加利福尼亞州(California)有鬱鬱蔥蔥的谷地,也不乏荒無人煙的沙漠,很難一言以蔽之。洛杉磯(LosAngeles)是影視基地。索諾馬(Sonoma)出產葡萄酒。舊金山(San Francisco)以標誌性的紀念碑著稱。聖迭戈(SanDiego)海灘綿延。儘管有這麼多的選擇,你仍然很容易「在這裡發現自己」。
地理:加利福尼亞州從南到北綿延近1,300公里,是美國本土第二大州。加利福尼亞州位於美國西海岸,北接俄勒岡州(Oregon),東鄰內華達州(Nevada)和亞歷桑納州(Arizona),南與墨西哥(Mexico)接壤,西望太平洋(PacificOcean)。從內華達山脈(Sierra Nevada)、中央谷地(Central Valley)到莫哈維沙漠(MojaveDesert),這裡的多樣性景觀不勝枚舉。
高等教育:加利福尼亞州有三大公立高等教育系統:加利福尼亞大學(University ofCalifornia)系統、加利福尼亞州立大學(California StateUniversity)系統和加利福尼亞社區學院系統(California Community CollegeSystem)。加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校(UCBerkeley)創建於1868年,是該州大學系統的第一所學校,頒發近350種本科和研究生學位,以化學、數學和物理學本科課程以及公共政策、商學和法學研究生課程著稱。聖何塞州立大學(SanJoseState)是加利福尼亞州州立大學系統的一部分,也是美國西海岸最早的公立高等教育機構,以商學、工程和護理本科課程以及工程、圖書館學和教育學研究生課程聞名。斯坦福大學(StanfordUniversity)是加利福尼亞州首屈一指的私立大學,創辦於1891年,由七個學院組成,設有本科和研究生課程。斯坦福大學的人文社會科學、工程與技術及物理學課程廣受國際認可。
運動隊:全國籃球協會(National BasketballAssociation)的金州勇士隊(Golden State Warriors)、洛杉磯快船隊(Los AngelesClippers)、洛杉磯湖人隊(Los Angeles Lakers)和薩克拉門多國王隊(SacramentoKings);全國橄欖球聯盟(National Football League)的奧克蘭襲擊者隊(OaklandRaiders)、舊金山49人隊(San Francisco 49ers)和聖迭戈閃電隊(San DiegoChargers);全國冰球聯盟(National Hockey League)的阿納海姆鴨隊(AnaheimDucks)、洛杉磯國王隊(Los Angeles Kings)和聖何塞鯊魚隊(and San JoseSharks);職業棒球大聯盟(Major League Baseball)的洛杉磯阿納海姆天使隊(Los AngelesAngels of Anaheim)、洛杉磯道奇隊(Los Angeles Dodgers)、奧克蘭運動家隊(OaklandAthletics)、聖迭戈教士隊(San Diego Padres)和舊金山巨人隊(San FranciscoGiants)。
加州名人:加利福尼亞州人口居美國之冠,著名人物也不遑多讓。出生在加利福尼亞州的名人有音樂家寶拉·阿布杜(PaulaAbdul)、貝克(Beck)、雪兒(Cher)、史努比狗狗(Snoop Dogg)、菲姬(Fergie)、亞當· 李維(AdamLevine)、格溫·史蒂芬尼(Gwen Stefani)和德瑞博士(Dr. Dre);演員本·阿弗萊克(BenAffleck)、珍妮弗·安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston)、德魯·巴里摩爾(DrewBarrymore)、傑克·布萊克(Jack Black)、喬什·布洛林(Josh Brolin)、卡梅隆·迪亞茲(CameronDiaz)、萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)、克林特·伊斯特伍德(ClintEastwood)、扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)、詹姆斯·弗蘭科(James Franco)、威爾·法瑞爾(WillFerrell)、傑克·吉倫希爾(Jake Gyllenhaal)、吉恩·哈克曼(Gene Hackman)、湯姆·漢克斯(TomHanks)、喬納·希爾(Jonah Hill)、凱特·哈德森(Kate Hudson)、安吉麗娜·朱莉(AngelinaJolie)、艾什莉·賈德(Ashley Judd)、希亞·拉博夫(Shia LaBeouf)、喬治·洛佩茲(GeorgeLopez)、瑪麗蓮·夢露(Marilyn Monroe)、西恩·潘(Sean Penn)、羅伯特·雷德福(RobertRedford)、傑森·斯格勒(Jason Segel)和克里斯汀·斯圖爾特(KristenStewart);運動員奧斯卡·德·拉·霍亞(Oscar De La Hoya)、喬·狄馬喬(JoeDiMaggio)、蘭登·多諾萬(Landon Donovan)、托尼·霍克(Tony Hawk)、馬里昂·瓊斯(MarionJones)、比利·吉恩·金(Billie Jean King)、關穎珊(Michelle Kwan)、麗莎·萊斯利(LisaLeslie)、林書豪(Jeremy Lin)、馬克·麥奎爾(Mark McGwire)、艾利克斯·摩根(AlexMorgan)、馬克·斯皮茲(Mark Spitz)、史蒂芬·斯塔伯格(Stephen Strasburg)、肖恩·懷特(ShaunWhite)、泰德·威廉姆斯(Ted Williams)、維納斯·威廉姆斯(Venus Williams)和泰格·伍茲(TigerWoods);模特提拉·班克斯(Tyra Banks)、克里斯蒂·布林克利(ChristieBrinkley)和克里斯蒂·特林頓(Christy Turlington);攝影師安塞爾·亞當斯(AnselAdams);作家羅伯特·佛斯特(Robert Frost)、傑克·倫敦(Jack London)、約翰·斯坦貝克(JohnSteinbeck)和譚恩美(Amy Tan);出版人威廉·蘭道夫·赫斯特(William RandolphHearst);導演蒂姆·伯頓(Tim Burton)和喬治·盧卡斯(George Lucas);廚師朱麗葉·吉爾德(JuliaChild);蘋果公司共同創始人史蒂夫·沃茲尼亞克(Steve Wozniak);美國第一位女宇航員莎莉·里德(SallyRide)和美國最高法院大法官史蒂芬·布雷耶(Stephen Breyer)。
國際聯繫:加利福尼亞州薩克拉門托與巴勒斯坦領土的伯利恆(Bethlehem, PalestinianTerritories)、摩爾多瓦基希訥烏(Chi?in?u, Moldova)、紐西蘭漢密爾頓(Hamilton, NewZealand)、中國濟南、瑞士利斯塔爾(Liestal, Switzerland)、菲律賓馬尼拉(Manila,Philippines)、日本松山(Matsuyama, Japan)、菲律賓帕賽(Pasay City)、尼加拉瓜東方聖胡安(SanJuan de Oriente, Nicaragua)和韓國龍山(Yongsan-gu, SouthKorea)結為友好城市。
·美國本土的最高點,惠特尼峰(South Korea)和最低點,死亡谷的巴德沃特(Bad Water in DeathValley)都在加利福尼亞州境內。
·加利福尼亞州有全世界最高的樹木許帕里翁紅杉(Hyperion)和全世界最古老的樹木瑪士撒拉樹(Methuselah),還有全世界體積最大的樹木謝爾曼將軍樹(GeneralSherman)。沿著加利福尼亞州的巨樹大道(Avenue of theGiants)駕車行駛,可以看到全世界近60%最高的樹種。
·美國舉行的每八場音樂節中,就有一場在加利福尼亞州,其中包括全世界連續舉辦時間最長的爵士音樂節蒙特瑞爵士音樂節(MontereyJazz Festival)。
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2012/08/20120828135175.html#ixzz2BQ39xXjgCalifornia at a GlanceFind Yourself Here
With lush valleys and barren deserts, California is hard tocapture. Los Angeles is home to films while Sonoma is home to wine.San Francisco boasts iconic monuments while San Diego has thebeaches. But with so many options, it』s easy to 「find yourselfhere.」
Find out more about California atDiscoverAmerica.com.
Capital: Sacramento
Population: California is the most populous U.S. state,with more than 37 million residents.
Geography: The second-largest state in the contiguousUnited States, California spans nearly 1,300 kilometers from northto south. This U.S. West Coast state shares a border with Oregon tothe north, Nevada and Arizona to the east, Mexico to the south andthe Pacific Ocean to the west. Its diverse landscape ranges fromthe Sierra Nevada to the Central Valley to the Mojave Desert.
Higher Education: The state of California operatesthree public higher education systems: the University of California(UC) system, the California State University (CSU) system and theCalifornia Community College System (CCCS). Founded in 1868, UCBerkeley was the first school of the UC system. Offering nearly 350undergraduate and graduate degrees, UC Berkeley is best known forits chemistry, mathematics and physics undergraduate programs andits public policy, business and law graduate programs. Establishedin 1857, San Jose State University, part of the California StateUniversity system, is the oldest public higher educationinstitution on the U.S. West Coast. San Jose State is well knownfor its business, engineering and nursing undergraduate programsand its engineering, library science and education graduateprograms. Stanford University is California』s premier privateinstitution. Founded in 1891, Stanford University is organized intoseven schools offering both undergraduate and graduate programs. Itis internationally recognized for its humanities and socialsciences, engineering and technology and physical sciencesprograms.
Major Industries: California boasts the highesteconomic production among all U.S. states. Its service industryleads the way with health care, law, engineering and entertainmentmaking up the largest portion of the state』s gross product. Interms of gross product, the manufacturing sector is next withelectrical equipment, computer machinery and food processing at thetop of the list. Agricultural outputs such as dairy products,nursery products, grapes, almonds and cattle are also vital to theGolden State』s economy.
Sports Teams: The National Basketball Association』sGolden State Warriors, Los Angeles Clippers, Los Angeles Lakers andSacramento Kings; the National Football League』s Oakland Raiders,San Francisco 49ers and San Diego Chargers; the National HockeyLeague』s Anaheim Ducks, Los Angeles Kings and San Jose Sharks; andMajor League Baseball』s Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Los AngelesDodgers, Oakland Athletics, San Diego Padres and San FranciscoGiants.
Famous Californians: With the largest population in theUnited States, California is bound to have a host of notableindividuals. Musicians Paula Abdul, Beck, Cher, Snoop Dogg, Fergie,Adam Levine, Gwen Stefani and Dr. Dre; actors Ben Affleck, JenniferAniston, Drew Barrymore, Jack Black, Josh Brolin, Cameron Diaz,Leonardo DiCaprio, Clint Eastwood, Zac Efron, James Franco, WillFerrell, Jake Gyllenhaal, Gene Hackman, Tom Hanks, Jonah Hill, KateHudson, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Shia LaBeouf, George Lopez,Marilyn Monroe, Sean Penn, Robert Redford, Jason Segel and KristenStewart; athletes Oscar De La Hoya, Joe DiMaggio, Landon Donovan,Tony Hawk, Marion Jones, Billie Jean King, Michelle Kwan, LisaLeslie, Jeremy Lin, Mark McGwire, Alex Morgan, Mark Spitz, StephenStrasburg, Shaun White, Ted Williams, Venus Williams and TigerWoods; models Tyra Banks, Christie Brinkley and Christy Turlington;photographer Ansel Adams; authors Robert Frost, Jack London, JohnSteinbeck and Amy Tan; publisher William Randolph Hearst; directorsTim Burton and George Lucas; chef Julia Child; Apple co-founderSteve Wozniak; the first American woman in space, Sally Ride; andU.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer were all bornin California.
Pop Culture: The 1967 drama The Graduate,starring Dustin Hoffman; the 1974 noir Chinatown, starringJack Nicholson; the 1995 comedy Clueless, starring AliciaSilverstone; the 1997 mystery drama L.A. Confidential; andthe 2011 silent film The Artist all employed the GoldenState as scenery.
Culinary Specialties: Dubbed the capital of everythingfrom artichokes and avocados to dates and raisins, California has arich agricultural and culinary history. The Cobb salad, invented atHollywood』s Brown Derby restaurant, features crisp romaine lettuce,juicy tomatoes, smoked bacon, strips of boiled chicken, hard boiledeggs, ripe avocado, crumbled blue cheese and a light vinaigrette.San Francisco is also known for its sourdough, a dense, tangybread.
International Connection: Sacramento, California, issister cities with Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories; Chi?in?u,Moldova; Hamilton, New Zealand; Jinan, China; Liestal, Switzerland;Manila, Philippines; Matsuyama, Japan; Pasay City, Philippines; SanJuan de Oriente, Nicaragua; and Yongsan-gu, South Korea.
Fun Facts:
· California claims both the highest (Mount Whitney) and lowest(Bad Water in Death Valley) points in the contiguous UnitedStates.
· California is home to the world』s tallest tree (Hyperion), theworld』s oldest tree (Methuselah) and the world』s largest tree byvolume (General Sherman). In fact, you can see nearly 60 percent ofthe world』s tallest trees driving along California』s Avenue of theGiants.
· One out of every eight music festivals in the United States isheld in California, including the Monterey Jazz Festival, thelongest continuously running jazz festival in the world.
Adventure Idea: Submerge yourself — literally! CatalinaIsland, just off California』s southern coast, boasts exceptionallyclear waters and a variety of marine life. Enterprises likeSEAmagine offer visitors the opportunity to experience this waterywonderland in a personal submarine.