
二口複習時該看哪些資料——翻譯考試經驗談(二)[轉](2007-01-20 22:02:11)


分類: 英語&翻譯

請先看一段文字:台灣人權新聞通訊社記者:我要提的問題是環境污染問題。我們知道今天中國是一個非常具有科技基礎的國家,我所知道的現在每天製造的垃圾有17857噸,每人每天要製造1.28公斤,而且現在垃圾排放量以10%上升(原話如此)。我從上海來,上海的水簡直就不能吃了,而且是黃的。我們今天的工業發展得再好,假如連民眾吃的水都有問題的話,總理先生,你的豐功偉業可能就化為烏有了。Q: I have a question on the environmental pollution. I have this idea that no matter what kind of achievements you can score in terms of industrial development, if the water in the cities of the country is no longer suitable for drinking, probably your achievements at the end of the term of office will be compromised.溫家寶:您用極大的勇氣得到了一次發言權,而且你問的問題十分重要。環境污染確實已經成為當前中國發展中的一個重大問題,這個問題至今沒有得到很好的解決。「十五」計劃我們大多數的指標都基本完成了,但是坦率地告訴大家,環境指標沒有完成。Wen: You touched upon a very important issue. It is true that we are now faced with the very serious problem of environmental pollution and this is a major problem plaguing China"s development. Even till this day, we fail to see a proper solution to this problem. Talking about the 10th Five-Year Plan, I can tell you that we have been able to meet the original goals in most of the categories and at the same time to be honest with you, we fail to deliver on the targets concerning environmental protection. 我們多次強調,中國決不能走「先污染、後治理」的老路,要給子孫後代留一片青山綠水。但是必須要採取切實有力的措施。我想至少有四個方面:第一,我們在制定發展目標時,不要只看經濟增長,而要看能源節約和環境保護。因此,這次「十一五」規劃綱要特別提出了兩項目標,就是在今後五年,單位國內生產總值能源消耗要降低20%左右,主要污染物的排放總量要降低10%。We have stressed the importance of taking remedies and measures after polluting the environment on various occasions and we also stressed the importance of leaving verdant mountains and clear water to the future generations in this country. This is not enough in itself. What is important is that we need to take practical and forceful measures to follow up on these goals. I think we need to take measures on the following areas: First, in formulating development goals, we should not only keep our eyes on the economic growth rate alone. We need see more the importance of energy conservation and protection of natural environment.第二,要嚴格執行產業政策,特別是建設項目和企業准入制度。那些污染環境、浪費資源的企業和建設項目,一律不能搞。Second, we must strictly enforce our industrial policies especially in the development of infrastructure and in the approval of market access to enterprises. We must not give the green light to the enterprises and infrastructure projects that waste resources and pollute the environment.第三,要加大對環境污染的專項整治。特別是對水、空氣的污染和土地面源污染,要有計劃、有步驟地進行治理。Third, we need to step up our efforts in carrying out the special environmental and ecological campaign and projects in environmental protection and resource conservation. Particularly, we need to pay attention to the protection of major waters, air and non-point pollution on the land.第四,要嚴格執法,依法保護環境,這是最關鍵的,也是最難的。要依法關閉那些高耗能、高污染的企業,依法追究那些製造污染而給群眾、給社會帶來重大損失的企業和個人的責任。Fourth, we need to enforce the law strictly. To protect the environment according to the law holds the key to the solution of the problem. This is also among the most difficult part of the job. We need to close down the enterprises that waste energy and pollute the environment. We also need to hold those entities, enterprises as well as individuals accountable for the pollution accidents and incidents that pollute the environment and cause major losses to the people and society.我相信,只要我們認真、堅決地執行上述政策、措施,中國環境的狀況會有改變的。如果你年年來採訪的話,你可以觀察,隨時提出你的意見。參加過今年二口的同志應該對上述文字不陌生,其實,今年二口中有一大段就是選自溫總理的回答,最少佔了10分。二口備考時,先看什麼,不少同志都很關心。我推薦先看溫總理四次中外記者招待會(2003——2006)。原因如下:第一,體驗真實的現場翻譯,給各位考生一種直觀的感受,什麼叫做交替傳譯。第二,溫總理的記者會,涉及面相當寬,舉凡內政、外交、經濟、環保,無所不包,翻譯考試能涉及的內容在溫總理的記者會中都能尋到蛛絲馬跡。第三,溫總理的記者會都是外交部翻譯室的優秀譯員,代表了我國口譯界的較高水平,他們的譯文值得我們初學者認真研究。我僅舉一例,在2003年的記者會上,溫總理引用了國民黨元老於右任的《哀歌》:說起台灣,我就很動情,不由地使我想起了一位辛亥革命的老人、國民黨的一位元老於右任在他臨終前寫過的一首哀歌:「葬我於高山上兮,望我大陸。大陸不可見兮,只有痛哭。葬我於高山上兮,望我家鄉。家鄉不可見兮,不能相忘。山蒼蒼,野茫茫。山之上,國有殤。」這是多麼震撼整個中華民族的詩句。擔任翻譯的外交部專家張建敏先生的現場譯文是:When Taiwan is mentioned, lots of feelings well up. I cannot help thinking of the late Mr. Yu Youren, a founding member of Kuomintang and participant in the Revolution of 1911. He wrote a poem to express his grief over national division. He wrote such a poem: Burying me on the highest mountaintop so that I can get a sight of my mainland. Mainland I see none, tears of sorrow cascade. Burying me on the highest mountaintop so that I can get a glimpse of my hometown. Hometown I see none, but lives forever in my mind. The lofty sky is deeply blue, the vast wildness not seen through. Oh, boundless universe, would you hear me and this elegy of the nation. What a touching poem he has written, which strikes a cord on the sentiment of all the Chinese people.你說譯文精彩不精彩?其實,能把這四次記者會的內容都背下來的同志離過關就不遠了。關於其他輔導材料,我推薦以下這些:第一,林超倫的《實戰口譯》,外研社出版,教會我們怎麼記筆記。第二,梅德明的《漢英口譯實踐》、《英漢口譯實踐》、《新漢英口譯實踐》和《新英漢口譯實踐》,前兩本的電子版和MP3到網上下,後兩本的MP3在網上也有,書得買。這四本書的編寫體例很好,內容比較全面,但是有的內容太偏就不必看了。第三,指定教材和真題。指定教材有的內容過時且根本不會考到,只是個參考,但是譯文的評析和講解請認真閱讀,必有收穫。真題一定要看,好好體會,最好的模擬題也不如真題。第四,我國領導人在外國和國際會議上的演講和發言,譬如江主席在哈佛和劍橋的演講,胡主席在APEC上的發言,多介紹我國的光輝歷史和繁榮現狀,中文和譯文都很地道,且絕對politically-correct,是命題者很好的參考資料,自然也是我們應該看的。06年口譯實踐中考了我國幾大發明的英譯,其實在江主席的演講中提過數了,看多了就熟了。




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