

Yahoo"s former CEO Scott Thompson caused a stir in the headlines when it was revealed that he lied on his resume, but he isn"t the only one fibbing to get a job.雅虎前CEO斯科特·湯普森由於學歷造假問題上了各大媒體的頭條,掀起了一番亂局。然而,湯普森並不是唯一一個通過撒個小謊而得到工作的人。You should never really lie to your hiring manager because if they found out, it would show bad character. But there are some things about your previous job that you probably shouldn"t tell a recruiter:你的確不應該向招聘經理撒謊,因為一旦被發現,你的人品就會受到質疑。不過,對於你的上一份工作,以下這些話你還是不要告訴招聘經理得好:1.That you had the worst boss in the world that created such a toxic environment that you were sick in your stomach every morning going into work.1.你的上一任老闆真的是世界上最糟的老闆了。他把工作搞得烏煙瘴氣,使得你每天去上班之前都會感到胃痛。2.That a spiteful co-worker sabotaged you.2.你以前的同事總是心懷不軌地陷害你。3.That you did your job right, but due to an idiot co-worker』s incompetence, they bungled a major project that had you as the project manager.3.你辦事乾淨利索,但是一個豬一樣的同事搞砸了一個大項目,而你恰好就是這個項目的項目經理。4.That you were misled about what the job involved and didn』t know it wasn』t a fit until you got in there, and hated it so much that you had to leave.4.你被招聘時的工作描述所誤導了,在你上任之前,你根本不知道要去做的是什麼工作。所以你討厭你的上一份工作,因而辭職不幹。5.That the company wasn』t exactly forthright about the state of their finances and went belly up.5.你的上家財務狀況岌岌可危,就快破產了。


How Hillary Clinton Views Chinese Leadership ( an excerpt from her autobiography 《Hard Choices》)
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