(原創 美國)特朗普威脅取消來自美國的援助:「我們正關注著聯合國的那些投票」
本帖最後由 達tothe洋 於 2017-12-22 13:16 編輯Trump Threatens to End American Aid: 『We』re Watching Those Votes』 at the U.N.特朗普威脅取消來自美國的援助:「我們正關注著聯合國的那些投票」 WASHINGTON — President Trump issued a threat on Wednesday to cut off American aid to any country that votes for a resolution at the United Nations condemning his recent decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.華盛頓----特朗普總統在周三威脅要切斷任何一個投票支持聯合國決議的國家的經濟援助。該決議譴責了他最近做出的承認耶路撒冷為以色列首都的決定。Mr. Trump』s statement, delivered at a cabinet meeting in which he exulted over the passage of a tax overhaul, followed a letter to General Assembly members from the American ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki R. Haley, in which she warned that the United States would take note of countries that voted in favor of the measure.特朗普在一次內閣會議上傳達了這份聲明。在這次會議上他為稅收改革法案的通過而欣喜若狂。之後他同意將美國駐聯合國代表尼基哈莉起草的一封信通過美國大使移交到聯合國成員國官員手中。哈莉在信中警告聯合國成員們,美國將會記住那些在聯合國投票贊成該項決議的國家。「All of these nations that take our money and then they vote against us at the Security Council or they vote against us, potentially, at the Assembly, they take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us,」 Mr. Trump said.「Well, we』re watching those votes,」 he added. 「Let them vote against us; we』ll save a lot. We don』t care.」「所有的這些國家拿著我們的錢,然後在安理會或者在聯合國大會上投票反對我們。他們拿了我們數億甚至數十億的美元,卻在投票上反對我們。」特朗普說道。「好的,我們會觀察這些投票,」他補充道。「讓他們投票反對我們吧;這會讓我們省下很多錢。我們並不在乎。」It is difficult to see how Mr. Trump can make good on that threat because it could involve cutting off financial assistance to the country』s most strategic allies in the Middle East. Some of those programs, like Egypt』s, are congressionally mandated. While the president can hold up aid unilaterally as a form of leverage, canceling it would require new legislation.我們很難看出特朗普將如何兌現自己的這一威脅,因為這可能包括了切斷美國對自己在中東一些最具戰略意義的盟友的財政援助。其中一些包括像對埃及的援助是由國會授權的。儘管總統可以單方面將取消援助作為一種談判手段,但是真的要取消這些援助將需要新的立法。Still, the bitter confrontation at the United Nations shows the lingering repercussions of Mr. Trump』s decision to recognize Jerusalem, which defied world opinion and upended decades of American policy. While the decision has not unleashed the violence in the Arab capitals that some had feared, it has left the United States diplomatically isolated.不過發生在聯合國的激烈對抗表明,特朗普承認耶路撒冷為以色列首都的決定產生的影響依然揮之不去,這一決定違背了世界的觀點,也顛覆了美國數十年來的政策方針。儘管這一決定目前並未引發一些人們所擔憂的阿拉伯世界的暴力事件,但是它在一定程度上已經讓美國在外交上處於孤立的狀態。The General Assembly is scheduled to vote Thursday on a resolution that would express 「deep regret at recent decisions concerning the status of Jerusalem,」 according to a draft text. It would urge other countries not to move their embassies there from Tel Aviv.聯合國大會周四將對一項決議進行了表決,該決議傳遞了「對於美國做出的關於承認耶路撒冷地位的決定深感遺憾」的信息。並督促其他國家不要將自己的駐以色列大使館從特拉維夫搬到耶路撒冷去。Mr. Trump announced this month that the United States would relocate its embassy to Jerusalem, though State Department officials said a move was several years away because of the logistics of constructing a new embassy complex.特朗普與本月宣布,美國將把駐以色列大使館遷往耶路撒冷。不過,據美國國務院一位官員表示,由於建設新使館所需要的後勤保障,美國大使館要在幾年後才能搬到耶路撒冷。In Ms. Haley』s letter, a copy of which was seen by The New York Times, she said, 「As you consider your vote, I want you to know that the president and U.S. take this vote personally.」「To be clear,」 she wrote, 「we are not asking that other countries move their embassies to Jerusalem, though we think it would be appropriate. We are simply asking that you acknowledge the historical friendship, partnership and support we have extended and respect our decision about our own embassy.」In a Twitter post on Tuesday, Ms. Haley said of the vote in the General Assembly, 「the US will be taking names.」紐約時報拿到了一封海莉的信件的副本,她在上面寫到:「請你謹慎考慮自己的投票,我想讓你知道美國總統和美國會對你的投票非常上心。」「需要明確的是,」她寫到,「我們並不要求其他國家把自己的大使館搬到耶路撒冷,儘管我們認為這才是適當的舉措。我們只是單純地要求你們回報我們之間的歷史友誼,夥伴關係和支持,並尊重我們對自己的大使館所作出的決定。」在周二的一條推特上,海莉提及了這次聯合國大會的投票,「美國會記下投票人的名字。」On Monday, the United States used a rare veto to block a resolution in the Security Council calling for the administration to reverse its decision on Jerusalem. The vote on the resolution, which was drafted by Egypt, was 14 to 1, suggesting there could be a similarly wide margin against the United States in the 193-member General Assembly.周一,美國罕見地否決了安理會的一項決議,該決議要求美國政府撤銷對耶路撒冷的決定。由埃及起草的這項決議的投票結果為14:1,這表明在集合了193個成員國的聯合國大會上,對於美國這一決定的反對將會獲得類似的投票比例。Canada, the Czech Republic and Hungary might abstain from the vote, according to diplomats. Days after the United States, the Czech Republic recognized West Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, though it said it would not move its embassy before negotiating with countries in the region.加拿大、捷克共和國以及匈牙利很可能會在這次投票中棄權。在美國做出決定之後的幾天後,捷克共和國也跟著承認耶路撒冷為以色列首都,但是該國表示不會在該地區的國家們談判之前將自己的大使館遷到那裡。Egypt received $77.4 billion in foreign aid from the United States from 1948 to 2016, according to the Congressional Research Service, including about $1.3 billion in annual military aid.Yemen and Turkey are sponsoring the General Assembly resolution, which underlines the problem Mr. Trump would face in retaliating for an anti-American vote. Yemen, which is torn by civil war, receives humanitarian aid from the United States, while Turkey is a North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally.根據國會研究機構提供的數據表明,從1948年到2016年,埃及從美國獲得了774億美元的來自美國的外國援助,其中還包括了每年約13億每年的軍事援助。葉門和土耳其也都在支持著聯合國大會的決議,這也凸顯了特朗普報復反美投票時將面臨的一個問題。被內戰撕裂的葉門也接受了來自美國的人道主義援助,而土耳其則是美國在北約中的盟友。On Wednesday, Mr. Trump struck a familiar tone, declaring that 「people are tired of the United States — people that live here, our great citizens that love this country — they』re tired of this country being taken advantage of, and we』re not going to be taken advantage of any longer.」Derek H. Chollet, who served in the Obama administration, said: 「This is an empty threat. Some of the countries Trump professes to be most admiring of would be caught in the cross-hairs of this.」周三時,特朗普用他那人們熟悉的語氣發表講話:「美國人民已經厭倦了,住在這裡的、熱愛著這個國家的偉大公民們已經厭倦了這個國家被他人利用,我們不會再被利用了。」曾在奧巴馬政府任職的德里克橋列特表示:「這是一個空洞的威脅。對象是一些特朗普聲稱的他最讚賞的國家。」President Barack Obama withheld Harpoon missiles and F-16 fighter jetsfrom Egypt in 2013 after the country』s army ousted President Mohamed Morsi. But Mr. Obama did not try to kill the overall aid program, even though some officials argued that the army』s action constituted a coup, grounds for cutting off the aid. In 2015, he reinstated the aid.2013年,埃及軍閥驅逐了總統穆哈穆德穆爾西之後,美國總統就取消了將F16戰機和AGM-64導彈援助給埃及。但是奧巴馬並沒有試圖去扼殺整個援助計劃。儘管美國一些官員認為,埃及軍方發動的這場政變可以作為美國切斷對其援助的理由。在2015年時候,奧巴馬再次恢復了對埃及的援助。「The idea that you can use foreign assistance as a lever to influence the behavior of countries is not a not new one,」 Mr. Chollet said. 「But this is bluster that other countries will see right through.」「你可以利用外國援助作為一個桿杠來影響其他國家的行為,這並不是什麼新鮮事。」橋列特表示,「但是其他國家可以很輕易地看穿這樣空洞的恐嚇。」Mr. Trump has threatened to hold up aid to Pakistan if it does not cooperate more with the United States on counterterrorism operations. During the 2016 presidential election, he warned that the United States might pull out of NATO because it shouldered an unfair burden in paying for the alliance.特朗普曾今威脅巴基斯坦如果其不與美國在反恐行動上進行更多的合作,他將停止對巴基斯坦的援助。在2016年總統大選時候,他也曾警告說美國將很可能會退出北約,因為它承擔了太多的北約費用,這是不公平的。It was also not the first time that Ms. Haley has used this language at the United Nations. Soon after taking her post, she said, 「You』re going to see a change in the way we do business.」 The United States, she said, would back its allies and expected their backing in return. 「For those who don』t have our back,」 she added, 「we』re taking names.」而這也同樣不是哈莉第一次在聯合國使用這樣的語言。在她發表自己的推特不久後,她說到:「你們會看到我們做生意的方式將發生變化,美國將支持著自己的盟友,但同樣期待得到他們的支持。對於那些沒有支持我們的人,」她補充到,「我們會記下他們的名字。」At the cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Mr. Trump praised Ms. Haley, saying, 「That was the right message that you and I agreed to be sent yesterday.」But the deepening dispute over Jerusalem casts an even longer shadow over Mr. Trump』s hopes to broker a peace accord between Israel and the Palestinians.在周三的內閣會議上,特朗普讚揚了哈莉,他表示:「你昨天發表的推特傳達了正確的信息,我很贊同你在昨天發了這麼一條推文。」但是,圍繞在耶路撒冷問題上不斷加深的爭論,給特朗普希望促成以色列和巴勒斯坦達成和平協議的希望蒙上了一層陰影。評論部分The Sanity Cruzer Santa Cruz, CA 1 day agoSo, it"s Trump and "his America" against the rest of the world? Add my name to the "rest of the world".所以說,這是特朗普和「他的美國」VS其餘的整個世界?請把我的名字加到其餘的整個世界裡去。arusso OR 1 day agoThe general assembly should stick their thumb in America"s eye. We are no longer the nation we once were and are not deserving of international respect.聯合國成員們應該把他們的拇指插到美國的眼睛裡去。我們不再是曾今的美國了,我們不值得受到國際社會的尊重。Scott Detroit, Michigan. USA 1 day agoHow extraordinary to watch the U.S. essentially blackmail other countries out in the open. This is especially galling with respect a UN vote, which exists in part to prevent larger countries from bullying others.看著美國這樣光明正大地敲詐其他國家實在是太不尋常了。這讓聯合國的投票顯得如此的難堪。畢竟聯合國存在的理由就是為了防止大國們欺負其他國家。bpd st louis 1 day agoHow long are we U.S. citizens going to have to suffer the indignities that this president is presenting to the world? He continues to be an embarrassment to us on an hourly, daily and weekly basis. He doesn"t know shame. No one bows to him except the alt-right, his only loyal constituency. How long must we suffer with this presidency?我們美國公民忍受總統在世界面前讓為美國受盡屈辱,這種事情我們還需要忍受多久?他每時,每天,每周都在持續地讓我們難堪。他完全不知羞恥,沒有人會向他鞠躬,除了他唯一忠實的支持者--右翼。我們還必須在這個總統任期內忍受多久?Livin the Dream Cincinnati 1 day agoAll Trump can think to do is threaten people and countries that do not absolutely agree with him. What childish behavior.特朗普能想到的唯一的應對方式,就是去威脅那麼不完全同意他的人和國家。真是一些幼稚的行為。Fla Joe South Florida 1 day agoDoes he ever get tired of threats? Cut off trade? Cut off communications? Cut off travel? It never stops.The veto at the UN is not enough? He says every country must act in its own interest - when they do he"ll punish them.It will take generation to undo the damage of Trump and his band of clowns.他什麼時候才能厭倦威脅別人?切斷貿易?切斷交流?切斷旅行?這永遠都不會停止。來自聯合國的否決還不夠嗎?他說每個國家都必須按照自己的利益行事--但是如果別的國家真的這麼做時,他就會懲罰他們。想要修復特朗普和他的那群小丑所造成的破壞需要一代人的時間。fduchene Columbus, Oh 1 day agoThat"s the way to convince nations that you are right, threaten them. The cave man style of diplomacy - hit them over the head to get your way.這可真是一個說服其他國家的好辦法,威脅他們。穴居人的外交風格----狠狠地砸他們的腦袋已達到自己的目的。