The theme of the new exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art』s Costume Institute is 「China: Through the Looking Glass,」 an exploration of Chinese influence on Western fashion. And as celebrities paraded on the red carpet for the annual Met Gala on Monday evening, Chinese Internet users created their own interpretations of a few of the bolder fashions on display.
今年紐約大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴(Met Gala)的主題是「中國:鏡花水月」(China: Trough the Looking Glass),這是一次對中國國元素如何影響西方時尚潮流的探索展示。正當前來參加Met Gala的各路明星在紅毯上爭芳鬥豔的時候,中國互聯網網民卻對其中一些創意大膽的時裝做出了自己的解釋。Sarah Jessica Parker』s Philip Treacy headdress naturally inspired thoughts of Huanhuan, one of the 2008 Beijing Olympic mascots:
比如,美國影星莎拉·傑西卡·派克(Sarah Jessica Parker)所戴的由菲利普·崔西(Philip Treacy)設計的帽飾,讓人自然而然地聯想起了2008年奧運會時的一款吉祥物:歡歡。 Rihanna』s golden dress by the Chinese designer Guo Pei, and particularly the train, triggered several culinary takes. The most widely rendered was pizza: 歌星蕾哈娜所穿著的由中國時裝設計師郭培設計的金黃色長裙卻讓網民聯想起了幾款食物。其中被最廣泛提起的就是披薩餅。 But her gown was also rendered as a jianbing, the eggy crepe from northern China: 但是,她的裙子也讓有些人想起了煎餅,這是一款加了雞蛋的薄餅,是中國北方的一種食品。推薦閱讀: