張酉珍1, 蘇光悅3, 夏曉艷1, 趙餘慶2,3 1. 瀋陽藥科大學中藥學院, 遼寧 瀋陽 110016;2. 瀋陽藥科大學 基於靶點的藥物設計與研究教育部重點實驗室, 遼寧 瀋陽 110016;3. 瀋陽藥科大學功能食品與葡萄酒學院, 遼寧 瀋陽 110016 【摘要】達瑪烷型皂苷屬於四環三萜皂苷,是人蔘屬植物人蔘Panax ginseng、三七P. notoginseng、西洋參P. quinquefolium和非人蔘屬植物絞股藍Gynostemma pentaphyllum中的主要成分。目前研究發現,達瑪烷型皂苷具有顯著的調節血糖作用,這就為其開發利用和糖尿病及其併發症的防治提供了科學依據。綜述人蔘、西洋參、三七和絞股藍中達瑪烷型皂苷在降血糖方面的研究進展。 【關鍵詞】達瑪烷型皂苷; 降血糖; 人蔘; 西洋參; 三七; 絞股藍 Research progress in hypoglycemic effect of natural dammarane saponins ZHANG You-zhen1, SU Guang-yue3, XIA Xiao-yan1, ZHAO Yu-qing2,3 1. School of Traditional Chinese Materia Medica, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016, China;2. Key Laboratory of Structure-based Drug Design and Discovery, Ministry of Education, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016, China;3. School of Functional Food and Wine, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016, China 【Abstract】Dammarane saponins, classified as tetracyclic triterpenoid saponins, are major components of Panax ginseng, P. notoginseng, P. quinquefolium, and Gynostemma pentaphyllum. The results of recent research have demonstrated that the dammarane saponins have a significant effect on regulating blood glucose, which provides the important value in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications. In this study, we summarized the progress in the research of hypoglycemic effect of dammarane saponins in ginseng, American ginseng, notoginseng, and gynostemma pentaphyllum, providing theoretical foundation for further researching. 【Keywords】dammarane saponins; hypoglycemic; Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer; P. quinquefolium L.; P. notoginseng (Burk.) F. H. Chen; Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino 收稿日期:2016-03-11