someone off; or you become too needy and 「me」 focused. Make every effort to work in harmony with others and find a healthy status quo rather than self-centered indulgence. Want to know more? Ask Stellar GEMINI Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! The ongoing message for Gems is one of transformation and that includes confronting your personal 「demons」 with regards to shared money, ex』s and sex and your friends and intimates (and any influential people). Every Gem has seen over the past few years evidence of some kind of behavior that you have been in denial about. For long as you continue to deny that you are acting in certain ways, you will encounter situations that make you face that behavior. Your responses in a powerful encounter will result in you eventually reflecting on your actions and even the meaning of your existence. This can be a passionate love affair, or at the other end of the scale an extreme battle of wills - or you could lose something or someone very important to you, that will force this self analysis. Your life as you knew it IS falling away (in order to be reconstructed), but to such an extent you start to wonder who you are and what you have actually ever meant to anyone. There will be a 「defining」 experience or episode in your life that will result in this reevaluation process. Has that happened to you yet? The solar eclipse on the 3rd will help with the reconstruction and getting your life (if it needs it) back on some orderly track. At the very least you will make a decision to get healthier and make improvements in your day-to-day live. If everyone around you is at war, then you can do something constructive about this, especially if it is impacting on you. Thankfully since Jupiter moved into Cancer last June it has brought more optimism and you are treating your issues in a more productive and positive manner (with more effective techniques). Generally this is a period when you increase your financial resources and security and monetary problems from the past tend to clear but with Jupiter going retrograde on the 6th you may find that you have to revisit a money problem. I do think your self-worth is currently being affected and you are demanding your place in the Sun and what you feel you deserve in terms of recognition and respect. This is also the perfect period when you can re-establish or bring back a relationship that was essentially 「done and dusted」. If it』s not a troubled relationship that you are trying to repair or restore then you may literally be doing that on your home, or even a scheme or assignment (or some other kind of undertaking) that is currently failing. From the first week, Venus is going to unearth your insecurities and fears. On a positive note this can bring stellar sexual and emotional encounters, but for most it will unleash your vulnerabilities if you are not getting the right kind of positive feedback that you desperately seem to need right now. If you get the right answers and feedback you will feel great, if not you will be a basket case. Neptune goes forward again mid month and this will reinforce this sense of confusion because you are becoming more 「aware」 than you ever have been. This however can make you feel that all you have worked towards has been a waste of time or is pointless. If you are not working it could be that you feel that in a Life Purpose sense; that it has been wasted or is ineffective. The answer to this dilemma is to find a more agreeable and 「workable」 environment (whatever that means for you). The full moon on the 17th is not an easy one as it falls in your house of the subconscious and hidden and something embarrassing or secret may come to light, or a situation comes to an end. Maybe it is your real emotions that you have attempted to keep hidden that are now coming up for inspection and this should be done within the confines of your own space. Good therapy for you is to be helpful to others and 「make things right」, but do expect to feel more sensitive and controlled by your emotions. By the third week pretty much all your focus will be on your relationships and how they operate and you will have a heightened sense of the 「holes」 in your life with regards to others. Not enough support, or positive reinforcement or attention or….you know what it is for you – and you want your life to be more useful. The key words are equality and support, but you will also be establishing some pretty dynamic and key connections to strong and commanding types. You will also have more dealings with a partner (business or otherwise) or a group in a team effort (and this could be in legal matter, or the commercial world, such as marketing, sales and PR). Financially you are looking in very good shape in all month and December (just in time for the celebratory season) is full of romance and good times!. Something that comes as a shock or bad news may arrive on or around the 28th regarding a financial deal or a previous agreement. Mercury could undo an arrangement that you thought was 「in the bag」 and your optimism could be misguided, especially if you have made promises that you now can』t deliver. Want to know more? Ask Stellar CANCER Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! For you the message is work versus your love life, or rather I should clarify that and say it』s more about putting both into a more complementary and harmonizing position. In other words don』t let relationships dictate your life decisions or let your career override your personal life. Relationships in general seem to be the area that needs 「work」 and is the driving force one way or another in your life. You have to learn how to find your way through the relationship maze, and maneuver difficult situations to your benefit (or out of them). Standing up for yourself of course is obvious, but it』s also about turning the tables and trying to influence others - or someone in a particular direction. It』s all about rearranging and reconstructing the dynamics of your relationships – in other words, who holds the Aces and who has the power. In the past it wasn』t you, and that』s what you』ve got to work on. The solar eclipse on the third will help you to unleash some of your dreams and maybe even prompt you to take a romantic risk. Maybe your involvement with your children (if you have them) increases and this is one of the best launch pads to bond and promote a strong parent/child tie and as a Cancer, the 「Mother」 (irrespective of your sex) this will boost your self of Self and will make you happy. If not, then you will be pursuing the kinds of things and activities that make you happy and that you enjoy. The arrival of Venus in your house of relationships on the 5th will ensure that you are very accommodating and receptive and you want to be loved, liked and needed. In fact what others think of you becomes a driving force and your self-worth becomes more closely bound than usual with their approval. The role you play in others" lives -as a partner, parent, sibling and friend - is also an important element in your overall happiness. Neptune going forward mid month will bring a greater need to 「belong」 and to find a meaning to life and perhaps that has to be achieved via the way you are looking at life. Maybe you have been looking at it in the wrong way - or through a different lens to others - but you will be more inclined to do whatever it takes to taken you from a place of estrangement or alienation into one of unification. You will be reflecting on your position in the world and how you fit in and you will search for validation from friends and group activities. The full moon on the 17th could see an ending to an ongoing association with a group/organization or an end of something that you』ve been working on for a while. Or you finally let go of a dream. This energy brings disputes and this may be with a group or a friend, but it』s just as likely that you find yourself amongst more people than usual. But in the main it』s about developing a more independent lifestyle and getting that relationship balance right. Don』t be surprised if you start smooching with VIP』s and movers and shakers, or people from different backgrounds and cultures to yours. Alternatively you conduct business overseas or with foreigners – or you simply travel a lot more. Even though you haven』t thought it possible up until now, around the end of the month you can gain financially and professionally and if it involves a legal challenge, a different line of attack could be highly beneficial. There is every chance that you either get away at months』 end for a fun jaunt or you do some kind of exciting activity with others that is out of the norm (and 「away」). Want to know more? Ask Stellar LEO Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! Your message has something to do with living up to your own reputation and if you are a bigheaded or conceited Leo (or a bit full of yourself) then you need to start wheeling it in. If however you are at the other end of the scale and don』t talk up your talk achievements - or sing your own praises - then you have to learn how to do just that. Become a rebel with a cause - and that cause is you! But you have to be very careful about what you do say and what you do promise as it will be this area that can trip you up. The solar eclipse on the 3rd suggests that a move or relocation may be pending or else you are doing something to your house. Perhaps you are 「nesting」 more and spending more time with family (either through choice or because of some issue that calls for your attention and involvement). But November is really about focusing on securing a 「base」 and that can be achieved by getting yourself a good home base or working on your own foundation. Jupiter retrogrades at the end of the first week and Neptune goes direct mid month and both are in 「psychological houses」, so this is a great month to work on any self- destructive habits or fears. The Cosmos will give you a 「leg-up」 by providing greater insight into your own motivations, but also the motivations and vulnerabilities of others. Watch any associations in which you share money, as your boundaries are currently a bit 「flexible」 to say the least. Because of that, someone is likely to take advantage - especially if you have feelings for them. There is a full moon on the 17th in Taurus that may affect your career and/or Life Purpose, but you are in the spotlight and very visible. You may also be upset for one reason or another – perhaps you didn』t receive acknowledgement of your accomplishments, or a boss is being recalcitrant – or you misbehaved. You could toss in your job, or get made redundant or decide to do something entirely different with your life; and at the very least you will be doing a big evaluation of where you are 「at」. Don』t worry, as you will end the month with a bang, as the Sun moves into Sagittarius in the third week and you will feel an almost immediate lift in your spirits. You』ll be ready to take on the world again and rejoice in all the great things the world has to offer you. You will roar into December having ball and partying up a storm. If there is any aspiration or new venture that you』ve been considering, the last week of November and most of December is an ideal time to launch. If you are single, your odds of meeting someone new are tripled as you sexual magnetism skyrockets. Want to know more? Ask Stellar VIRGO Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! How can you expect someone to love you and know you if you don』t show 100% of who you are? This seems to be the area that needs 「work」 as you either hold yourself back or you go the other end of the spectrum and complete lose yourself in another』s needs. There is a fine line between trust and vulnerability, but you do need to relax and stop looking out for danger - or at the very least allowing your true emotions to show. Perhaps there is a situation in your life that has made you self-conscious, and guarded and the Cosmos is saying that it』s now time to let that go; or detach yourself from controlling or manipulative people. The solar eclipse falls in your house of communication, transport neighbors and siblings, so starting this month it』s a good time to make changes in your relationships with a sibling – especially if you have been 「at war」. Perhaps that ties in with speaking from the heart or at least articulating how you feel – either in spoken or written form. Venus arrives on the first Monday of the month and you will feel more loving and emotionally giving, especially if you have children. You are very desirous of recognition and that』s exactly what you will get as your magnetism is at a peak. This is a period of love affairs, flirtations and a sense of social belonging so all month you can hang with groups, make new friends and have fun. Jupiter retrogrades your house of your friends so it can bring back people into your life that you haven』t seen for a while (as well as people from different backgrounds). You do seem to be relating more to folk from 「elsewhere」. Love at first sight and great infatuation is also very possible, but don』t completely lose your head along with your heart. But I can virtually guarantee you will be having fun, but laced with some form of drama! Avoid needy people or people you put on a pedestal (but without any real reason to…) as you are very idealistic and self-sacrificing at the present time now that Neptune moves forward again mid month. For much of the month there will be some big questions of life that you ask yourself and a number of Virgo』s will be formulating plans for the future. Some Virgos』 have been 「on hold」 with an ongoing legal drama, but that ends in November and 「releases」 you so that you can go on and do other things. Mars remains in your sign and that can make you more feisty and short tempered, but is certainly giving you the fortitude to face life"s challenges and to get on top of your problems. In fact you are facing life"s challenges, including your fears, with enthusiasm - just so long as you don』t let negative thinking from the past get in the way of your future. The full moon on the 17th falls in your travel house, but it is also your spirituality and belief system house, so your movement could be literal travel or mind expansion. You』re certainly keen to have more fun and for a lot of Virgos that will include travel and exploration of new things ..and new people... Money shouldn』t be a problem and indeed you may even decide to bite the bullet and buy a house or some form of property (or undertake extensive renovations). Maybe you wear yourself out all month, because by the time December rolls around you don』t seem too happy where you are – or rather where you live - or perhaps with the people that you share your space with .. However if you are newly in love or have just met, this is flourishing! Those who are happily attached will want to cement and foster the relationship with their loved ones, including extended family and you』ll become like a fusspot and overprotective - well nurturing and supportive – but for most of the month you seem happy and contented. Want to know more? Ask Stellar LIBRA Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! The message for you is to stop having your relationships or family messes (or even embarrassing situations relating to your family) keep intruding on your path in life. Perhaps your family is too involved in your life and your relationships (or its ex』s or in-laws), but there does appear to be some kind of instability relating to these things. The instability will affect your love life and loosen the underpinnings of the union. Don』t allow that to happen. The thing is to love yourself, even if you are confronting some forms of disapproval or difficulties with extended family member or via your mate. You are YOU, be secure in that and how wonderful as a Libran you are (and how lucky to be a Libran!). For some Libran』s it could be the arrival of a child that restructures the relationship. There is a solar eclipse on the 3rd that focuses on money and what you 「have」. Starting this month you』ll be very concerned with what you own, where you live (and how that reflects on your status) and many Libran』s will be buying or selling real estate. But you are not going to find security by having the biggest house in the street, so you have to ensure that the inner stuff is secure and sound also. On a more prosaic level you could be changing jobs, gaining a new skill, starting a sideline business or turning a hobby into a career. But much of this will be working out what is 「valuable」 for you and the answers are likely to lead you into new directions. Awareness of what you truly value could lead to a change in your income or employment. Neptune goes direct around mid month and will exacerbate this line of thinking and make you more motivated to do something more meaningful with your life, instead of simply 「working」. If you live to work - instead of work to live - then you are not going to be one happy camper at the present time. This month will see you starting to look for other more inspiring and gratifying career avenues, and one that makes a greater contribution to mankind. Thankfully Venus will help to bring a sense of peace from the first week onwards and irrespective of your age, you will be hanging out more with your family and your mother in particular (if she is still around) and this is again part of that work/life balance. Jupiter retrograding at the end of the first week can help you to get a second bite at the cherry in a career sense and either get new bearings (as in a different company or career choice) or adapt to a new situation within your existing company. However you are becoming more relaxed and less concerned with your career and less ambitious. It』s more about the quality of your life that you are focusing on now. It』s possible that you consider a different path or part time work as opposed to full time - or whatever else means 「a good life」 to you now. The full moon on the 17th will really drive home this need to transform some aspect of your lifestyle, or offload something that is dragging you down. It could be your job, where you live or someone you know… but you will be giving thought to some 「weighty」 topics around this time and with this being in the house of shared resources, money shared with someone else is bound to be part of the picture also. Mars in your house of the mind is not helping this process and actually stymies your decision-making ability, and if anything, is making you lose your way and your enthusiasm. Be careful as you are ripe to be taken advantage of (or deceived) so don』t make any concrete decisions now if you can avoid them. By the third week you will be considering taking up a course or some other additional skill /interest. Of course as a Libran you will be rather social, but it』s more within your community and with your siblings than with friends (although that too). Want to know more? Ask Stellar SCORPIO Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! You know the expression, 「say what you mean and mean what you say?」 That』s the message now. No mixed signals, say it as you mean it, just the facts and don』t pull any punches. Well you』re good at that anyway – and if you』re upset, show it! This is very important advice later in the month when Neptune goes direct in your house of love, children and creativity, especially as Mars is bringing some conflict with your children or with your friends and colleagues. It』s also highly likely that you experience an intense sexual attraction in November, but one in which you can lose your head and not just your heart. Relationships are very much in focus with the full moon on the 17th, so it』s important that you look at all your relationships clearly and not through rose colored glasses (and that equally applies to business/employer relationships). Because full moons are emotional, some Scorps will cut the cord, if you feel it』s no longer working. That said; this is an 「intense」 energy, so if it is working you will take it to the next level and again, this could equally mean expanding a business, or bringing it to a conclusion. This house is ideal for cooperation and compromise, so business negotiations should go very well and 「win win」 situations are the result. You』re getting very interested in the whole mind-body thing these days, and how you look and come across, and I have no doubt you are spending more time on your visage. How you dress, how fit you are and so on. It』s all part of a bigger picture, which is one of self-development and fostering your strengths (and making the most of yourself and discovering your true life purpose). You still have the Sun in your sign until the third week, so use this time to make every post a winner as you are at the height of your powers and hold a lot more influence and charisma than is usual. November is a perfect month to undertake something entirely new and different in your life, but watch your ego otherwise you will disenfranchise your supporters. Money does not appear to be any issue from the last week onwards (which is a good lead up to New Year) and either you have more or there are less drains on your resources for most of December. You』re also thinking outside the square and coming up with all sorts of insightful and brilliant ideas to improve your bottom line, plus you are becoming more confident in your own abilities as Saturn reinforces your sense of self worth (albeit in tough love format!). In fact November is a rather peaceful month, all things considered and you might even get some great news if you are lucky. Until the third week of November there are opportunities there to be seized - so make the most of it! Want to know more? Ask Stellar SAGITTARIUS Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! You have been fretting about money for a long time, but it may not be just about the folding stuff, but a much bigger picture than that. It could equally be self worth and self confidence and what you value and these could all have been 「under the spotlight」. But part of the Pluto transit and of the squares is to see you 「step up to the plate」 and you will have attention - that』s for certain - so just make sure it』s for all the right reasons. Your self-image and your values are undergoing a huge metamorphosis but it you can ride through the period when you might have a sense of lack or shortage, then you can increase your money and personal assets. This will certainly be your goal, but remember that if you』ve been good, Pluto rewards and if you』ve been bad, Pluto will destroy (and that includes placing less emphasis on material things and more on accumulating a different kind of wealth and one that which is intangible and relates to the spirit. You cannot achieve financial stability OR emotional freedom if you constantly fret that you are going to lose it all… During this month』s square, take a deeper look at your attachment to material assets (and the things that you 「value」) because it』s not what you have per se, it』s your need for them, your reliance and dependency and that has a psychological basis. The more you 「let go」, the more you will have. But your outlook IS changing and becoming more spiritual and 「aware」 and the solar eclipse on the 3rd will (over the next year) make you more aware of your inner realities – that is your psychological development and spiritual growth. Neptune moving forward mid month will help with this process and you may even join a self help group or take up meditation or enter therapy. You are seeking a greater understanding of your interactions in the past and how that affects your current (and your future) with an aim to make peace with your own past and restore a sense of harmony and balance for now and into the future. You need to feel centered and secure and to this end you may seek your own personal retreat, a weekender that you can escape to or a home Far from the Madding Crowd. The full moon on 17th will introduce better health practices and improvement to your environment; especially your work environment, but it』s probably more to do with your routines and improving your life. You are consumed with a need to make some significant changes and bring tranquility and calm back into your life (that has felt somewhat chaotic or 「out of synch」 for too long). Some Sags will toss in a job on a whim or some other drastic life changing move in November. It』s very timely therefore that the Sun arrives in your sign in the third week to help you with this annual 「rebirth」 and provide renewed confidence and enthusiasm to help you make a new start or at least rejuvenate. Spend part of November looking back and working out what the next year will hold as you enter your new yearly cycle. It will be a lot easier for you as you are a much greater understanding of where you want to head… Want to know more? Ask Stellar CAPRICORN Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! You』re a bit like Libra in that family is the bête noire. This may be your immediate family or your extended family or someone who has 「become」 family. Still this is the area where all the changes are taking place and it』s in transition, or if you like in a state of unrest. As I mentioned in the weekly scopes (30th Oct) this is because YOU are changing, you have Pluto dredging through your sign and roto-rooting your very foundations, which of course is going to be disruptive. But you are changing your whole being (as in your self image) and your personality is changing by degrees. You will not act, look or sound like the same person by the time the squares and the Pluto transit are over. Fact. But the underlying message is for you to comprehend how and where other people are pulling your strings; and for you to cut that cord. You are not a puppet in a Punch and Judy show; you are in the process of taking back control of your own life, which of course is no easy (or overnight) process. Plus your earlier conditioning has a lot to do with how easily - or not - you can effect this transformation and liberation. This is nothing short of a personal revolution and you may have to 「fall on your knees」 before you take back your power and stand on your own two feet and be fully in control of your own destiny. The solar eclipse on the 3rd will also be part of this process, as you 「cull」 your friends over the next year and work out which groups will foster your aims and help you to realize your longer goals. You will be joining with organizations that can help foster your ambitions and these involvements will become increasingly more significant in your life. There does seem to be a humanitarian aspect - perhaps charities or the like – but more directed towards the 「greater good」. Venus enters your sign in the first week for a long stay and that is great news for you although you will get a bit self obsessed. As this is the planet of love, you want a better quality of love and more respect from the people around you. You feel confident and worthy and therefore you want the best for yourself, and if you haven』t got it in a love sense, then you will go and look for it! Venus』 long stay in your sign will work arm-in-arm with Pluto and a number of other planetary bodies to lead you towards an enhanced self appreciation and self belief. Neptune moving forward mid month will assist in your 「bigger picture」 by reinforcing the need to be joined with others of 「like minds」. You are becoming more aware of your environment - your neighborhood, society and the world, and developing a social conscience and humanitarian outlook. You know that you are a product of your society and environment and because of this November may well be the month you decide to make a move in order to gain a better quality of life (and this could be either around the corner or another city or even another country). It will be a romantic month after the 17th as the full moon falls in your house of love, romance and fun although that said; full moons are 「emotional」 so it could be the end of a romance. However as this is a relatively happy house, any breaks up will be something you probably wanted - one way or another - in order to have a more exciting and happy life. It will certainly be party time for most Goats, and dare it say it you will feel less responsible. Let the Genie out of the box and have fun because the mood changes as the month draws to an end and in the last week and well into December you will be in reflective mode. At that time you will be reassessing and reviewing all that has gone before and how that can, or will, impact on your future. The choices you have made (and the consequences of those choices) will be considered and ultimately what you need to let go of will be understood... Want to know more? Ask Stellar AQUARIUS Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! Like Scorpio you need to focus on the connection between your mind and your health – as in, 「you are your thoughts」. So try and keep positive even if Pluto is determined to drag you down into the gloomy depths every so often to make you reconcile with your past emotional issues. Certainly if you have been suppressing anything for a long time, this will come out now and the effects of these squares is in the main, psychological. There is much confusion also as to where you want to go in life, how you make money or if you want to do something 「constructive」 and 「make a difference」. Try not to be too trusting and gullible, but by the same token (the other end of the manifestation) try and be more forgiving and kind, and not so negative in your day-to-day interactions with others. Substitute negative personality characteristics and thoughts with more positive and enlightened ones. Still in the main, your focus now is on both your career and also your reputation in general, in a social and public sense and the solar eclipse in Scorpio on the 3rd will ensure that the latter is a consideration all year long. The two energies tie in together very nicely, and will help you to advance your goals. In fact it』s highly likely that this month (due to some kind of restructuring at work) or a promotion, that you receive some kind of award or prestige appointment. It would be fair to say that November is your 「prime」 year in 2013 and your professional world is really 「opening up」 and your reputation is flawless. Your relationships with VIP』s is improving by the day, but you do have to consider your innate Rebel elements, as this could self sabotage if you let it go too far… Neptune moves forward in your money and self esteem house around mid month, so if it』s been hard for you to get access to money or it has been scarce, watch it start to flow again. You will be weighing up a number of investment opportunities, or career openings (or financial partnerships) mainly with the aim of being freed from the daily grind (the 9-5 number). Financial self-sufficiency is your increasing goal. Around mid month something could come to an end, maybe you say goodbye to a house (as in you sell it) or for some Water Bearers, you toss in your job in order to spend more time with the family (and because you can afford to now!). The common theme all month is asking yourself where you』re going in life, how to get there, if you』re in the right career (i.e. are you happy), or with the right company and so on… This is the month you will find the answer to those questions once and for all - or see your dreams coming true. No matter what you are doing career or lifestyle wise you will end the month happy and optimistic and very, very busy. Work activities are a certainty, but you are also hanging out a lot more with friends, your children (if you have them) and just about anyone who takes your fancy. November is your optimum month to chase your dreams and make your wish list, as the Cosmos is only too keen to deliver. Want to know more? Ask Stellar PISCES Uranus squared Pluto on the first day of the month (the last of the squares for 2013) and this will have a 「roll out」 effect for everyone. This was the fourth of a series of seven and so it』s part of an ongoing message that continues until 2015 until you 「get the message」 and do something about it! 「Run your own life」 is the message and it』s a very similar one to that of Capricorn in that you cannot allow other people to convince you if you are great or terrible - it』s your own call – so say it out loud, 「I AM GREAT!」. That way it will be a lot easier for you to stand up for yourself in the face of any form of intimidation, and when people try to oppress you. In the past they could sense that self-sacrificing element (deep kindness) in you and then go in for the kill. It』s human nature. All month Mars is going to ensure that your emotional state will impact on your decisions, and when that happens it takes away personal choice and assertiveness and replaces it with immobilization. Perhaps you are angry with someone who has done the wrong thing by you, and that is clouding the issue, or you have feelings for them and that what is confusing fact from fiction. You have to guard your own interests and you can only do that by being assertive and objective, not by repressing unexpressed anger and if you are frustrated or feel weighed down for most of the month, it』s because of this! Your destiny is actually to lead the pact, but you have to have the right mindset to pull that one off. You will achieve that as your ambitions and life goals are changing and this is a step-by-step process as you learn from each encounter and each exchange – some happy, some sad. But they are eye opening and you are certainly gaining new insights into yourself and how you fit into your world. The old habits and previous status quo will simply not cut it for you in the future, what you are seeking is changing. The places you go and the people you mix with will be a very different bunch than was previously. Travel, spirituality, religion and education and especially foreigners - and foreign countries - will all play a huge part in this process. The solar eclipse on the 3rd sets this off for the next year. So book that overseas trip and get the ball rolling. If you can』t get away, then sign up for a course or go back to Uni, but in some way you must expand your mind, your thinking and the way you live your life. That will really help you to better understand the issues of right and wrong (something that you have been very vulnerable to as people took advantage of you). You will learn about acceptable moral standards and ethics and all of this will come together to help you structure a blueprint of how to live your life from now on. Your life system is getting a complete overall and will result in an entirely new way of living. Your ruler Neptune, turn direct mid month and this will be the wind beneath your wings. November is a defining month because you are going to get possession of what belongs to you and that could mean rightful recognition - or a well deserved promotion - but you are headed towards greater affluence and greater influence! Around mid month you may have some issue with a relative, most likely a sibling or with a neighbor, and there may be some misunderstanding, so may yourself very clear. The last week of November is stellar and this (and December) are the key months of your calendar year. You are going to get your dues and the results you have been working towards. You may have to adjust to some changing circumstances at work, or in your lifestyle, but whatever adjustments you make in your life and your career now are for the long haul (so chose wisely). Want to know more? Ask Stellar


TAG:占星 | 心靈 | 2013年 | 運勢 | 2013 |