美東景點攻略:紐約帝國大廈(Empire State Building)
前往理由(Reason to go):
1. 帝國大廈白天和夜晚的景色各有不同,白天能鳥瞰藍天白雲下的紐約市,遙望到布魯克林大橋,夜晚則可欣賞華燈初上之良辰美景
2. 帝國大廈為紐約市以至美國最著名的地標和旅遊景點之一,為美國及美洲第4高,世界上第25高的摩天大樓,也是保持世界最高建築地位最久的摩天大樓(1931-1972年)。
3. 帝國大廈被美國土木工程師學會(ASCE)評價為現代世界七大工程奇蹟之一,紐約地標委員會選其為紐約市地標,1986年該建築被認定為美國國家歷史地標。
4. 它是電影拍攝熱門的取景地,如《西雅圖夜未眠》(Sleepless in Seattle)中男女主角的定情之所,電影《金剛》(KingKong)里巨大的猩猩向世人宣布它對金髮女郎不渝愛情的地方,還有《北京遇上西雅圖》里文佳佳與Frank最後重逢的地方。
帝國大廈(Empire State Building),是位於美國紐約州紐約市曼哈頓第五大道350號、西33街與西34街之間的一棟著名摩天大樓,名稱源於紐約州的暱稱──帝國州,故其英文名稱原意為紐約州大廈或者帝國州大廈。樓高381米、103層,於1951年增添的天線高62米,提高其總高度至443米,由Shreeve, Lamb, and Harmon建築公司設計,為裝飾藝術風格建築,大樓於1930年動工,於1931年落成,建造過程僅410日,是世界上罕見的建造速度紀錄。1931年5月1日,帝國大廈正式落成,美國總統赫伯特?胡佛在首都華盛頓特區親自按下電鈕,點亮大廈燈光。
· 在帝國大廈里購買門票往往需要漫長的等待,建議先可以在網上購買,然後列印出來,能節省不少時間。
· 建議帶上外套,即使在夏天,樓頂的溫度與地面溫度相差較大,風也更大
· 進入帝國大廈需要進行安檢,不可以攜帶水瓶、望遠鏡、三腳架、行李箱等物品入內
· 黃昏時分可以從看日景到賞日落,以及紐約市華燈初上的美景。
· 帝國大廈一年四季變幻的彩色燈光。聖誕節,新年和美國獨立日所打燈光皆不相同,每逢中國春節期間的夜晚帝國大廈也會亮起具有中國特色的紅和黃的燈光,美輪美奐。帝國大廈燈塔時間表:Tower Lights
· 跟團、公共交通或自駕前往(由於曼哈頓區內交通擁擠,不建議自駕前往)
1. 旅遊團團隊:隨團參觀門票成人$32,老人(62+)$29,兒童(3-12歲)$26,參觀時間約50分鐘,只可抵達86樓(MainDeck)
2. 自由行散客:帝國大廈門票可以在網上提早訂購,門票種類多,可選擇帝國大廈快速票,又叫VIP票,節省時間,更多遊玩時間,無需現場排隊買票。訂票網址:Observation Deck Tickets
帝國大廈地址:350 5th Ave(between 33rd & 34th Avenues), New York, NY 10118
1. 跟團旅遊巴士,通常紐約市一日游 會包含該景點,遊覽時間約為50-60分鐘,但只可抵達86樓。
2. 公共交通:乘坐地鐵B、D、F、M、N、Q、R線在34th-Herald下車,或乘坐6線在33th Street下車
3. 自駕游:由於紐約曼哈頓交通及停車不方便,不建議自駕游,可選擇跟團或公共交通
紐約帝國大廈(Empire State Building) Q & A
Q1. 美國帝國大廈簡介??是什麼?
A1. 帝國大廈(Empire State Building),是位於美國紐約州紐約市曼哈頓第五大道350號、西33街與西34街之間的一棟著名摩天大樓,名稱源於紐約州的暱稱──帝國州,故其英文名稱原意為紐約州大廈或者帝國州大廈。樓高381米、103層,於1951年增添的天線高62米,提高其總高度至443米,由Shreeve, Lamb, and Harmon建築公司設計,為裝飾藝術風格建築,大樓於1930年動工,於1931年落成,建造過程僅410日,是世界上罕見的建造速度紀錄。1931年5月1日,帝國大廈正式落成,美國總統赫伯特?胡佛在首都華盛頓特區親自按下電鈕,點亮大廈燈光。?
Q2. 帝國大廈的英文簡介?是什麼?
A2. ?The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, on Fifth Avenue between West 33rd and 34th Streets. It has a roof height of 1,250 feet (381 m), and with its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 1,454 feet (443 m) high. Its name is derived from the nickname for New York, the Empire State. It stood as the worlds tallest building for nearly 40 years, from its completion in early 1931 until the topping out of the original World Trade Centers North Tower in late 1970. Following the September 11 attacks in 2001, the Empire State Building was again the tallest building in New York, until One World Trade Center reached a greater height in April 2012. The Empire State Building is currently the fifth-tallest completed skyscraper in the United States and the 29th-tallest in the world. It is also the fifth-tallest freestanding structure in the Americas. When measured by pinnacle height, it is the fourth-tallest building in the United States.The Empire State Building is an American cultural icon. It is designed in the distinctive Art Deco style and has been named as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers. The building and its street floor interior are designated landmarks of the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, and confirmed by the New York City Board of Estimate. It was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1986. In 2007, it was ranked number one on the AIAs List of Americas Favorite Architecture.The building is owned by the Empire State Realty Trust, of which Anthony Malkin serves as Chairman, CEO and President. In 2010, the Empire State Building underwent a $550 million renovation, with $120 million spent to transform the building into a more energy efficient and eco-friendly structure. The Empire State Building is the tallest Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-certified building in the United States, having received a gold LEED rating in September 2011.
Q3. 美國帝國大廈都在什麼電影里出現過??
A3. 美國帝國大廈曾出現在以下電影:-King Kong (1933)?-Love Affair (1939)?-Sleepless in Seattle (1993)?-West Side Story (1961)-The Divide (2011)
-Enchanted (2007)-The 5th Wave-Superman II (1980)-Independence Day (1996)?????-Knowing (2009)-West Side Story (1961)?-Step Up 3D (2010)-The Other Guys (2010)-Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)??-The Time Machine (2002)
-Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010)-北京遇上西雅圖(1)?Q4. 帝國大廈在哪裡??
A4. 帝國大廈位於紐約市?(350 5th Ave(between 33rd & 34th Avenues), New York, NY 10118)?Q5. 紐約帝國大廈多少層?
A5. 紐約帝國大廈有103層?推薦閱讀:
※美西旅遊攻略:聖塔芭芭拉(Santa Barbara)